
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Teacher's Desk

Hello! Calling all Jammers! There is a brand new Teacher's Desk being sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...


I love the classroom ideas! However when you buy this item you can not see it, but there is an apple sitting where the members label is. The apple does not change colors. Anyway there is also a new video located in Brady's Theater...

The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item...

I like how AJHQ is doing profile looks now for the Rare Item Monday's! Do you like it?

Mystery of the Week

The mystery this week comes from the Deep Blue! At the very bottom there is a small cave covered by some seaweed. Does anyone know where it leads? Does it lead somewhere or is it just a cave? Does someone or something live inside? Comment your thoughts below!

Blog News

  • We need 1 more follower for a contest!!

Comment Call: Read the Mystery of the Week for commenting questions!

That's all that I have time for today. Everyone have a great day, and remember to have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Hiya scoot it's Theawsomeness btw my iPod is still not working wi the commenting :( Btw I luv the desk, but I would actually luv it if aj made food den items, like the cakes and the candy bowl and fruit bowl.

    1. Hi! Sorry to here that! I like your idea of having the food items come back ^-^

  2. I think the cave leads to an underwater alphas den, like one for the octopus or the turtle. Maybe AJHQ will open it someday so jammers can see inside. ~SparkleFootball


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