
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hello everyone! We are celebrating 70,000 views today! First, the new item in the Jam Mart Clothing Store
is a Striped Scarf...
Scarf2 on Make A Gif

Very Christmas-y for feast of thanks!
There is a new video in the Aquarium...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Elephants...
 They are so delicate, but huge ^-^

Rumor Reader

The Rumor Reader this week is about the Traveling Animals. Giraffes and Rhinos have been gone since May 23! That is a long time! So, When are they coming back?

Sky News

I know we don't have 70,000 views yet, but we are celebrating it today, and Thanksgiving tomorrow! Thanks so much for 70,000 views! Now for the big surprise...To show my thanks I have decided to make another movie! Yes, another. Remember the first one....
It was so much fun. So I have decided to make a sequel! 
I need 3 actors and I will do the rest. Here are the details...
So comment if you would like to be in the production (User and Reason). In a few days I will post more details like when we will tape it.

Thanksgiving Poem Contest is over! The winner's poem will be shown on Thanksgiving morning! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Hi!

    My name/username is Wolfgirlgo! I would love to be in your movie, it sounds like a blast! I love acting in real life and I love Animal Jam, great combination! I would like to be in your sequel because I love acting, being in a movie sounds like a blast, and of course, it would be awesome to meet you!

  2. My user is madeline21002 and i would like to be the arctic wolf because i love acting i have acted in 2 other movies before! Oh and did i mention i would love to meet you

    P.S. sorry im anonymous

  3. My username is rarearcticwolf1 and
    I would like to be in the ptoduction becuse i really all you ideas
    Sorry typo

  4. i would like to be the arctic wolf in the movie i just got one yesterday and i cant wait to be in your movie i have cool clothes and i am good at remembering thing like my lines! i am in to singing and acting so i think the movie would be really fun! ow and would it be on youtube? and when to u plan on doing it?

  5. 5th Comment! I REALLY REALLY (100x) times WANT TO GET A GIRAFFE!!! I thought aj was having them migrate or something they SHOULD be back in January! -(image this in cursive)-

    ~ surf4life123

  6. and that striped scarf is SOOOOOooooooooooooooOOOOOOOO00000000000000O0O0O0OOOOOOOO CUTE !


  7. Im uiouio100 or bluepawg and id like to be a wolf extra- mail one of my animal jam accounts if you accept i mightr want to be one of the nonmember wolves

  8. im THUNDERHOWL and it would be epic if I could be in the second one as the first one I was in I will be whatever you want me to be:) and if I don't get the part I will be happy for the people who do

  9. user:afccasady

    reason:i will like to be a arctic wolf and reason why i want to be in this journey is because i never get included in anything or i am not good enough for a video

  10. the one who made it possible THUNDERHOWL eread up above
    typo sorry

  11. Um... any chance you know when the news is coming next? And the reindeer?

    1. The next Jamaa Journal will either be tomorrow, or next Thursday. The deer are coming just in time for the Jamaalidays, so very soon!


  12. May I please be one of the regular wolves in your movie? A couple months ago, remember we met up in my den and you said maybe I could be in a movie? I am Incredible Toughcat, BTW. My username is saganlucy if you want to contact me. I am on your buddy list.=)

    1. Oh yes, and I love acting in real life, and online! I will follow directions well, and speak my word, KINDLY, if there is something that I do not agree with! I am in drama at school, and in summer I go to a drama camp. Plus, I LOVE WOLVES! These are more reasons why I, saganlucy, should be in your movie as a regular wolf.

  13. Hi! Love the striped scarf! It's so cute:3

    Anyways, I would LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! to be in your movie! I love starring in any type of roleplay, movie, AJMV, anything! I'm super good at acting, just ask any of my friends! I would probably be one of the regular wolves, because I'm Nonmember. It would be SO! SO! SO! amazing if I could be in your movie. Also, congrats on 70,000 views! I am so happy to be part of it:)


    1. I also am really good at memorizing lines:3


  14. I would really like to be in your movie!!! I LOVE acting in real life, and I've got a few Arctic Wolves so I could be the arctic wolf!!! I also want to do it because I bet it would be tons of fun! It would be AWESOME to be in your movie!


  15. I would like to be in your movie, dont mind if anyone else gets picked, I can be a regular wolf or an arctic wolf, ~Doogal
    *Whacks with baseball bat*
    *Whats with giant crystal*

  16. i would like to be in the movie!
    -I will be an arctic wolf
    -my username is kiki51772 :3
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. wait i forgot my reason! my reason to be in this movie is to be seen on YouTube. I've been told that if i just participate in a music video, it would be on YouTube. so i checked out the channel AND THE VIDEO WASN'T THERE! so i cried really bad and i would like to let the world know that i am awesome! (are you going to film? xD)
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    2. P.S. i am good at saying lines because all i do is just copy and paste it :)
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  17. Ohhh! can i enter! I have never got to be in a vid EVER so yeah also i can memorize the lines but im not the best but i can still do it!
    Oh, and i wana be a normal wolf btw

  18. My username is nbcnc no caps lock just in case i do win

  19. also i have that same thing as kiki. I was in a gangnam style video

  20. user is missdarlingjammer no caps
    resson is i have never been in a video. :~( and every day i shout out about your blog on aj..
    P.S, have you got more views on your blog??

  21. Hi it missdarlingjammer from above ^ i am a non member regler wolf have rare bows green purple and pink an outfit for each bow and reef necklace green and red and santa hat and beard in santa red elf hat in red and green.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I removed my comment because its a little bit pushing people around



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