Bubble Trouble

Normal Mode
Alpha: Liza
Level: 1
Players: Everyone
Passage: Dolphin

Description: The first Underwater Adventure has finally arrived! Get your favorite water creature and start the bubble-splashing fun. Help the Alphas stop the phantoms from spreading their goop in Jamaa's oceans. Save some dolphins and have fun with friends.


Hard Mode
Alphas: Liza
Level: 1
Players: Everyone
Passages: Dolphin, Turtle

Description:  The first Underwater Adventure has finally arrived! Get your favorite water creature and start the bubble-splashing fun. Help the Alphas stop the phantoms from spreading their goop in Jamaa's oceans. Save some dolphins and have fun with friends with a Hard twist! Good Luck!!



  1. Could you please tell us what is in the turtle passage and dolphin passage? Thank you very much if you do! Btw i love this website, it is so helpful, thanks for creating it!

    P.s Could you buddy me please?

  2. Inside the turtle and dolphin passage are random items.
    like, for example, my friend got a cape and i got a sand dollar nekclace.


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