
Friday, April 28, 2017


Happy One Million Views!
Today is Friday, April 28th, 2017.

Before we start our celebration, lets begin with the news.

Did you miss yesterday's update? Click the image above!

The New Item of the Day is a Chicken Beak...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 650 gems. I LOVE this item! So Jamaasian!

In the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you can buy...

A Sunflower Lamp for 350 gems!

The New Underwater Items are an Aquatic Table and Diamond Tiara...

You can buy these in the Underwater Diamond Shops for 2 and 3 Diamonds.

In the Diamond Shop above water, you can purchase...

A Golden Nest for 2 Diamonds!

Also, in the Secret Shop in the Epic Den's List...

You can buy a nonmember small nest for the next two weeks...

Be sure to pick up yours for 400 gems. I love this item!

The New Video of the Day is "Meet a Fennec Fox"...
You can watch this video now in the Wild Explorers Tent.
I REALLY think FENNEC FOXES are coming, we will discuss more in the Mystery of the Week next Thursday.

Well, the Animal Jam Sky Blog has reached ONE MILLION VIEWS. In celebration, I wanted to look back at all of the Pageview Celebrations. Here are all of the pageview celebrations over the years. Enjoy clicking through past posts, and you may discover things you never have seen before!

1,000 Views - Jam Session Party
2,000 Views - Mystery of the Week, Party
3,000 Views - Greely Art
4,000 Views - Diamond Shop Video, Cartoon Contest
5,000 Views - Phantom Coloring Page, Sky Mascot
6,000 Views - Father's Day Coloring Page
7,000 Views - Icon Graphics
8,000 Views - Return of the Phantoms Party
9,000 Views - Freedom Party Video
10,000 Views - Octopus Graphics, Polls, Background, Liza Contest
15,000 Views - Scooter's Birthday Party, Skymail Episode
20,000 Views - Backgrounds, Graphics, Polls, Cosmo Plant Party
25,000 Views - Raccoons Only Party
30,000 Views - Tiger Graphics, Jammer of the Month, 15 Followers Contest
40,000 Views - Beta Tab, Den Designer Segment, AJ Birthday Party
50,000 Views - Slideshow of Uncommon Things, Graphics
60,000 Views - Blu the Monkey, Background, Graphics
70,000 Views - Journey of the Wolves 2 Sign-Ups
80,000 Views - Scooter's Jamaaliday Jam Party
90,000 Views - Exclusive look at Greely the Alpha
100,000 Views - New Segment, Graphics, 3rd Best Dressed Contest
150,000 Views - Party Planner Contest
200,000 Views - Bird's Only Party, Sky Scenes Episode
300,000 Views - Summer Carnival Party, Spread the Word Movement
900,000 Views - Blu the Monkey Returns
950,000 Views - Party Guide, Slogan Contest, Skymail

That is a lot to celebrate a lot! Thanks for supporting the Animal Jam Sky Blog over the years!

Sky News

Jammers, you do not realize what you have done.
You have made me the happiest jammer alive!
This will go down as one of the best days of my life.

Thank you so much for this great opportunity. I am so blessed and happy that the Animal Jam Sky Blog has reached one million pageviews. I know that I definitely could not have done it without you. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for sharing the fun. Thank you for commenting on posts. Thank you for being involved in our little community. Hopefully, every day the Animal Jam Sky Blog will get bigger and bigger so all jammers can enjoy it. I have so many more page ideas, contest ideas, events, and much more fun in the Animal Jam Sky Blog's future. I can't wait to celebrate the next huge milestone, especially with all of you. Keep reading, and keep being pawesome!

One Million Views is a BIG milestone, so to celebrate, as I mentioned before we will have a BIG Fashion Show...

Comment Call: Sign up for the Fashion Show.
Provide Username and Animal Name. Anyone can join!
If you can't comment, you can also send me a Jam-a-gram saying "Yes!" or saying that you want to be in the Fashion Show!

And also a BIG Party TODAY...

I hope you can make it to this great party.

Thank you.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Congrats scooter!!!!! And also the gecko song is a new soundtrack in the diamond shop :)

    I'm so happy for you. You honestly deserve this more than any other blogger. You really put effort into your posts, and you really care about your viewers.

    1. Thank you so much! I will post about the Gecko song tomorrow. Are you going to sign up for the Fashion Show and can you make it to the party?

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. I can make it to the party! But I'm not super sure about the fashion show

    3. Actually that is unfair for all the other animal jam bloggers. They all deserve the views not just this one blog.

      Some blogs are more creative then this one, is all im saying...

    4. Well, we all have our own opinions :)

  2. Congrats Scooter! That's such a big accomplishment. You totally deserve it, your posts are just so amazing!

    1. Thank you! I try my best, but I don't deserve all the congratulations. You, as the readers, are the real reason for the views!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  3. This is amazing Scooter! I'm so glad you have gone so far! This is one of the greatest moments in AJSB history!!! I'm so happy we can share it with you! :) I hope I can make it to the party this time! I just want you to know that we're supporting you, keep blogging and jam on! :)

    1. Thank you so much, 3berrygirl! That is so nice of you, and I am glad we are all sharing the moment together!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  4. OMG NO WAY! NO. WAY. SCOOTER YASSSSSS! I SO PROUD OF YOU! I am going to be entering the fashion show! Username- Bubbub123. Animal Name- DJ Modernartist! LOL XD I LOVE THAT NAME! CONGRATS!!!!

    1. Great, thanks for entering!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  5. Congratulations, Scooter!!! I knew you could do it! This is the best animal jam blog I've ever seen.
    I'll try my best to make it to the party today!
    I am not quite sure I'll enter the fashion show, but good luck to everyone that enters it!

    1. Thank you, Polarkinz! I hope you can make it :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  6. Congratulations Scooter!!!!! *throws confetti everywhere* You totally deserve it! :DD
    What time is the party for Central? 5:00?

    I will enter the fashion show! After I get a look together :D

    1. Yes, it will be 5:00 PM Central Time.
      Great, just tell me when you got your look!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. I should be able to make it sense my parents are going out for dinner and when they do that, we have a really small dinner :)

  7. Whoooaaa! That's a huge accomplishment, congrats!
    Sadly, I cant make it to the party because it's about midnight for me D:

    P.s I'm currently working on some art for you. I'll post a link to it in a few days :)

    1. Haha, sorry for the time change XD
      I can't wait to see the art!!!!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  8. CONGRATSULATIONS SCOOTER!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I find it so fascinating that you remember all of your pageview celebrations:D

    I might be able to make it to the party. Or I may not! If not I hope you have fun and my fashion show entry will be coming soon:)

  9. For the Fashionshow:
    Username- Violet86271
    Animal: Arctic Fox(Mister Wonky Buddy)

    1. Thanks for entering! I hope you can make it to the party!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  10. one question, wat would u do if suddenley u lost all ur viewers and everbody stopped comenting and viewing? would u quit?

    1. Haha, probably. This blog is here for the viewers and readers of Jamaa. If no one reads it or uses it, then I would probably quit. Wouldn't you?

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Never give up if that would happen!

  11. Sorry I can't make it we have last minute plans for dinner but the only thing I can't go to is the fashion show

  12. Ok so I'm not too springy, but I'm grumpycat1848 with Happy Articice.

    1. Thanks for entering!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  13. I enter my horse Snowflake Leafylily :D

  14. I can't enter as I've been hacked and AJHQ isn't willing to return my items.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that! How'd you get hacked?!

  15. Hi plz visit my YouTube channel it's called lizzy cora I know I only have one vid put please subscribe......


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