Normal Egg


You found the Normal Egg in the Sky Egg Hunt!

Your prize is a NEW PAGE!

If you found this egg, you are the first jammers to access the newest page on the Animal Jam Sky Blog, called the Den Guide:

Click the image above to go there now!

Thank you so much for playing in the Sky Egg Hunt. I hope you enjoyed it, and don't miss tomorrow's Easter post where you can access all of the egg prizes!


  1. Ooooh! I found it first!! :D And this looks cool!

  2. Whoa! Cool! What was in the Blue Egg?

    1. The Blue Egg was a Rare Item giveaway for the first two jammers who commented!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  3. Whoah that looks so cool!! I have never heard of a den guide on a blog before


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