
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Spring Fashion Show

Hello Sky Jammers! Today is the last day of April!
Today is Sunday, April 30th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is a Hay Bale...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Furniture Store for 200 gems.

The New Underwater Den Item is...
Aquatic Coral Lanterns for 1 diamond. Looks kind of spooky to me!

The New Underwater Clothing Item is...
Diamond Encrusted Fins for 2 diamonds.

The New Video of the Day is "Malayan Tapir"...
Watch this video in the Brady Barr Theater now.

This Week

Every Sunday, we look back to see what happened this week in Animal Jam's History.

This Week in Jamaa's History...

May 1st, 2014 - "Pet Cheetahs Arrive"

These adorable Pet Cheetahs ran as fast as they could to the Diamond Shop. Jammers could buy and customize their little fur-ball friends!

May 1st, 2014 - "Doorbell Feature Added"

This was a big feature to come to Jamaa. Now jammers can see if anyone is in your den! Before, you never knew if people were in your den, unless you actually went there. Thanks AJHQ!

This Week in the Animal Jam Sky Blog's History...

May 3rd, 2014 - "Zios v.s. Viracocha"

We compared Zios to an Incan legendary god. They almost look exactly the same!
 Click the image above to read the blog post from three years ago.

Sky News

The Spring Fashion Show has officially begun....
Notice I added one more jammer who signed-up but accidentally skipped! There are 10 contestants, and only 1 winner!
Comment Call: Vote one jammer out!

Do you want to be Jammer or Pet of the Month for May?
All you have to do is comment below or Jam-A-Gram me if you want to become one!
Comment Call: Sign-up!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Party + Sale

Hey Jammers! I hope you loved the One Million Views Post yesterday!
Today is Saturday, April 29th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is The Owl Claw...
Purchase this in the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds.

The New Underwater Diamond Item of the Day is...
A Diamond Crown for 3 diamonds.

Also, another New Underwater Diamond Item of the Day is...
An Aquatic Chair for 2 diamonds.

Also, in the Diamond Shop...
You can buy the Gecko Song for 1 Diamond. Everybody loves Geckos!

The New Video of the Day is "What is a Sea Cucumber"...
Watch this video in the Tierney Theater.

Did you know that the Lion Hat and Chicken Hat are both on Sale?

Head over to the Conservation Museum to get these classic items at a cheaper price!

Blu Comic Issue

Blu the Monkey is the Animal jam Sky Blog's Plushie Comic Series. Every Saturday a new Comic Book Issue is released.

The NEW Comic Book Issue is here...

Click the cover above to read the NEW issue now!

Issue #79 - "Jamaa's Past"
Description: Go back in time with Blu to Jamaa's beginning. BLU TRAVELS TO THE BETA DAYS. Meet Liza when she first came to Jamaa, and see what happens next.

Did you like the NEW issue? Comment your thoughts below.

Sky News

The One Million Views Party was a HUGE success yesterday...
Thank you so much for all the jammers who could attend on such short notice. It was so much fun. We took pictures, traded, played games, had a fashion show, shared Blu secret, had a Q&A session, and much more! If you missed it, don't worry there will always be another party!

The Fashion Show BEGINS TOMORROW. Here is a look at our contestants:

Thank you for everyone who wanted to join. I am sad that more jammers didn't join, and I am still not sure why. I thought Fashion Shows were fun! Hopefully, this one will be very fun! Just remember the more the merrier. Come back to tomorrow to start voting!

The Jamaa Journal Archive has been updated...
Click the banner above to see the new issue, and past ones too!

The Clearance Page has been updated....
Click the banner above to see all the items leaving stores soon!

Jammer of the Month and Pet of the Month sign-ups TOMORROW!
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Friday, April 28, 2017


Happy One Million Views!
Today is Friday, April 28th, 2017.

Before we start our celebration, lets begin with the news.

Did you miss yesterday's update? Click the image above!

The New Item of the Day is a Chicken Beak...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 650 gems. I LOVE this item! So Jamaasian!

In the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you can buy...

A Sunflower Lamp for 350 gems!

The New Underwater Items are an Aquatic Table and Diamond Tiara...

You can buy these in the Underwater Diamond Shops for 2 and 3 Diamonds.

In the Diamond Shop above water, you can purchase...

A Golden Nest for 2 Diamonds!

Also, in the Secret Shop in the Epic Den's List...

You can buy a nonmember small nest for the next two weeks...

Be sure to pick up yours for 400 gems. I love this item!

The New Video of the Day is "Meet a Fennec Fox"...
You can watch this video now in the Wild Explorers Tent.
I REALLY think FENNEC FOXES are coming, we will discuss more in the Mystery of the Week next Thursday.

Well, the Animal Jam Sky Blog has reached ONE MILLION VIEWS. In celebration, I wanted to look back at all of the Pageview Celebrations. Here are all of the pageview celebrations over the years. Enjoy clicking through past posts, and you may discover things you never have seen before!

