
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tiki Chair

Hey Jammers! Did everyone remember the late posting today?
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Tiki Chair....
It is even nonmember, and comes in 3 different types.
Original Type: Bamboo
 The New Video of the Day is in Sarepia Theater...
Wow, these dolphins look prehistoric!
The Daily Explorer and AJ Academy is talking about the Food Chain...
Thanks Graham for the help!

This Week

This week in Jamaa's History...
2010 - Games (formally called Mini-Games) were released in Jamaa
2011 - Den Music was released to Stores
2011 - The Claw Machine was released
2013 - Outback Imports was released

Comment Call: What is your favorite Game and why?

Sky News

The New Blu Issue is here...
Click above to read about the 2 Most Important People in Jamaa!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Replies
    1. Hey scooter, I remembered the late post!!! XD. Anywho, good blu comic today!!! Hey I came up with an idea, each Sunday the top commenter from the week before should get a prize, either a den portal in your den or a beta or rare. Pretty cool, right? Anyways, good post, and see you in jamaa!!!

      ~ Hawk13

    2. A beta is a little over the top AND what about the Anon ppl there comments don't show up it would be unfair.

    3. Ya dude! WAY OVER THE TOP! Not to be rude. Love the tiki chairs already have one in my den! ^.^
      AwesomeSauce you need to ask snowleopardcubs for forgiveness for being inappropriate and mean to him.


    4. How? What did I do... :T

  2. 3rd

  3. Can someone enter my 1 day contest at 3 people will win, look at the "contest" post to see the prizes!

  4. I remembered the late post! I knew that there was pink dolphins

  5. Cool Post Scooter! My fave game would have to be Jamma Derby mainly because i love racing with horses... it reminds me of Star Stable as well! -Applestorm

  6. This blog is a piece of $h!t


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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.