
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

All About Animals Remodeled

Hello Jammers!
Today is Wednesday, February 6th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is Heart Glasses...
Buy this item for the LOW price of only 150 gems in the Jam Mart Clothing Store. Here are the colors:

In the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you can buy a Heart Hologram...

...for 850 gems. Cool, tech item!

In Outback Imports, you can buy a Heart-Shaped Fountain...

...for 600 gems. This can also be found in the Friendship Festival party!

In other Jamaasian News, Pet Turtles will soon be leaving us...
Hurry and buy this classic Animal Jam pet! They have been added to the Clearance Tab.
Also remember that Pandas are leaving too!

Item Spotlight

The Item Spotlight of the Week shines on Worn Blankets:

The Worn Blanket is an item that almost every jammer loves to wear. This does appear on an animals back. The item was first released October 4, 2010, and just missed the Beta Stage. I think that one of the reasons this item is so popular is because Greely the Alpha wears a dark purple worn blanket on his back! The Rare Worn Blanket was the Rare Item Monday back in 2014. There is also a Rare Purple Worn Blanket that was released at the Leap Year Party, which does not have a Rare tag. You can win this item in multiple adventures. Now let's look at the stats:

Rarity: **** (4/5 Stars)
Status: All Jammers, Land
Rare Version: Yes
Popularity: ***** (5/5 Stars)

Sky News

The Animal Jam Sky Blog's Friendship Festival Comment-A-Thon continues today...
All you have to do is comment on this post for a chance to win a free prize through a Jam-A-Gram! Hint: if you comment everyday, you have a better chance of winning.
Yesterday's Winner: zuzu1199

Comment Call: Do you celebrate Valentine's Day in real life?

The results to the "Which Animal Do You Want Next On The All About Animals Page?" Poll are in...

The majority voted for Snow Leopards
Well, you got your wish...

Click the Snow Leopard above or here to see the Snow Leopard profile on the All About Animals page. Snow Leopards are one of my favorite animals in Jamaa. The Sheep came in second place in the poll so I might add them to the All About Animals page later.
Speaking of the All About Animals Page, it has been completely remodeled...
Now, you can easily click on the animal you want to learn more about to view facts, statuses, and images about your favorite animals.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Don't forget to check out the Masterpiece of the Day!


  1. Haha I considered joining the Comment-a-Thon but it seems useless to me because it's sent through a JAG so I can't claim it.
    I don't remember the worn coming out around that time though haha I wasn't attentive enough back then.

    1. Non members can claim their prize by meeting me in Jamaa and trading for something they don't want or need

      --Scooter (chocplate4050)

  2. Hey Scooter! This is my entrance into the comment contest for Friendship Festival! I don't care what you give me,or if you give me anything! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Good job on the post, I'm glad you did a spot light on worns! They are a GREAT item to do a spotlight on! Once again, my user is Gfox0.

  4. Neat post! :) I really enjoy that you put SO much work into this blog. It shows!

    I'm entering the little contest! User is Lostfairy. ;)

  5. Great! :D My user is sarahkey8 as you know ;) Who won the last one?

    1. The winner of yesterday's giveaway item was zuzu1199!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  6. I do celebrate Valentines day a bit. It's going to be in memory of my late mum for my day. Omg I might go for a worn cape! Thx! I got my panda last week as my second animal. I must say a panda suits Booscare5 more than a penguin does! Will make sure I comment as much as I can! My user is the same as last time, Booscare5.

  7. I need that holohogram and pond, sadly I'm not a member anymore though:) User: violet86271

  8. ALso it's really cool how you remodelled the animal page

  9. Hola, bonjour, aloha, and hello to you, Scooter! I sent you a plushie for Blu the Monkey. It's just a plain orange penguin plushie, and I know you probably already have it, but I hope you like it anyway.

  10. Oo! One of my friends was asking me where I got my heart fountain, but I didn't really remember because I got it 1-2 years ago. So this is helpful :D!
    And I'm entering for the contest XD I am Graciepopstar91 :P

    Remember, God made YOU!


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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.