
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wind Armor and 30,000 views

Hi Jammers! Today is update day and the blog has 30,000 views so this will be a really long post full of new stuff and prizes! Here is the very first page...

There is a new statue in the Phoenix Sets Spot, don't worry you can still buy Phoenix armor! The new item is a Wind Helmet and you can't change the color, but it looks amazing!!!

Speaking of the Diamond Shop, the monkeys have left with all of the other clearance items...

And in the next few pages there is some older news....

REPEAT: You have 2 weeks to get Summer Carnival Items!

I love the Jammer Snaps Segments! Speaking of Jammer Snaps the Daily Explorer posted about them...

But wait there is one more page featuring the Outfitters Packs and Sales...

Did you notice that the old map is back in action!
The new one was kind of busy..
And here is the updated Calendar with Gem Ball being times 2 gems...

And there is a new video in the Aquarium...

30,000 Pageviews

I can not even express how happy I am to have that many views! I started in March and now look how far this blog has gone. Thank you to all the visitors, artists, followers, and supporters of the blog! Now here are some prizes:

  1. Tiger Graphics

2. Jammer of the Month

3. Contest
15 followers contest posted on the Contests Tab

I know, I know that was a lot of information! Relax read through it again :) Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I want tone jammer of the month!¡!¡
    Name: wow104
    Status: nonmember
    Reason: I read everyday and I am ur friend XP

    1. I meant to say "to be" not "tone" hahahahaha lol ;)

  2. I'd like to be jammer of the month! I am a member and I read your blog every morning!! :)

  3. I would like to be Jammer of the month because i haven't been featured on a blog before! Also, i read your blog A LOT!! Its my favorite blog! :)


  4. User: Zach94
    Reason: Wow! Words cannot express how much I love animal jam, even though I am older than most people in Jamaa! I own a AJ blog, and I never had an opportunity like this to be chosen as the Jammer of the month.

    Jam on!
    Congrats to the future winner!

  5. your blog is awesome!!!
    can you please add my blog to "more blogs" list.

  6. I read your blog everyday! It's loaded with info, and I like the comment calls, too! Could I be jammer of the month? Or maybe you could do den of the month? I have really creative dens... :)

  7. It says you posted this yesterday...

    1. I can read the future! Just kidding ^.^ Sometimes I plan posts and write some of it the day before, and I accidentally posted it instead of saving. So that is why it says I posted this yesterday.

  8. i would love to be jammer of the month! I am saganlucy, owner of!

  9. Hi! I would really really really really LOVE to be jammer of the month!!!! :DDDDDD
    I'm cheesewedge by the way!!!

  10. username; thunder howl

    hello I contacted you aboutbeing jammer of the month in ask scooter

  11. I wish to be jammer of the month because school is making me miserable and I could really use something to cheer me up! :P


    1. I love this blog, by the way. :) And... am I the only person around here that uses proper grammar and spelling in the comments? XD


  12. hey bbygurl it gldcobrah and i iz here to sai hai ppl


  13. yes! i bought everything and didnt trade or recycle them! :D
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  14. I found out when you put your mouse over the wind armour it turns a different color! I wonder if it will allow us to change their colours soon! -the one and only dooogal :3 Im sad because i dont say anything in the morning anymore ever since i started 5th grade

    1. Oh lol i forgot to say i would ALSO love to try to be jammer of the minth, i tried typing this on my ipod earlier this morning before school but i had no time!

  15. User: Burrtail
    Status: Member
    Reason: I love AJ, and just started reading this blog... And so far it's pretty epic! Never heard of a "Jammer of the Month" before. Sounds pretty cool ^-^ Anyway, yeah... Keep up the good work with the blog!

  16. Hi Scooter!
    I started following your blog about two weeks ago and I love it! I think it is actually a bit better than SnowyClaw's. You stick to the point and don't really go off to another topic. I'm so glad that I found your blog! Best blog ever!!! I think it would be pretty awesome to be jammer of the month but It's alright if I'm not. Thanks!
    ~ themometer

  17. I noticed in other comments that they say if they're a member or not so I'll do it to.

    Status: Member

  18. How do you get the achievment?

  19. Hi me again! I ran out of membership but tomorrow I'm going to get membership again. Thanks.


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