
Friday, April 14, 2017

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!

Happy Good Friday, Jammers
Today is Friday, April 14th, 2017.

Did you enjoy yesterday's update?
If you missed it, check out yesterday's post filled with news, secrets, and more!

The New Item of the Day is Spring Flower Horns...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 750 gems.

Above are all of the colors!
Also, in the Diamond Shop...
You can pick up Liza's Garden Music for 1 Diamond.

The New Video of the Day is "Snowyclaw in Tanzania - Elephants"...
Watch this video now in the Sarepia Theater.

Did you know that you can now block buddies from your den?
Just click the lock and choose to let either nobody, buddies-only, or everyone into your den.

Fashion Friday

Every Friday a new outfit idea is displayed in our Fashion Friday segment.

The Fashion Friday of the Week is from Gfox0...
Thanks for the great idea! Here are the items you can buy to make your own outfit:
Egg Cloak
Eggshell Helmet
Egg Shoes

Do you want to be the next Fashion Friday? Comment your username and idea below!

Sky News

The Sky Egg Hunt has 2 More Days...
Yesterday's Green Egg was hidden on the Party Guide. It will be there for one more day only!

Today's hidden egg to find is...

The BLUE Egg!

It is hidden somewhere on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. Can you find it? Good Luck!

The results are in, and the New Segment returning to the Animal Jam Sky Blog is:

 Glitch Corner

That means every Monday there will be a Masterpiece of the Week and a Glitch Corner. Glitch Corner is a segment where we discover all of the glitches and problems plaguing Animal Jam.

You can see the changes by visiting the Sky Schedule Page.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Oh yay!! :D I wanted Glitch Corner to come! ^.^ I don't know why, I just love finding out new glitches and trying them out... I once did a glitch where non-members could get to the flying animal shop in Coral Canyons. It was a complicated process but it was worth it! :D

    Now! Time to hunt for the egg! XD

  2. Having trouble finding the egg today? Hint: Concentrate on the color of today's egg. ^-^

    --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    1. Oooooh, that was SNEAKY, Scooter! XD Found it though! ^.^

  3. Cool! I love to see glitches! And Thank you for letting me be the fashion Friday for this week! Your so nice!!

  4. Ah cool! I wonder what the big surpise will be for the final egg. Hmmmmmmm.

  5. Found the egg and great prizes! Wonder what will be tomorrows prize?

    Booscare5 :)

  6. Can't wait to see the new segment!


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