
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stack of Books and Contest

Hiya Jammers! Today's new predicted item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a stack of books that can slowly diminish..


I like how there is a choice on what colors and how many!
The Daily Explorer posted an Epic Den of the Week...
Fauna Vonjoy
Congrats, Fauna Vonjoy!

Rumor Reader

There has not been any new holidays or new parties around Jamaa lately. However there may be on coming up! Last year on September 13th the AJ Birthday Party was introduced. So this weeks rumor is if there will be a 3rd Birthday Party for Animal Jam. Remember this party was a giant birthday cake with one furniture store. What do you think will there be another?

Blog News

Comment Call: Who is your favorite Alpha and why? Comment below!

Will we have an update tomorrow? Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Nice! School is starting for me soon, and i'm going to middle school 4 da first time T^T

  2. Hey Scooter! Where did you get the background for your Blog header? I am going to probably start a blog soon and i really want a Temple Of Zios background and i really like the one you have! You wouldn't mind if i copied, would you? Thanks! :D


    1. Hi! I just got that background be searching Animal Jam Backgrounds on Google Images. I hope you find the one you like and tell me when your blog is up and running ^.^

  3. Dear Scooter, could you buddy me? Your such an insperation! My username is IPod656. I will understand if you can't buddy me due to your buddy list being full. YOUR JUST SO GRRRREAT! IPod656


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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.