
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Feast of Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving Jammers! 

The new item is not found anywhere! I bet it is in the Play-as-your-Pet Party. Speaking of that party, there are two semi-new items that I couldn't take pictures of, but I finally go them...
You can change the seat color of the stool, and the diamond color of the chair.

Sky News

The winner of the Thanksgiving Poem Contest is pupp1266! Congrats! Here is their poem...

Feast of Gratitude

Thanks, gratitude, appreciation

These shape your characterization!
Think about who made this big dinner,
no matter who did it, they're a winner!

Who gives you the presents on Christmas?
Money doesn't grow on trees
and neither do great Christmas eves.
Thanks is a think to never take for granted,
it is most definitely enchanted!


Thanks to all who participated! 
Happy Feast of Thanks! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Is the feast of thanks party out????

    1. There is no feast of thanks party sadly!


  2. Oh I forgot the COMMENT CALL: What are you doing for thanksgiving?

  3. Eating, being with my family, and going on Animal Jam ;D


  4. I am hanging out at my house with my family! We are also having a WII sports championship! So far I am the champion in tennis. I am hoping for the boxing championship too! ^-^ ~SparkleFootball

    1. UPDATE!!! I won the boxing tournament! Not a single knockout for me!) ~SparkleFootball

  5. For Comment Call:

    Today for Thanksgiving I watched the Macy's Parade. It is so fascinating to see so many people performing their talents in front of others. I also love the big balloons that they drag around:3
    I am also making a Thanksgiving day video, which I may post on Youtube.

    ~I absolutely love that poem by pupp1266! It so clearly states what thanksgiving/Christmas(kindof Christmas) is all about. Also, don't you think it would be ADORABLE if you got the mini stone chair and placed it next to a big one? (of course if you and your pet sit in them) Will someone try that out and send it to scooter so I could see what it looked like? Thanks:3


  6. Well my cousins are over for thanksgiving so yea..
    Oh and the item you could not find at the play as your pet party is a pet beach towel!

  7. i go to my aunts house for lunch and when we eat we look at christmas magizines and show what we want my other aunt always will get me the main thing i want lol i posted this comment late because my brother sis mom and dad and asleep lol to lazy to look at clock



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