Thursday, June 22, 2017

Team Mira VS Team Zios

Happy Update Day!
Today is Thursday, June 22nd, 2017.

The Jamaa Journal is here! Take a look at the first page...

Another Spike Sale is here! Pick up your spikes for limited time:

These are all available in the Diamond Shop for four days! Woah, that is a lot of spikes!!!

The second page is about 1,000 Pets...

Now, EVERY JAMMER can have up to 1,000 pets! THIS IS PAWESOME!
Thank you so much AJHQ!

The third page features Greely's Hideout...

This Alpha's den has returned to the Diamond Shop...

Purchase this now for 7 Diamonds.

The Eggstravaganza is shown on the fourth page...

I am so surprised this is still going on. However, AJHQ is introducing a NEW pet. What do you think it could be? Comment ideas below!


The Call of the Alphas party even features a JOURNEY BOOK PAGE that comes with a special prize. I will post about that prize and new party tomorrow.

The Battle for the Beacon adventure has returned...

Defend Jamaa once again in this great adventure for all jammers. I will have to update our Adventure Guide with this adventure soon.

Arctic Foxes will be traveling on July 6th...

Also, pandas will be returning. These lovable creatures are the perfect animal for all jammers.

New Videos of Sketch Jam have been uploaded...

Check them all out here:

Watch these new videos in the Art Studio today!

Also, there are more masterpiece frames to buy...

I love the Summer Carnival one shown above!

Finally, the last page is an advertisement about Animal Jam Books...

The Call of the Alphas (which is what the new party is based off of) and The Phantoms' Secret are now available. If you buy them, please let me know if they are any good!

The New Item of the Day is a Sandcastle Banquet Table...
Buy this in the Sunken Treasures Diamond Shop for 2 Diamonds.

The New SECRET SHOWROOM Item is an Antique Chair for 750 gems...
Purchase this item hidden in the Greely's Hideout showroom for two weeks only.

Also, check out all the items for Vidcon...

The plushies are my absolute favorite! Who knows, maybe they will be in BLU THE MONKEY! And are those Mira and Zios banners? COOL!
I am still deciding on what team to be on! I love Zios and Snowyclaw (which was inspiration for the Animal Jam Sky Blog), but I also love Mira and WisteriaMoon. Which team is better, jammers?
Comment Call: What team are you on? Team Zios or Team Mira?

Enter the newest contest on the Animal Jam Sky Blog....
Cosmo's Only Party is a contest where you can use your imagination to think of a new party! Draw a picture, make up items, choose the location, and more in this creative contest. Winner wins a prize, so click above to enter now!

Tomorrow: Blu the Monkey Advertisement, Fashion Friday, and more!

Remember to come back right here, later today.
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't know which team. I like both teamaXD

  2. I don't really watch any youtubers, but I think I like Mira better because she is a bird and in the air and blue and stuff. But I really like how zios is themed gold, (but it would probably be more expensive 😧) I don't think I can choose. (Tbh in the end I will probably chooses the one with cheaper den items XD)

  3. My membership expires in 4 days, should I renew it now or wait for the update to see if they have a new membership prize? Anyone know what the membership reward is now?

    1. As of now I am not sure. The update will be released in a few short hours so you could wait and find out :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  4. I'm on team Mira! I think it is very cool how something that is happening in the real world (Vidcon) is carrying over to Jamaa.

  5. I like team Mira and team Zios. (cheetahrawr)

  6. Umm Mira. Cuz it's cool. Also thx for featuring my comment!

  7. mosly mira...(cheetahrawr)

  8. Actually I think I will make my den a combination! Zios on one side Mira on the other, the plushies are super cute, and I think the double spiked colar looks a bit squished together tho! I'm going to try it out on my giraffe.

  9. I hate AJ Memberships with ALL MY HEART.

  10. I decided Team Mira!!! I don't really watch AJ YOUTUBERS but the people on Team Mira I've heard about I like them a bit better than the other team, like out of most them I've seen Snowyclaws videos the most but, she and the other person are like the other people I like. But on Team Mira there is 1 more person that I like soooooooooo TEAM MIRA ALL TH WAY!!!! Yeah, I also like Mira better than zios in general!!!

  11. It is a beautiful and beautiful coin.



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