
Friday, November 29, 2013

Pile of Snowballs and Jammer of December

Hello Jammers! Sorry for the semi-late post. The Jam Mart Furniture Store released the returning Piles of Snowballs....
Great item going into December! Yesterday's new item, I couldn't get to was a Pet Beach Towel.
 There is a new video in Sarepia Forest....

The Daily Explorer posted an article about News Crew winners...
 That's a lot of great Feast of Thanks Snaps!

Discover Day

Comment Below where this is, with your username, and you could win a prize!

Sky News

 Comment your User!

That means you have 2 things to comment today: Jammer of the Month and Discover Day Location! So Comment away! Be back tomorrow for more details about the Movie Sequel! Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Hey Scooter :3 I would LOVE to be jammer of the month because I love your blog and I would think it would be cool to be jammer of the month!

  2. I would like to be jammer of the month because i am smart, funny,and i have tons of friends. Plus i love your blog and i think it's even better than snowyclaw's!

  3. I think that the picture is from the Jam Session party.

  4. I think that picture is from the Outback. User: cuddly7

  5. Jam Session Party! User: nafaria9

    Happy late Thanksgiving to you, Scooter. ^.^

  6. Surf4life123 is my username! And i think thats in..

  7. My user is cheesewedge! I think that's in Kamara Outback! :D

  8. My username is lulukittens,and the picture is from The Jam Session Party!

  9. Hi Scooter! :D

    My username for jammer of the month (if I win :3) is tarachimah
    Thanks for hosting such an awesome blog! And the picture is from... the dinner party, maybe? :)

    Jam on!

  10. missdarlingjammer jam sesion party.

    p.s. i'm non member

  11. missdarlingjammer i would LOVE to be jammer of he month....

  12. hello scooter!

    my username is afccasady i have been preticapating in some of your contest and the picture is from jam session!

    play wild!

  13. Hi Scooter! :3 I'd just like to say CONGRATZ ON 70000 VIEWS! XD you deserve a victory dance! I love your blog because it helps me so much! I'd like to be jammer of the month for December because December is my favorite month! Well.. Next to my birth month :) if I'm the jammer of the month I'll be so overjoyed with happiness!! Happy Holidays everyone! -Jammer20356

  14. its on the left side of the stage at the jam sesion party.

    i am lol89762 and i would like to be jammer of the month because

    on christmas i play "the claw" alot and when i get enough i go to "jamaa township" and give random people gifts saying stuff like happy jammaalolidays! and things like that and a trough a a party at my den i think its really fun to play with buddies and when we are done i tell people to go on new tab listen to random music and sing along to it! i did this is octobor at my hollowween den when we where making a music video for calling all the mosters!


    1. oh and congatz on the 70000 views! if i had i blog i would hope mine would get that much!


  15. username: kiki51772
    reason: i would LOVE to be Jammer of December because i am really nice and it would be a really great Jamaaliday gift if you accepted this chance. i would be really starstruck and guess what! it would be the end of the year by the time someone got picked for Jammer of January! i am really supportive and nice and good stuff XD
    did i mention i am a comedian? ;p
    i have a lot of friends and if you asked all of them how i was, they'd say "she's really nice and a really good choice for a good, funny, and smart friend!"
    and i believe the picture is at either:
    -Freedom party (which i DOUBT it's there >.>)
    -Summer Carnival (also doubt)
    but i really do hope one of these is it!
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. merp i didn't mean Summer Carnival i meant Jam Session! i haven't been in that place in FOREVER! D:
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  16. eehh I think it's the Jam Session... It's the only party I go to, really! But I could be wrong.

    Also, I'd like to be jammer of the month because I love to go on animal jam, and being put on the side would help me make more friends if they decided to buddy me! ^u^ It's always fun meeting new people. ^^
    And, congrats on 7,000 views!! I'm so happy for you ^^

    Oh, right. Username: Burrtail

  17. i think it's either in appondale or the outback
    or coral canyons

  18. Oh my goodness! The pile of snowballs: Adorable. Period.:3

    ~First thing I'd like to say is the photo is at the Jam/Jammer Session. I'm not very sure about it, though...

    ~Second thing, I would LOVE to be jammer of the month! I always come here to learn about the updates, and fun little things that are happening all around Jamaa. I am nice, friendly, and always willing to answer questions, enter contests, meet up with anyone to chat or do an adventure with, ect. If I were jammer of the month, I'd love to clue you in with other little details about whats happening all over AJ and new items you may have missed. I also think that it would be awesome to see my picture up on the side, it would make me feel so special and loved:3 Anyways, your decision! Happy jamming everyone!


  19. 1. I think the picture is from the Jam session

    2. and I want to be jammer of the month because I love this blog! :D

    I come here because I think you work just as hard as snowyclaw to post early! Seriously, I always come here to look at your post when snowy hasn't posted yet. :)


  20. May I please be the jammer for the month of December! I would very much appreciate it! My username is saganlucy.

  21. Kimbara? I am AJpaleggs, and I'd like it because I never really have been jammer of the week/month on a blog..
    (P.S. I'm pretty sure everyone's in it for the prize. A.A)

  22. thunderhowl here, I would like to be the jammer of the month but of course... whoever gets it I will be happy for,,, if im jammer of the month I will ask you to add mascots and logoi would love to help you decide to also thank you for making me wolf #1 in the movie its is a great surprise and congrats lol89762 and happy jammalidays everyone!!!!

  23. Jam Season? I think -suelian20

  24. hey jammers! i have a real email that gives you rares! i tried it! with my rare account. my account has swords and rare bows! and they took nothing! this is the only real email i have seen so far! i got a rare fox hat and rare mech wings! all u do is send your username and password to this email: and get rares! for free! thanks.

  25. thanks!! i got rares!!!

  26. thank you! i got rare elf braclets!!

  27. Hey Scooter, I think those flags are from the Jam Session!!! Keep Jamming.



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