
Friday, April 7, 2017

Membership Expired

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Friday, April 7th, 2017.

A New Page has been added to the Jamaa Journal...

You can click the image above to be redirected to yesterday's post which features those Spring Phantom items.

The New Item of the Day is a Beehive Chair...

Purchase this in the Jam Mart Furniture Store for 500 gems.

Also in the Diamond Shop...

Buy the Penguin Claw for 3 Diamonds.

The New Video of the Day is "Snowyclaw in Tanzania - Bats"...

Watch this video now in the Sarepia Theater.

Fashion Friday

The Fashion Friday segment is where you get to show off your costumes and clothing ideas on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

The Fashion Friday of the Week is from mumpiejoe...

Congratulations on your idea for an Evil Queen.
This costume consists of:

-Flaming Crown
-Opal Necklace
-High Heels
-Princess Dress
-Elf Tail Armor

Do you want to be the next Fashion Friday? Comment your username and idea below!

Sky News

Some of you guessed correctly on yesterday's post about what was coming soon...
Good job, Polarkinz! You were the first to guess correctly.
The super secret surprise that is returning to the Animal Jam Sky Blog is...

Yes, the Sky Egg Hunt! One of my personal favorite events we used to do here on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. Basically, each day till Easter, I will hide a new egg somewhere on the Sky Blog. Every egg holds a prize, so if you find it you get something! It is really fun, and it begins TOMORROW. So tell your buddies that the Animal Jam Sky Blog is hosting a Sky Egg Hunt.

Today's Comment Call: Are you excited for the Sky Egg Hunt?

In other Sky News, my membership ended today...

It doesn't look like I will be getting another one anytime soon. However, the only thing that will change is now I can not receive gifts! So please, do not send any gifts at this time!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. That's so cool! I really love anything that has to do with Easter eggs! And I'm sorry your membership expired, atleast you will be able to continue Blu and such!!

  2. Cool and egg hunt! :D
    tomorrow brings 2 amazing things!

    And sorry your membership ran out :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yay!!! Love the egg hunt!
    Those phantom items are.. interesting?
    I find then a little unusual, but pretty nontheless. I like the beehive chair!
    Sorry your membership ran out. At least you can continue Blu The Monkey!

  5. Sorry your membership ran out, Scooter! :(
    If I could I would definitely get you a membership!
    Also, if you ever need some non-member items I happen to have some that are un-wanted!
    If you ever need some non-member items tell me!
    Since I do adventures I can get you a full set of Phantom-armor!
    To everyone that's reading this: HAVE FUN and, JAM ON! :)

    1. I would also :)

    2. Thanks! You Sky Jammers are always willing to help out!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  6. YAY!!!! I am super duper duper excited for the hunt! I remember a few years ago when you did it I really enjoyed it:)


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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.