
Monday, March 6, 2017

Rare Clover Top Hat

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Monday, February 6th, 2017.

The Rare Item Monday in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is...
A Rare Clover Top Hat for an expensive price of 1,000 gems.
Here is my opinion on the Rare Item Monday:
Price: ** (2/5 Stars)
Looks: **** (4/5 Stars)
Jamaasian: ** (2/5 Stars)

Masterpiece of the Week

The Masterpiece of the Week is a segment on the Animal Jam Sky Blog where your Masterpieces are shown off! All week one Masterpiece will be displayed on the blog, and on the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog.

The Masterpiece of the Week is from zachary267...
Nice picture! I like the greyscale colors with the moon and stars. Your Masterpiece will be displayed on the left-side column of the blog, and will be posted on the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog. Congrats!

Comment Call: Want your Masterpiece to be Masterpiece of the Week? Comment below!

Sky News

Yesterday, there were a bit of confusion about when the Scooter's St. Patrick's Party is. Well, I have made an official date and time...
The Party will be held TODAY, Monday, March 6th, 2017 at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. Yes, it is today instead of tomorrow. Sorry for changing the date and time so much! I hope everyone can make it. It is difficult finding a time that works for everyone. If you can't make this party, don't worry, there will be many more in the future! Again, Scooter's St. Patrick's Party will be held TODAY, Monday, March 6th, 2017 at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. I can't wait!

In other Sky News, another Skymail Episode is coming soon...
Send gifts, donations, unwanted items, plushies, masterpieces, anything! No pressure, you definitely don't have to if you don't want to.

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to submit your submissions for the Logo Contest...
Click the photo above to enter the contest now! Be sure to get your entries in by midnight on Tuesday, March 7th, 2017. I can't wait to go through all of your designs!

Don't miss tomorrow's post where I share news and photos about Scooter's St. Patrick's Party.
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Totally going to the party! Thanks for clarifying the time! YAY! Another skymail time! I'll DEFINATLY send gifts!

    1. And I will DEFINATLY reply to your comment! xD No, what I wanted to say, was, what is CookieSwirlC?

    2. She's a YouTuber that I love to watch. Two questions, if yo using mind me asking, how come you always reply to everyone's comments? And why do u ask? :)

  2. I can't wait to see who wins the logo contest! Do you have a place where I can see people's logos they entered?

    1. I will post the winning design, and all of the other great designs once the contest is over.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Okay! Thanks!

  3. I'm not that sure I'll make it to the party today, but even if I don't there will be more, just like you said!

  4. I can't make it. xD Please take some screenshots for us who cannot go! :D

    1. I'm sure he will! He said he would! :D

  5. Aww I wish I can make it, but I have to give tours to the incoming freshman at my school XD

  6. Hiya Scooter! I have a logo for the contest! I can't access my email right now >-<.

    1. Your submission has been received, thank you!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Your logo is really neat, nice.


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