1,000 Views - Jam Session Party
2,000 Views - Mystery of the Week, Party
3,000 Views - Greely Art
4,000 Views - Diamond Shop Video, Cartoon Contest
5,000 Views - Phantom Coloring Page, Sky Mascot
6,000 Views - Father's Day Coloring Page
7,000 Views - Icon Graphics
8,000 Views - Return of the Phantoms Party
9,000 Views - Freedom Party Video
10,000 Views - Octopus Graphics, Polls, Background, Liza Contest
15,000 Views - Scooter's Birthday Party, Skymail Episode
20,000 Views - Backgrounds, Graphics, Polls, Cosmo Plant Party
25,000 Views - Raccoons Only Party
30,000 Views - Tiger Graphics, Jammer of the Month, 15 Followers Contest
40,000 Views - Beta Tab, Den Designer Segment, AJ Birthday Party
50,000 Views - Slideshow of Uncommon Things, Graphics
60,000 Views - Blu the Monkey, Background, Graphics
70,000 Views - Journey of the Wolves 2 Sign-Ups
80,000 Views - Scooter's Jamaaliday Jam Party
90,000 Views - Exclusive look at Greely the Alpha
100,000 Views - New Segment, Graphics, 3rd Best Dressed Contest
150,000 Views - Party Planner Contest
200,000 Views - Bird's Only Party, Sky Scenes Episode
300,000 Views - Summer Carnival Party, Spread the Word Movement
900,000 Views - Blu the Monkey Returns
950,000 Views - Party Guide, Slogan Contest, Skymail

That is a lot to celebrate a lot! Thanks for supporting the Animal Jam Sky Blog over the years!

Sky News

Jammers, you do not realize what you have done.
You have made me the happiest jammer alive!
This will go down as one of the best days of my life.

Thank you so much for this great opportunity. I am so blessed and happy that the Animal Jam Sky Blog has reached one million pageviews. I know that I definitely could not have done it without you. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for sharing the fun. Thank you for commenting on posts. Thank you for being involved in our little community. Hopefully, every day the Animal Jam Sky Blog will get bigger and bigger so all jammers can enjoy it. I have so many more page ideas, contest ideas, events, and much more fun in the Animal Jam Sky Blog's future. I can't wait to celebrate the next huge milestone, especially with all of you. Keep reading, and keep being pawesome!

One Million Views is a BIG milestone, so to celebrate, as I mentioned before we will have a BIG Fashion Show...

Comment Call: Sign up for the Fashion Show.
Provide Username and Animal Name. Anyone can join!
If you can't comment, you can also send me a Jam-a-gram saying "Yes!" or saying that you want to be in the Fashion Show!

And also a BIG Party TODAY...

I hope you can make it to this great party.

Thank you.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Storming the Fortress

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Thursday, April 27th, 2017.

The Update is here! Check out the 1st page:

The NEW Adventure, Storming the Fortress is here. We will finally STOP the PHANTOMS once and for all! Wow, join this awesome mission today.

You can enter in this mysterious portal in the Adventure Base Camp. This will be coming to the Adventure Guide VERY SOON!

2nd Page:
Members now have 1,000 Animal Slots! Yay, now you can buy up to 1,000 animals if you have a membership. Thanks, AJHQ!

3rd Page:

A TWO NEW DIAMOND SHOPS have opened up underwater! Take a look:
One is in Sunken Treasures:

It contains these three Diamond Items:

One is in Bahari Bargains:

Here are the available items. WAIT IS THAT A SPIKE?!?!

Also, Horses have returned with the Horses Only Party:

4th Page:

The Pet Piglets are back in the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds:

Purchase this cute chubby creature today! Also, the Ol' Barn is now available:

I love this classic Spring Den!

5th Page:

Pet Giraffes have been rereleased for ALL JAMMERS:

Yes, now nonmembers can have this tall tiny pet!
Also, as a reminder, Masterpieces are now for all dens!

6th Page:

The National Geographic Bee is currently going on!
Gain knowledge through the Temple of Trivia in the Lost Temple of Zios!

7th Page:

We have heard from the Alphas! They are going to discover a Heartstone of a new animal that will be coming to Jamaa soon. What type of Animal do you think it will be?
We know that it will be some sort of animal in the DOG FAMILY because that what Canidae means.
I believe it will either be a COYOTE, FENNEC FOX, or JACKAL!

8th Page:
The Final page is an advertisement for a Deluxe Stationery Animal Jam Set.

The New Item of the Day is the Lion Claw...

Purchase this in the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds.

Sky News

(Regardless of the pageview count, we will be celebrating one million views tomorrow.)
Be sure to check back right here tomorrow to celebrate, sign-up for the fashion show, see party details, and much more!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!