
Friday, August 8, 2014

The Final Post

Hey Jammers!
I know that Dreamgirl365's 1st Post was supposed today however, there has been something more pressing on my mind. 

For months now, I have been on the fence about the idea of quitting. Unfortunately, I have made this blog grow so much that is going to hurt to leave. However, my final decision is that I am leaving the Animal Jam Sky Blog.

1. Age. The technical age range for Animal Jam according to the Animal Jam Headquarters 12 years old is the top age that they gave players. I am way past that.

2. Busy. When you become older, you have tons of other priorities. The Animal Jam Sky Blog took up all of my time. I had to edit it all day. I had no time for sports, school, homework, family time, special events, birthdays, friends, and even time to watch my favorite TV show. It kind of took over my life.

3. Old. Unfortunately, I am not as excited for Animal Jam, then when I was 3 years ago. 

With those 3 important reasons, I have to leave the Blog.
Read more Information about me on this page:

Enough about the sad information, lets talk about the positive things:
-I will be on Animal Jam for 46 More Days, until my membership runs out.
-I will still be doing Blu the Monkey ever Sunday and Wednesday for 46 More Days.
-I will check back here ever so often.

Special Thanks:
I want to give a very special thanks to these jammers:
violet86271, wessie4chu, papyjam, missdarlingjammer, AwesomeSauce, 3berrygirl, Hiphopbunny12345, CMO1st, rainbow000pegasus, Cottoncandygal11257, Snowypaw, Dreamgirl365, Shiverbreeze, Pengy01, Snowyclaw, MisterChunkyBuddy, Bravepaw,  Rainbowcat1, bunnyllover, pinky522, Valia2305, goldcobra, paige16663, tig47498, Girlslovekittens, thunderhowl,  Kitkat8529, christmas0910, Xavier883, Epicjoy, coolpapa70232, DaringClaws and many more!
P.S. I have a "special project" that will be here later today! Keep your eyes out for a new header background!

You guys have stuck with me, and supported me through the good times, like all the fun parties and fashion shows. Even the bad times, like when the Diamond Shop came (^o^). Even the crazy times like when Adventures came or the time we recorded for the Sky Scenes TV Show. These memories, and many more, will forever be in my heart. (My eyes are starting to water.) 
This day will go down in history as the day that Scooter Resigned. I want the Animal Jam Sky Blog to go down in history, for one of the best blogs of Animal Jam because it was one of the Best Blogs of Animal Jam! I hope God finds a great plan for your life, and remember that he is always with you. Just like Zios in Animal Jam ^-^ The Animal Jam Sky Blog was one of the best experiences of my life. It was so much fun teaching you and learning with you about Animal Jam.
Signing off for the last time. I know my second home will always be in Jamaa. 
Goodbye friends and always remember to...
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tavie Tides

Hey Jammers! Today is Update Day!
A New Adventure is here! It reminds me of the Lost City of Atlantis! Here are some photos of the adventure....
It was really fun! I will post this adventure on Saturday for the Adventure Guide!
Unfortunately, Otters did not come today. They are coming in 2 weeks though! Also, since there is a new video, it almost looks like that they could be in the Diamond Shop. Hopefully not!!
Yay, that is the one I voted for!
I love these items, and they are almost ALL nonmember!

I bet it is great, I heard there are a lot of games.

Yes, that is right all pets are 50% off! Even the Diamond Shop Pets!
There are also now Den Previews so you can visit the den before you buy it! Thanks AJHQ!
The Jammer Central Calendar has been updated.... 
I can't wait for OTTERS!
 The New Item in the Diamond Shop is a Monkey Claw Machine....
Monkeys are so playful!

Sky News

The Jammer Art has been posted to the Sky Art Mini Blog!

Dreamgirl365's 1st Post is tomorrow! Welcome her, she will do great!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tiki Dictionary

Hi Jammers!
Thanks Shiverbreeze, for doing her 1st post yesterday!
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture is a Tiki Lawn Chair...
 Wow, AJHQ really likes this Tiki series, before summer is over!
The New Video of the Day is in the Sarepia Theater...
They are so cute ^-^
The Daily Explorer posted about an Aquarium Video...
Have you ever seen or used a robot?
In other late-ish news, here are the accessories for pet rhinos...
I love all of them, I personally chose the shark outfit for my pet rhino!

Epic Sky Den

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is from Hawk13 for their idea of a Wolf Phantom King! 
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame!

Sky News

The Advertisement is released today....
It is the Animal Jam Sky Dictionary! For tons of terms, definitions, and some pictures too! Click above or find the Magnifying Glass on the right column to enjoy!

An Author Page has been added to the left column of the blog...
Click it to read about the new authors!

The New Blu Issue is here...
Click above to read about this mystery chase!

New Scrolling Text across the Top of the Blog!
Update Day is tomorrow!!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

P.S. To the "Anonymous" Rude Commenter yesterday: If you think that this blog "stinks" and I am "stupid", then why do you still look at this blog? Just leave us alone. I know you are not welcome to this blog anymore! If you keep commenting bad stuff, then I will keep deleting them, so it is useless. I can ban you from this site. I am temporarily taking off Anonymous comments. Our attitudes will not be shaken, we will stay positive ^-^ I forgive you, because I do not know your full situation. You could have problems with school or at home. I hope God finds a good plan for you.

Tiki Table

Hey Jammers!
The new item today, located in Jam Mart Furniture, is the Tall Tiki Table...

It comes in three types, just like the other Tiki things!

Brady Barr has make a new video in Jamaa...

