Special Delivery

Alphas: None
Level: 1
Players: All Jammers
Passages: None

Description: The Friendship Festival is here, and AJHQ needs your help in delivering the Valentine's Day Cards and Jam-A-Grams! Deliver as many as you can to help save this special holiday and win various prizes along the way. Good Luck!

Member Prizes:

Deliver 30 Valentines:

Deliver 35 Valentines:

Deliver 45 Valentines:

Nonmember Prizes:

Deliver 30 Valentines:

Deliver 35 Valentines:

Deliver 45 Valentines:

There are also prizes hidden in chests in various locations in the adventure:


  1. Awesome! Now I know if I have gotten all the prizes!

  2. Thank you for the guide! It's good to know what all the prizes are!

  3. There is at least one more member prize - the friendship shoji screen. http://i.imgur.com/SLzFrzZ.png


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