
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wind Amulet

Hello and Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog! I hope everyone will have a great day wearing their brand new Wind Amulets sold in the Diamond Shop...

There is a new video in Sarepia Forest...

The Daily Explorer posted an article hint on the game Eat 'Em Up...

Glitch Corner

This week's glitches all come from the adventures! That must be why they call them "beta."

The two glitches above has happened to me a lot! You can basically walk around and stand on anything like a tree or the polluted river.

The one above is wierd because no matter how close or where you are around the well it wont let you click to get one. There are many more glitches, but I will save them for another day! 

Blog News

  • New Art on the Sky Members Mini Blog
Comment Call: Rate the new Adventure from 1-5(1 the lowest-5 the highest)

Have fun and happy jamming!!!


  1. I say 1 because its super hard and takes almost an hour to complete! -The one and only doogal :3

  2. ill go with 3.

  3. I rate it 4!


  4. Cool fall background!


  5. Nice backround and word texture dude!

  6. It took about 40 minutes for me to play Meet Cosmo, but overall...mabe a 4.5. I think there is just too many phantom things. A lot of my buddies tell me that it's so frustrating. I also think they should have a map, so you wont get lost. Or just a simple one, it doesn't have to show every phantom and every well etc...

  7. That glitch where you can walk on the polluted water... I did that too! And phantoms can't see me. But I can't pick up items. :(


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