
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Giveaway Comment-A-Thon

Happy Safer Internet Day!
The Giveaway Comment-A-Thon begins today!
Today is Tuesday, February 7th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is a Friendship Bag...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 500 gems. Here are the colors:

I actually really like this item! It is a great way to deliver valentine cards!

Also, the Jam Mart Furniture Store is selling Heart Chairs...

Buy one for 450 gems. There is another new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...

A Heart Window for 300 gems.
Finally, in the Outback Imports, you can buy a Heart-Shaped Chair...
...for 400 gems. Not to be confused with the other new item, the Heart Chair!

Epic Sky Den

The Epic Sky Den of the Week belongs to ja983...
Mysterious Masterpieces
Our Jammer of the Month cam up with this great den, and the picture above is just a snippet of what their den looks like. The den is filled with Mysterious Masterpieces and items. Create a den like this or create your own! You have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame.

If you would like to be the Epic Sky Den of the week, comment your username below, or send me a Jam-A-Gram at chocolate4050 saying you would like to be Jammer of the Month.

Sky News

The Animal Jam Sky Blog's Friendship Festival Giveaway Comment-A-Thon begins today...
Comment below on this post for a chance to win a free Jam-A-Gram gift!
Make sure to comment everyday until Valentine's Day for a chance to win an item. If you want to see how the Comment-A-Thon it works, click here.

Comment Call: What is your favorite part about the Friendship Festival?

The Skymail #22 Video is finally here...
Watch it above or view it on the Animal Jam Sky Videos Blog.

Thanks for reading today.
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Amazing job! Happy Valentine's Day Scooter! My user is obviously Gfox0 :) I really want the bag, it looks so cool! I'm gonna buy one!

    1. Thanks, I like your new profile image!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Aw thanks! I don't know if you know, but I followed you on Instagram!

    3. And I messaged you a few questions I have! P.S I am gfoxaj just so you know

  2. Hello, again! Seems like you're busy for the festival as well! I think it's pretty cool AJHQ has been putting more thoughts to this year's festivals like the CNY and now the Valentine's event. I think what's cool is that we get to see more items, actually! I often just see returning items.
    Also, heads-up! Pet turtles are leaving.

    1. Cool, and thanks for the heads up about the Pet Turtles! You jammers help me so much with the news, and I love it.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  3. Hiah, Scooter! You should know I got some inspiration from you-all my animals are named Fuzzy Thepenguin, Fuzzy Thewolf, etc. :3
    BTW, my user is zuzu1199

  4. Ooh! That bag looks cool! Im going to get one! :D
    My user is sarahkey8 as you know ;)

  5. Interesting post! The new items today are really cool.

  6. Very nice post! ^.^

    And congrats Ja!! It's awesome seeing a friend win an achievement of sorts. :D

  7. That bag is actually pretty cute:)


  9. Hey Scooter! This is my entrance into the comment contest for Friendship Festival! I don't care what you give me,or if you give me anything! Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Commentin' for the contest XD Hallo. :3

    Remember, God made YOU!


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2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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