Greetings Jammers!
Today is Monday, July 3rd, 2017.
The Rare Item Monday is a Rare Seashell Bracelet...
Buy this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 750 gems.
Looks: *** (3/5 Stars)
Price: **** (4/5 Stars)
Jamaasian: *** (3.5/5 Stars)
Overall, not a bad RIM, but I think the colors could be a bit better.
Overall, not a bad RIM, but I think the colors could be a bit better.
The New Item of the Day is Giant Moose Antlers...
Purchase this for 2 Diamonds in the Diamond Shop.

The colors for this giant item are seen above. I love this item!
Also, in the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you can pick up...

The Bean Bag Toss game for 400 gems.
The New Video of the Day is "Amazing Animals - Secretary Bird"...
Watch this video now in the Sarepia Theater.
Each week a new Masterpiece is made Masterpiece of the Week.
The Masterpiece of the Week is from er14475...
Thanks for drawing this great picture of a wolf looking to the stars. Your Masterpiece has been added to the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog and will be displayed on the side column all week long.
Have a Masterpiece you want to show off? Comment your username below.
Every Monday, a new item in analyzed under the Item Spotlight.
The Item Spotlight shines on the Bubble-Tron 5000...
The Bubble-Tron is a Monthly Membership Gift item in November of 2011 that has never been released to stores. This item has been seen various places, such as the Jamaa Journal above. It is a machine contraption that creates bubbles using various gears, knobs, and spouts. There are eight original colors: red, orange/grey, pink, pink/grey, green/orange, blue/green, orange, and white/blue. Rare versions also exist, such as the one seen here:
Other than that there are ultra-rare glitched magenta versions, and one unreleased dark green Bubble-Tron 5000. The Bubble-Tron 5000 is possibly the rarest underwater item to ever exist in Jamaa, so if you have one be sure to keep it or make a wise trade. It is certainly hard to get your paws on one of these.
Rarity: ***** (5/5 Stars)
Status: Underwater, member
Rare Tag: Yes
Popularity: **** (4.5/5 Stars)
Do you know an item you want to learn more about? Comment it below!
Today is the last day to sign up for the Pet Fashion Show...
All you need to do is comment, jam-a-gram, or email me your username and pets name. Thanks for entering! The Fashion Show will start this Wednesday (I know it says Tuesday above).
Twists and Turns has been added to the Adventure Guide...
Click the banner above to start reading about this adventure.
**Reminder: No Posts on TUESDAYS or THURSDAYS
I will not be posting tomorrow, so I want to wish all of you a very happy and safe Fourth of July. Spend time with family and friends with good food and fireworks. Celebrate independence if you are in the United States.
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!
I have been playing AJ scince march 2011 and i got one and also i gave up my spiked collar (i think either black or red) because it "wasn't girly enough" but I got the bubble tron and kept it because
ReplyDelete1) it was pink
2)My birthday is nov.4th so it was basically a birthday gift.
I was so weird back in 2011. I should have known purple and blue were meant to be my favorite color.
If I went back to 2011, I might be as rare as Aparri, but I only like items for how they look.
Longest comment i ever wrote lol!
I have too many nicknames...
AAA MY BDAY IS NOV 4 TOO!!!!!! Ok then.
Omg thats awesome if lizzy is your actual real name/ nickname and we both like grumpy cat we will have so much similarities lol!
DeleteUsername: Nafaria8
ReplyDeletePet name: Ninja Paw (The one with accessories)
Username: Cheetahrawr Pet Name: Springfrost (cheetahrawr)
ReplyDeleteScooter, delete the anonymous comment on your blog. They are pretending to be me.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I have NO idea why someone is pretending to be me. Why are you doing this?
It is ILLEGAL to steal someone's identity! This is concerning me, and I may delete my blog if this doesn't stop. I can't take people doing this. It's getting old.
Whoever is doing this, PLEASE say so.
It didn't seem like you, but I wasn't sure! That is terrible. I know how you feel, it has happened to me many times.
Delete--Scooter (chocolate4050)
Thank you! Finally SOMEONE understands!
DeleteThanks for letting P.uppyorange become pet of the month! I would like to enter Missorange for the fashion show!
ReplyDeleteThat art piece looks very realistic!