Meet Cosmo

Normal Mode
Alpha: Cosmo
Level: 2
Players: Everyone
Passage: Tiger

Description: This action-packed thriller takes you to meet the greenest Alpha around, Cosmo! Help him collect plants, save animals, and build bridges.


Hard Mode
Alpha: Cosmo
Level: 3
Players: Everyone
Passages: Tiger, Koala, Raccoon, Elephant

Description: This action-packed thriller takes you to meet the greenest Alpha around, Cosmo! Help him collect plants, save animals, and build bridges with a hard twist.



  1. THANK YOU!! Now i finally know which chest the glowing mushrooms are in XD!! I needed them for my Cosmo den :)! Again, THANK YOUUU!!

  2. Does anyone know what the wasp does in Hard Mode? Towards the right side of the second cave i clogged those pipes and there was a wasp that could follow you but im not sure if it is supposed to do anything besides follow you.

    1. That wasp is actually a moth! If you go to the second koala in the third tree house (the one who wanted an apple), then you get 250 gems!


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