
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chalkboard, Outfitters, and Medical Center

Hi Jammers! The brand new item sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Chalkboard...

I am really interested in what language this is! Is it a certain animal's language? Is it Jamaasian language? Did the Alphas write the language? Did Zios? Anyway, there is a new video in the Sarepia Theater...

The Daily Explorer posted a new Mega Plushie Sale...

Very cool! I want them all ^-^ Have you also noticed that Animal Jam Outfitters has a brand new look?

Nice and jamaasian look to it!!

Blast to the Past

This weeks Blast to the Past is about the Medical Center. I know it is kind of a sensitive topic because a lot of jammers loved the old Medical Center. If you don't know the story it goes like this...

Way back when, the sol arcade used to never exist! There used to be a pillow room, and a medical center where the pillow room is now. And now with the new land came an empty building with a band-aid cross. A lot of jammers got excited for a new Medical Center...

So will the abandoned building be a new Medical Center? We can only wait and find out :)

Blog News

  • Last Day to vote on the poll

15 Followers Contest

We only need 3 more followers for me to make a new contest! So hurry and follow if you have not already! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Comment your thoughts about the Old and possibly New Medical Center.What will be in it?


  1. I will totally follow u once I get my laptop back, I'm commenting using the iPad lol

    Theawsomeness btw scoot, those trading in my den grams where from me to u so that u can featur my den in the sky mail. It's the only den chat thing I can use

  2. Probably I totally think it could happen smiles I remember when it first did not have th arcade it was big when the introduced it ^.^

  3. The 3rd rows first two letters are 'This Is' Iwo nder whatth e rest of it means but i'll try seeing what the rest look like scooter pretty cool item and it might reveal new items or even new secrets! -the one and only doogal :3 Anyways my suspension (to be on my computer from being grounded) is finally over and i checked out the new adventure and its pretty hard!

  4. scooter you get rare cat hat for being the first one to look at my blog other then my sis thanks so much

    1. sorry i mean the first one to comment

  5. I got scammed =( Can you guys report Bravepaws for me, here is a video my friend made about it- thank you!
    Search on youtube: "Bravepaws"

    Also I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG. It's so cool!

  6. I finally get to see what the medical center looked like inside!! :D
    oh and awesome blog! I LOVE IT!

  7. Amazing to see interesting article like this.I found it very helpful.Thanks for sharing and keep posting!!!


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