
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Authors Announced!

Hi Jammers!
The New Item located in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is Mammoth Tusks...
I LOVE this item! I hope they do more Ice Age Items. This particularly looks great on elephants...
The New Video of the Day is in the Brady Theater....
I find these all the time at my house!
The Daily Explorer posted about biology....
Did you notice it is signed by Sir Gilbert! He is so cool and smart!

Shake-It-Up Saturday

The idea to Shake Up Jamaa this week is to go... Trick-Or-Treating!
It doesn't have to be Halloween to do this. Gather a bunch of buddies and dress up in a spooky costume!
Ask for Jammers for trick or treat candy. To make it even more interesting put plushies and toys on your trade and tell them to trade for other plushies and toys. It is just like gathering cool candy! Most importantly have fun!!

Weekly Overview

Thanks for making it another ground-breaking week on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Sky News

The Authors have been decided, and I am waiting for their responses. 
However, for now, the new authors will be...

Shiverbreeze is a dedicated and imaginative blogger!
She will be posting every Tuesday!
Dreamgirl365 is a great writer and loves the blog so much!
She will be posting every Friday!

Now, I don't know when they will start. Hopefully next week.
I am very excited for these new jammer authors!
Remember they are not official authors yet! More information to come soon, and please welcome them to the author world :3

The Sky Schedule has been remodeled completely!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Late Post on Sunday!


  1. I hope some alphas like Sir Gilbert and Peck will be featured in adventures!!


  2. Congrats to the new authors!!!! The new item is so cool!!! PLZ report jammer3014 for scamming!

  3. Welcome to the animal jam sky blog guys! I hope you enjoy being an author

  4. Congrats! Wish you new authors luck!

    ~xxfluffykitty9xx ( Pengy01 )

  5. Congrats, Shiverbreeze and Dreamgirl365! good luck writing! :DDDD

  6. Man, I didn't get in. I worked really hard on mine. Congrats anyways.

    I do think the commentors should of voted however. Them deciding which one they enjoy more.

  7. Wow, I really appreciate all the support from you guys! I am honestly still speechless. I hope you guys enjoy what I will post! Also don't be disappointed if you didn't get chosen. I am sure you all did AMAZING on your entries! Don't worry, I tried to apply for other blogs before someone finally accepted me, so when the time is right someone WILL select if you put your heart and soul into it!


  8. I'm so happy right now! :'D So honored to become part of my FAVORITE blog, the AJSB! How supportive you all are! Thank you Scooter, thank you Everyone!
    Unlike Dreamgirl, this was actually the first blog I ever applied for, so I guess I got lucky XD I am very grateful for this moment, and every second I have ahead of me, on the AJSB!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Shiver

    1. Congrats, Shiver! If Dreamgirl comments, I'm going to congragulate her too!

      I need to have a special sign off like you..


  9. Aww poor scooter didn't get a lot of comments today:( I'm sure you'll get more tomorrow:)

  10. Congrats Shiverbreeze and dreamgirl365! :) I'm Looking forward to all your posts! -Applestorm

  11. Wow Congratz Shiver and DreamGirl!!!
    I cant wait for their posts soon x3

  12. Good job to the new authors! I just want to read your post right now!

  13. No one posted today

  14. Can you please visit my blog, There's a 1 day contest today that 3 will win! Thanks for entering!!!!


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