
Sunday, March 5, 2017

St. Partrick's Party

Hello Jammers, I hope your weekend is going well!
Today is Sunday, March 5th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is located in the Jam Mart Clothing Store...
It is a Leprechaun Hat for 300 gems. Here are the colors:

Also, in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...
You can buy Shamrock Vines for 350 gems.

Yesterday, I was playing the Lucky Clovers Adventure, and having a good time. Until, I was startled by an oddly large and creepy frog...
Why is the frog bigger than a falcon?! O.o
If I were you, I would stay far away from this frog. That thing could eat you!
Remember, if you want to learn more facts and prize information about the Lucky Clovers Adventure, hop on over to the Adventure Guide.

This Week

This Week is the Sunday segment on the Animal Jam Sky Blog where we go back in time to see what happened this week in Jamaa's history and the Sky Blog's history.

This Week in Jamaa's History... 

March 6th, 2014 - "Pet Seahorses for All Jammers"
These lovable miniature pets became available to all jammers in the Flippers N' Fins pet shop.

March 6th, 2014 - "Royal Ridge and Deep Blue Den Shop Open"
Two new stores came to Jamaa: Royal Ridge in the highest heights of Coral Canyons and Deep Blue Den Shop in the deepest depths of the Deep Blue.

March 5th, 2015 - "Lucky Clovers Introduced"
The Adventure Lucky Clovers was first introduced to all jammers to celebrate the coming of St. Patrick's Day.

This Week in the Animal Jam Sky Blog's History...
March 3rd, 2014 - "Lucky Day Fashion Show"
Wow, I remember this. We had a lot of contestants!
It was a lot of fun ^-^

To find out more about events in Jamaa's past, visit the Jamaa Journal Archive.

Sky News

Scooter's St. Patrick's Party is coming soon...
Very soon, in fact! It will be held this Monday (tomorrow) at 7:30 PM EST.
I hope you all can make it. The last party I hosted was on the weekend, so I made this one during the week for jammers that couldn't make the last one.

Thank you to everyone who supported Blu through his tough time of losing his friend, Cheep. Sometimes things like this happen in life, but Blu is moving forward and saving Jamaa to honor Cheep!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Great post! XD I about laughed so hard about the frog! And wow... that's ALOT of contestants! Good greif! It must've tooken WEEKS to do!

    1. Everyone was so nice back then. If you lost, everyone was so nice to you about it...

  2. Wait, so the party is tommorow or Tuesday? The little picture says Tuesday at the bottom...

    1. It will be Tuesday, sorry for the confusion. The post has been fixed!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Thank you! And it's fine :3

  3. Oh yeah!!! I REMEMBER that fashion show! I wasn't in it... :( I remember I liked the fox with the clover glasses. But I was in the summer fashion show! :D Lucky Clovers was really cool... I remember getting annoyed with all the eagles because they could fly up and get the chests and when they ignored all the land animals it was mean. :) The party sounds cool, I hope I can go to it. OMG ROYAL RIDGE! Remember how you were upset that all the land animals could just "walk" up there? xD That was interesting.

    Nice frog photo. That's the best part of the post. They should have frogs in Jamaa. (I'm calling it.)

    Keep it up, I love how you post early!

    1. I do remember that land animals could do a glitch and go up there. It made the items less rare because you should only be able to go up there if you have an eagle. Also, I hope they make a Treefrog or Bullfrog animal, that would be pawesome!

      P.S. I usually don't post this early, just for the past two days :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Mhmmm! Yeah, not many people go up to there anymore... I do know that most members are happy to fly up and there and buy any non-member a small gift. A lot of people on AJ are actually nice.

      A frog would be AMAZING! And the main reason why is because frogs hop. Imagine walking around AJ, and you're hopping every step. That would be great.

      Yeah, I suppose it is easier to post early on weekends. But as long as you DO post I am fine with whatever time. (Hey, that kind of rhymes. Hey, that also kind of rhymes. xD)

  4. I may or may not be able to make it to the party, probably not though:( That frog is sooooo cute though!!


  5. Wow! I hope i can make it to the party!!
    I remember that fashion show XD I wasn't in it, but i remember!

  6. Do you know what animal i think aj should add? A platypus!! That would be the best thing ever! Don't you think?


    1. Everyone would be Perry. :D

    2. That would be cool! They could be land and underwater creatures.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    3. Indeed. But we really need something that gives undersea creatures more love, like... a giant squid...

    4. Lol, that would be great. But no one would use it because no one goes underwater... :(

  7. Hi! I'm crazcatlover, aka cat, and I just found this blog =D My buddy Gfox0 suggested that I check out the animal jam sky blog, so.... Here I am! I think I visited once before but didn't leave any comments...

    Wait a second... the picture says the party will be on Tuesday, March 7th, at 7:00 PM EST, but in your post, you say it will be on Tuesday at 11:30 AM EST? Please let me know which time it is going to be, because I would really like to come to this Lucky Day Party!


    1. Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog! Sorry about that! I forgot to update the time. The party will be Tuesday at 7:00 PM. The time might change so be sure to check the blog tomorrow and Tuesday :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Ok, thanks, Scooter! =D


  8. That frog is scary..
    I should be able to go to the party on Tuesday!

  9. Sorry for all of the confusion today with the party's date and time. The official party will be held on Monday, March 6th, 2017, at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. Hope you all can make it!

    --Scooter (chocolate4050)


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