Friday, June 6, 2014

More Vine Lamps

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Has anyone broke the ice on Mt.Shiveer? Why not grab some seals to try it?
The Jam Mart Furniture Store has another Vine lamp....
That is 3 vine lamps in the store!
I wish the new items were in the Summer Carnival. I want new plushies!
The Brady Theater has soared in with new videos...
Eagles nests can be up to 9ft. wide and 18ft. deep! That is a world record! 
Liza has posted some Jammer Snaps about the returned Humingbirds....
My favorite entry was the Eagle pictured above ^-^ I like the combination of all the photos.

This Friday, which is today, is the Animal Jam Sky Blog's 1st Item Spotlight segment. Enjoy!
 The item we are talking about this week is.... Arctic Hoods.
Arctic Hoods are a beta item sold in the Shiveer Shop of 2010. They are a highly rare item wanted in Jamaa. Arctic Hoods come in 9 chilling colors, unlike most clothing items that come in 8 colors. The ring floating in front of the hood is supposed to be an eyelash, but most jammers consider it as a tattoo.
Rare Version: Yes 
Status: Member
Rarity: ***** (5/5 Stars)
Do you like the item spotlight segment?

In Sky News, we have another jammer voted out....
Comment Call: Vote another Jammer out!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Would you like me to add an Achievements Page?

Attention: Late Post this Sunday! (Going on another family trip)


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Guys! I'm back from vacation, and the new vine items are pretty awesome! Oh, Scooter! Could you make a Jammer of the Month Sky Hall of Fame? Thanks,

    2. Yay, papyjam is back! Also, yes, I will :)


    3. Please check out! I posted a new adventure!
      I vote out Juniper DaisyLilly. And I agree with Papyjam, A jammer of the month hall of fame! ~3berrygirl~

    4. Thank you Scooter! I am actually just going on a 2 week faction tomorrow!
      I am hoping I will be able to bring the family laptop on the way!

  2. Lol sorry I've never been first. I vote out juniper vinelily, Sorry!!! Good job, though!

    1. Juniper would be my second vote out after miss chilly lilly

    2. thx bro, im beastly boss like that.

  3. Dancing Speedywolf


    1. I looked at ur den and its pretty cool

    2. Coolpapa u sent my storage a jam a gram saying YAY UR NON MEMBER ur. Mean XD

    3. I vote dancing out toooo!!!!!!

  4. I vote out miss chilly lily
    And I <3 the Ned item spotlight!
    And aww scooter! If its a late post on Sunday it will take longer to find out what will happen to blu!

    1. Ya, I am sorry, but be sure to hold your excitement for this epic Blu battle conclusion!


  5. 7th!

    Vote out Countess Snowyrose

  6. I vote out Dancing Speedy wolf, sorry


  7. i vote out princess pretty paw sorry

  8. I like the item, though I would prefer the items go in order of AJ history. :P.

  9. juniper vine lily sorry great job though!!

  10. btw i have sent you a gam a gram with a message in.

  11. oppes and i LOVE THE ITEM SPOTLIGHT!!!!!

  12. dancing speedy wolf is my vote out
    (Wow104 if you need user)

  13. mewoooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwmeowwwwwwwwmeowmeowmowmeowmmeeeewwwwww im beastlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  14. I vote out sunny futureseal ---humdinger41

  15. I vote out dancing speedy wolf and yes i would like you to add an achievement page.

  16. Ok im not actually quiting the blog i changed my mind. If it looked like i quit, thats because my computer broke down for 2 weeks.

  17. scooter can you make another party at your den???-bryan1265

  18. Hi? Im camping right now. Im happy i never had wifi connnection at camp before.
    aj has too many lamps. They need to delete one or something. I vote dancing speedy wolf out. Yes make an acivement page!!!

  19. Lalalalalalalalalalalala meet me on aj today at 2:00pm aj time to have a meet with me

  20. Junior daisy lily because she's so blue! Amd I want an achievements page


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