
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Arctic Fox Plushies

Hi Jammers, this is the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is February 8th, 2017.
Sadly, there is no Jamaa Journal today, but there will be one next Thursday!

The New Item of the Day is 
Located in the Jam Mart Clothing Store, you can buy one for 650 gems. Here are the colors:
Also, in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...
Purchase a Three Heart Rug for 350 gems.

In other Jamaasian news, did you know that there are Arctic Fox plushies....

These plushies have not been released yet! Sometimes you will catch a glimpse of one, like the orange one above, when playing in the claw machines. Thanks for finding the scoop on this secret news story, Gfox0!

Since there is no Jamaa Journal today, I thought that I would tell you what is happening this Saturday...

This Saturday's post on the Animal Jam Sky Blog will be different than normal. I will not be posting about the new items, but don't worry I will still release a new Blu the Monkey Comic Issue! However, this Saturday's post will be dedicated to the History of the Friendship Festival. It will feature items, celebrations, and much more fun facts about one of Jamaa's best holidays. You won't want to miss that post on Saturday!

Sky News

You have 3 more days to enter the Friendship Festival Art Contest...
Thank you if you have submitted your art!

The Animal Jam Sky Blog's Friendship Festival Giveaway Comment-A-Thon continues...
Yesterday's Winner: Bubbub123
Congrats! Remember, all you have to do is comment on this post, and the every post for a chance to win a FREE item. The Comment-A-Thon ends on Valentine's Day.

Comment Call: Talk about your best buddy!

Today is the last day to vote on the "What do you want next?" Poll!
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Don't forget to check out the Masterpiece of the Day!


  1. Thank you so much! Argh, it's so hard! I have sooo many AMAZING buddies! And I need a rose tiara! They look so pretty! I HAVE to make a valentines look with one! My user is Gfox0 :)

  2. Wow! Arctic fox plushies! They look so cute! I want to get one when they come out :)\


  3. Oh my gosh. The Arctic fox is my favorite animal to play as, so I'm very happy about those plushies.
    Sounds like an interesting post on Saturday!

  4. Excited for saturdays post aswell as blu!


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