Interesting! I love cats ^.^

There's pawsome a new post about yesterday's RIM...
Amazing monkey indeed :)


Once, I was trying to go to a friend's den, but it loaded for a long time, then logged me out...
Not sure if it's a glitch, or someone hacking me....
This week's mystery is about...
"Not otters!"
Yes otters!
Do you think the leaked otter belonged to a  hacker, or a tester?


No new Sky News today!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Rare Monkey Hat

 Welcome Sky Jammers!
The Rare Item Monday in the Conservation Museum is a Rare Monkey Hat....
Looks: ***
Price: ****
Jamaasian: ****
I wish AJHQ would make the colors more interesting, but I guess it is still cool!
The New Item in the Beta Party is a Beta Pink Jar.....
Looks very Beta and Jamaasian, I like it!
The New Video of the Day is in the Aquarium...
How do Sea Stars eat?
I guarantee that it is not like that!
They either turn their stomachs inside out to digest their prey or they catch prey and move them to their mouths.

Scooter's Sketches

The Scooter Sketch this week is a Cartoon Arctic Wolf!

Blu Photo of the Week

"Dashing Through Sophia"
The Blu Photo of the Week is of the newest character in the series, Sophia the Horse!
It has been added to the Blu Photo Gallery

Sky News

The Clearance Tab has been updated....
Click above to see them, and spend your money wisely!

~~~Random Contest~~~
First one to comment where I am talking about wins a prize!
You can see the whole world.
Even if they are just cloth,
you can visit other countries.
See the tallest towers to the Egyptian mummies.
Buy them all for only 150 gems!

Shiverbreeze's 1st Post is Tomorrow!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tiki Chair

Hey Jammers! Did everyone remember the late posting today?
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Tiki Chair....
It is even nonmember, and comes in 3 different types.
Original Type: Bamboo
 The New Video of the Day is in Sarepia Theater...
Wow, these dolphins look prehistoric!
The Daily Explorer and AJ Academy is talking about the Food Chain...
Thanks Graham for the help!

This Week

This week in Jamaa's History...
2010 - Games (formally called Mini-Games) were released in Jamaa
2011 - Den Music was released to Stores
2011 - The Claw Machine was released
2013 - Outback Imports was released

Comment Call: What is your favorite Game and why?

Sky News

The New Blu Issue is here...
Click above to read about the 2 Most Important People in Jamaa!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Authors Announced!

Hi Jammers!
The New Item located in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is Mammoth Tusks...
I LOVE this item! I hope they do more Ice Age Items. This particularly looks great on elephants...
The New Video of the Day is in the Brady Theater....
I find these all the time at my house!
The Daily Explorer posted about biology....
Did you notice it is signed by Sir Gilbert! He is so cool and smart!

Shake-It-Up Saturday

The idea to Shake Up Jamaa this week is to go... Trick-Or-Treating!
It doesn't have to be Halloween to do this. Gather a bunch of buddies and dress up in a spooky costume!
Ask for Jammers for trick or treat candy. To make it even more interesting put plushies and toys on your trade and tell them to trade for other plushies and toys. It is just like gathering cool candy! Most importantly have fun!!

Weekly Overview

Thanks for making it another ground-breaking week on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Sky News

The Authors have been decided, and I am waiting for their responses. 
However, for now, the new authors will be...

Shiverbreeze is a dedicated and imaginative blogger!
She will be posting every Tuesday!
Dreamgirl365 is a great writer and loves the blog so much!
She will be posting every Friday!

Now, I don't know when they will start. Hopefully next week.
I am very excited for these new jammer authors!
Remember they are not official authors yet! More information to come soon, and please welcome them to the author world :3

The Sky Schedule has been remodeled completely!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Late Post on Sunday!

Friday, August 1, 2014

New, New, New!

Happy August Jammers!
The New Item in the Epic Wonders Shop is the Peridot Birthstone....
I always thought this one looked cool, because of the crystals sticking out.
The Beta Party has a new item which is a Beta Blue Chest....
I love this item, because it looks ancient! To see how big it is, go to my den.
 Also, in the Beta Party, a Beta Green Heart Couch is selling like hotcakes...
Sit on this comfy couch with your best buddies!
Another New Item located in the Beta Party is a Beta Green Rug....
Lots of new items in this party, but isn't it supposed to be like this! Thanks AJHQ!
The New Video of the Day is in the Aquarium...
Yes, they really do!
The Daily Explorer, with the help of Liza, has posted some Jammer Snaps....
Nice rockin', rhinos! Congrats to the winners!
In other news, the Adventure Base Camp has been remodeled....
Now, that is what I am talking about! It actually looks Jamaasian!! Wouldn't it be cool if each Alpha had a statue on each island?!
Comment Call: If you could change/add one thing in the Adventure Base Camp, what would it be?

Item Spotlight

The Item Spotlight is shining on Horse Coins!
Ever seen this mysterious item floating around Jamaa?
The Horse Coin is for all jammers to have, however there are some rumors with this item.
Some Jammers say that you can get this from playing Jamaa Derby. That rumor is FALSE. Some Jammers say that this item was taken out of the Forgotten Desert as a prize within an hour. That rumor is UNKNOWN. The only way to get this was from the Forgotten Desert Adventure. It is coming to stores sometime in the future, but until then they are very rare!
Rarity: ***** (5/5 Stars)
Status: All Jammers
Rare Version: No

Glitch Corner

We have an invisible penguin under the sea, so watch out for this ghostly creature! Just kidding, it is just another glitch! To fix this glitch just simply refresh the page. Thanks for sending in your glitch xxfluffykitty9xx!

Sky News

The Jammer of the Month is 3berrygirl.....
The Pet of the Month is violet86271.....
Congrats to these winners! Don't sweat if you didn't win, there is also next month!

Today is the LAST DAY to sign up for an author!
 Click here to see how to become one!
Have fun and happy jamming!!