
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wind Amulet

Hello and Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog! I hope everyone will have a great day wearing their brand new Wind Amulets sold in the Diamond Shop...

There is a new video in Sarepia Forest...

The Daily Explorer posted an article hint on the game Eat 'Em Up...

Glitch Corner

This week's glitches all come from the adventures! That must be why they call them "beta."

The two glitches above has happened to me a lot! You can basically walk around and stand on anything like a tree or the polluted river.

The one above is wierd because no matter how close or where you are around the well it wont let you click to get one. There are many more glitches, but I will save them for another day! 

Blog News

  • New Art on the Sky Members Mini Blog
Comment Call: Rate the new Adventure from 1-5(1 the lowest-5 the highest)

Have fun and happy jamming!!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Bubblegum and Fashion

Hello Jammers! Today's new item is an awesome Giant Bubblegum Machine...
I think AJHQ should make more items like these! So cool ^-^ Look what it does when you click it, one comes out. The more you click the more you get, until the sixth one...
...after the sixth one it restarts. Important to notice that it is not the beta Gumball Machine!

Fashion Friday

 Member Idea

Giraffe: 1000 gems                                      
Musketeer Hat: 550 gems                              
Musketeer Boots: 500 gems                           
Dual Samurai Swords: 2,200 gems                  
Snake: 400 gems
Warrior Helmet: 100 gems
Sword: 100 gems
Total: 4850 gems

Nonmember Idea

Bunny: 1000 gems
Rare Nerd Glasses: Rare
Tie: 100 gems
Total: 1100 gems

Blog News

Comment Call: Do you like the new segment "Fashion Fridays"?

That's a lot of blog news today! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wind Armor and 30,000 views

Hi Jammers! Today is update day and the blog has 30,000 views so this will be a really long post full of new stuff and prizes! Here is the very first page...

There is a new statue in the Phoenix Sets Spot, don't worry you can still buy Phoenix armor! The new item is a Wind Helmet and you can't change the color, but it looks amazing!!!

Speaking of the Diamond Shop, the monkeys have left with all of the other clearance items...

And in the next few pages there is some older news....

REPEAT: You have 2 weeks to get Summer Carnival Items!

I love the Jammer Snaps Segments! Speaking of Jammer Snaps the Daily Explorer posted about them...

But wait there is one more page featuring the Outfitters Packs and Sales...

Did you notice that the old map is back in action!
The new one was kind of busy..
And here is the updated Calendar with Gem Ball being times 2 gems...

And there is a new video in the Aquarium...

30,000 Pageviews

I can not even express how happy I am to have that many views! I started in March and now look how far this blog has gone. Thank you to all the visitors, artists, followers, and supporters of the blog! Now here are some prizes:

  1. Tiger Graphics

2. Jammer of the Month

3. Contest
15 followers contest posted on the Contests Tab

I know, I know that was a lot of information! Relax read through it again :) Have fun and happy jamming!!

Stack of Books and Contest

Hiya Jammers! Today's new predicted item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a stack of books that can slowly diminish..


I like how there is a choice on what colors and how many!
The Daily Explorer posted an Epic Den of the Week...
Fauna Vonjoy
Congrats, Fauna Vonjoy!

Rumor Reader

There has not been any new holidays or new parties around Jamaa lately. However there may be on coming up! Last year on September 13th the AJ Birthday Party was introduced. So this weeks rumor is if there will be a 3rd Birthday Party for Animal Jam. Remember this party was a giant birthday cake with one furniture store. What do you think will there be another?

Blog News

Comment Call: Who is your favorite Alpha and why? Comment below!

Will we have an update tomorrow? Have fun and happy jamming!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Teacher's Desk

Hello! Calling all Jammers! There is a brand new Teacher's Desk being sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...


I love the classroom ideas! However when you buy this item you can not see it, but there is an apple sitting where the members label is. The apple does not change colors. Anyway there is also a new video located in Brady's Theater...

The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item...

I like how AJHQ is doing profile looks now for the Rare Item Monday's! Do you like it?

Mystery of the Week

The mystery this week comes from the Deep Blue! At the very bottom there is a small cave covered by some seaweed. Does anyone know where it leads? Does it lead somewhere or is it just a cave? Does someone or something live inside? Comment your thoughts below!

Blog News

  • We need 1 more follower for a contest!!

Comment Call: Read the Mystery of the Week for commenting questions!

That's all that I have time for today. Everyone have a great day, and remember to have fun and happy jamming!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Rare Nerd Glasses and Fashion Fridays

Hello everyone! The grrrrreat Rare Item Monday in the Jam Mart Clothing Store are Rare Nerd Glasses...

Very interesting item ;) I wish you could change the colors though.
The Daily Explorer posted a nametag article...

Umm.. AJHQ I think we already knew this information ^-^

Blog News

The results of the poll is...

Well, this means that last week was indeed the last Secret of the Week. Instead of doing Secrets on Fridays, there will now be Fashion Fridays. Fashion Fridays is where I will be giving you different ideas of how to dress up your best ^-^ I am excited and I hope you all are too! Have fun and happy jamming!!

  • More Blogs updated
  • We need 2 more followers for a Contest!!

Comment Call: Would you rather Dress Up your Animals or Decorate your Den?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chalkboard, Outfitters, and Medical Center

Hi Jammers! The brand new item sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Chalkboard...

I am really interested in what language this is! Is it a certain animal's language? Is it Jamaasian language? Did the Alphas write the language? Did Zios? Anyway, there is a new video in the Sarepia Theater...

The Daily Explorer posted a new Mega Plushie Sale...

Very cool! I want them all ^-^ Have you also noticed that Animal Jam Outfitters has a brand new look?

Nice and jamaasian look to it!!

Blast to the Past

This weeks Blast to the Past is about the Medical Center. I know it is kind of a sensitive topic because a lot of jammers loved the old Medical Center. If you don't know the story it goes like this...

Way back when, the sol arcade used to never exist! There used to be a pillow room, and a medical center where the pillow room is now. And now with the new land came an empty building with a band-aid cross. A lot of jammers got excited for a new Medical Center...

So will the abandoned building be a new Medical Center? We can only wait and find out :)

Blog News

  • Last Day to vote on the poll

15 Followers Contest

We only need 3 more followers for me to make a new contest! So hurry and follow if you have not already! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Comment your thoughts about the Old and possibly New Medical Center.What will be in it?