
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tiki Dictionary

Hi Jammers!
Thanks Shiverbreeze, for doing her 1st post yesterday!
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture is a Tiki Lawn Chair...
 Wow, AJHQ really likes this Tiki series, before summer is over!
The New Video of the Day is in the Sarepia Theater...
They are so cute ^-^
The Daily Explorer posted about an Aquarium Video...
Have you ever seen or used a robot?
In other late-ish news, here are the accessories for pet rhinos...
I love all of them, I personally chose the shark outfit for my pet rhino!

Epic Sky Den

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is from Hawk13 for their idea of a Wolf Phantom King! 
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame!

Sky News

The Advertisement is released today....
It is the Animal Jam Sky Dictionary! For tons of terms, definitions, and some pictures too! Click above or find the Magnifying Glass on the right column to enjoy!

An Author Page has been added to the left column of the blog...
Click it to read about the new authors!

The New Blu Issue is here...
Click above to read about this mystery chase!

New Scrolling Text across the Top of the Blog!
Update Day is tomorrow!!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

P.S. To the "Anonymous" Rude Commenter yesterday: If you think that this blog "stinks" and I am "stupid", then why do you still look at this blog? Just leave us alone. I know you are not welcome to this blog anymore! If you keep commenting bad stuff, then I will keep deleting them, so it is useless. I can ban you from this site. I am temporarily taking off Anonymous comments. Our attitudes will not be shaken, we will stay positive ^-^ I forgive you, because I do not know your full situation. You could have problems with school or at home. I hope God finds a good plan for you.


  1. Ya the person wasn't really nice yesterday

    1. Scooter? I have an important question to ask-
      Do you believe and trust in God as your savior?
      I am a christian, and so is 2fangwolf and Sparklefootball.


    2. Yes, I am thanks for noticing!


    3. I'm a Christian too, so yay I'm glad we both believe in God :D

    4. I'm Catholic and Christian am I only allowed to be on one side?

  2. Hmm a dictionary? It helps with a bunch of new jammers to help understand abiut animaljam very helpful scooter

  3. OMG yay I'm the epic sky den!!!!

  4. YA GOOOO SCOOTER!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOO THAT RUDE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scooter I love how positive you stay during those rude comments I would have exploded my head all over them!!!!!

  5. I didn't notice the rude commenter yesterday, but I agree, I hope God points them in the right direction and things are okay for him at home and school.

    1. The rude comment or yesterday was swearing btw

  6. I really like the new outfits for the rhinos.

  7. Not to be weird but, I don't think Anonynous didn't just have a bad day. I think that person probably goes to blogs and makes rude comments, I was reading an article or a magazine where this man had this blog and I think he did book reviews...? And there was this anynomous person that kept telling him his blog stinks and that he should just shut it down and that he should get a life. I think the rude commenter is just one of those people who have nothing other to do than ruin peoples blogs and make them feel bad like they've done something wrong. But for all I know, I could be wrong, but at least its probably one of the reasons that crude commenter said all that stuff about your blog. It doesn't stink, (No offense to anyone else) I think is blog is the BEST! The best one I've ever seen. So that comenter has nothing better to do than ruin peoples' lives. I bet you right now hes at billions of other peoples' blogs. So your a good person Scooter, and you didn't even care about his post. Your kind of my role model now :)

  8. so scooter u are acutally a christan and the anyomous cooment was bad


    ~ r81803

  9. I am SO glad I didn't see THE comment! Scooter, I am sorry about all the trouble that has been going on. I KNOW it is a sky jammer I am almost sure! ( Not pointing the blame or anything...,)


  10. Thanks, Scooter! ( my member says that ) I am greatful!

    ~xxfluffykitty9xx Pengy01 HOORAY!!!

  11. I love your response scooter! It is great that you've stayed calm during the whole thing. Great job!


  12. Good work scooter your blog does NOT stink its the best ever!

  13. Oh an i love the new scrolling text it looks really professional!

  14. Oh look! A brand new issue of belle the rhino is here!
    Check it out!

    And while your at it check out

  15. Yay I'm not Cassandra Lounsbery anymore!

  16. Hello!
    I am XMintiiX on AJ.
    Please do not quit!! ;c
    Hey, when you decided to quit, it was my birthday.. *sigh*


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