Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Big Announcement

Hi Jammers.
Today is Sunday, July 23rd, 2017.

You chose an important day to visit the Animal Jam Sky Blog. Many of you have heard about a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on July 23rd. It has been advertised around the Animal Jam Sky for weeks. Many of you have been trying to get out of me what it was about.Well, it is July 23rd, and it is unfortunately time to reveal the big announcement.

This is going to be unbelievably difficult for all of us; however, it must be done. It must.

I have decided to leave the Animal Jam Sky Blog.

You have heard it here first, everyone. Scooter is quitting. I am so sorry.

I know what you are thinking: "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Some of you are probably thinking: "WHY?!"
And some of you are also thinking: "Seriously, Scooter is leaving the Animal Jam Sky Blog. AGAIN!"

Wow, this is harder than I thought it would be. It is sad for all of us, including me.

Maybe many of you have noticed that I haven't been as involved with the Sky Blog as I usually am, such as not updating pages as much and using special posts as fillers for daily posts. Yes, I am leaving the Animal Jam Sky Blog and Animal Jam. The Animal Jam Sky Blog will be shut down. It will still exist, but no new content will be added. I know a lot of you will be upset at hearing this news, while others might not care at all. A lot of you out there probably want to know why I have made this decision. Don't worry, you will all find out, just not yet.

In the midst of all this bad news, there is some good news! The good news is, before I leave, I have decided to make this week my last week of posting. It will be called "Scooter's Last Week"...
Check out the schedule above to find out what the posts will be about. Tomorrow, specifically will be about my favorites things and unused ideas of the Animal Jam Sky Blog.

Tuesday, we will find out how the Animal Jam Sky Blog grew to become successful, and a few tips for your own blog.

Wednesday will be Blu the Monkey day! We will celebrate the Animal Jam Sky Blog's mascot, and I will release Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION Issues #11 - #29.

On Thursday, the Animal Jam Sky Blog will have its last post. This will where I will explain more in-depth why I have decided to quit Animal Jam and the Animal Jam Sky Blog after all of these years. It will also reveal if I am leaving temporarily or forever.

I love all of you very, very much.
Thank you for the support and love. I need it right now ^-^

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Well, you shall be missed ;3; I found this blog a couple of months ago and this really helped me keep up to date with what was happening on AJ and keep me entertained by the fun events/ comic series that you also posted about, I enjoyed visiting this page everyday and thanks for posting on the daily. Hope you all the best 2 come! <3

    1. Thanks so much, Candy Whiskers! I am glad I could keep you updated everyday :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. Aw nooooooooo! I was here the first time, and now the second:'( I'm very sad to see you go again Scooter. I will miss you very much. Thanks for making the sky blog one of my favourite blogs again. Please come by and visit the blogs and Jamaa sometime. Well I guess this isn't entirely goodbye till Thursday. I had a feeling this would happen. I knew itXD And once again thank you and come by a Jamaa to visit once in awhile.

    1. Violet, you have been one of the Animal Jam Sky Blog's most loyal followers. Thank you for being there through everything ^-^

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  3. Wow.... I don't know what to say... you inspired me a lot during December, always know that. I hope there will be some way we can talk. I honestly don't have words...

    1. Thank you, Gfox! I am so glad you were a part of the Animal Jam Sky Blog. Remember I will still post until Thursday! It will Scooter's Celebration Last Week!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  4. I have no words to describe how I am feeling but you need to do what is best for you, you should have a question and answer day, or you should make a video/ live stream to do the q&a. It has been nice being apart of this blog, thank you so much for everything you have done in this blog.

    1. Thanks for the understanding! You know, I think I will do a Final Q&A! Thanks for the idea, I will post about it tomorrow!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  5. I am so shocked and sad. I cried the first time you left, but now I'm sure you aren't coming back. I understand your'e getting older. I will miss checking this blog everyday.

    1. Sorry to let you down! Thanks for checking in everyday. Never say never ;)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  6. Scooter.. I am sorry you are leaving. I was so happy that you returned to blogging, but I understand if you would like to quit it and quit Animal Jam. We will all miss you. :(

    1. Thanks, and I will miss you all too. I will try to keep in touch, but remember I am still posting until Thursday!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( I will miss u a lot. I met a turtle named scooter recently. U really helped me to know what is going on when I'm not playing.

    1. Haha, I am glad that I could help you out! Thanks for being a part of the Sky Community, grumpycat1848!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  8. Awww, I will certainly miss the blog a lot! I am glad you are doing a last post weekend! Have you considered asking people to run the blog for you?

    1. Thank you, Cheshire! I have considered authors for the Animal Jam Sky Blog, but it is something that I started, and something I wanted to finish. Sorry if that seems kind of selfish :) I have confidence that the new authors would do a great job, but I think it is time for the Animal Jam Sky Blog to end.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  9. I will miss this blog so much.. :c

    Honestly though.. I understand why you are quitting, someday we will all quit because we will grow out of this game.. I will just miss you so much.
    Are you quitting both AJ and this blog??

    Have a good life Scooter :) (Ik this is the lasat week u r posting)

    1. Thank you so much for understanding. I am currently quitting both, but I will try my best to keep in touch. I will miss all of you so much, and I will explain more things on Thursday.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  10. Also what made this blog stand out was................................................

    That you never did anything funny every post was the same
    in other blogs, ppl post about things ppl diddn't know

    1. I am sorry you feel that way. I tried to make the Animal Jam Sky Blog unique with different segments every day about new information, mysteries, contests, fashion shows, new pages, and much more updated content. :)

      --Scooter (chocoalte4050)

    2. His blog is very unique,
      Every blog is unique because every single blogger is unique, everyone's style is different

  11. Scooter, I will miss you when you quit. I have been reading this blog for months. I wish you best of luck in the future.

    1. Thanks so much, Biggulps! I will miss you too!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  12. I will miss this blog a lot, I hope you feel better.
    Goodbye Scooter, good luck

    1. Thanks, Moonclaw32!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  13. Scooter, theres a little something on my blog for you! If you could check it out that would make my day:)

    1. I loved it! Thanks SO much, Violet! I don't know what to say, I am speechless :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Your Welcome Scooter! I'm glad you liked it:)

  14. why are u leaving???? :(

    1. There are many reasons why I am leaving, which I will explain in full on this Thursday.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  15. Oh no! I'm so sorry! I understand how it is, it is your choice. I remember when you first quit, that was probably the saddest i have ever been in a while. This time I understand more. Will you still continue live action Blu? I also want you know that you have been more then helpful during the years, you were different then the other blogs out there, God bless you!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words, 3BerryGirl. I appreciate it! On Blu the Monkey Day this Wednesday, I will release Issue #11 - Issue #29 of Blu the Monkey: Live Action. Sadly, that is all the issues I could create in time. Thanks for understanding, and sticking with the Animal Jam Sky Blog through the thick and thin!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  16. I can not express my gratitude for what ur blog has brought to me since 2013 when I first found out about it. You'll be deeply missed😞.

    1. Thank you, Fish301. I will miss you and everyone else very much. We will keep in touch though!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  17. Wha...? :( Scooter, I will miss your great blog. When you first shut down AJSB I wrote "8/8/14" on my CPU cabinet and I visited this blog every year on that date. Time to add this day next to it...

    - mythicalspiritwolf1


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