Blue Egg


You found the Blue Egg in the Sky Egg Hunt!

Your prize is a RARE Item on Animal Jam...

The FIRST TWO JAMMERS to COMMENT their USERNAME below will win a FREE Rare Item.

Remember, I am a nonmember now, so please comment times you are usually in Jamaa, so I can find you and trade you your prize.

Thanks for playing today, and remember to check back tomorrow for the FINAL egg.


  1. Replies
    1. User: Lostfairy :D
      Hmm, I'm on a lot of the time! I'm sure I'll spot you online! :D

    2. Congrats, you two! You have won a free Rare item. I will try to find out online sometime. I will not forget to give you your prize!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. Aww I didn't get the prize :(. That's ok though! I have tons of fun finding the eggs and seeing the prizes!!

  3. AWW. Late! Oh well! Have fun Cuddly6342 and Lostfairy! Cant wait for the final egg!

    Booscare5 :)

  4. Aw man... that's ok though. At least I found the egg!


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