
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sky Slogan

Greetings Jammers!
Today is Tuesday, March 28th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is a Horn Helmet...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 500 gems. Here are the colors:

This is a classic Jamaasian item that used to only cost 150 gems!

The New Video of the Day is "Do you go into the ocean every day?"...
Watch this video now in the Tierney Theater.

Epic Sky Dens

Each Tuesday another Epic Sky Den is nominated as an Epic Sky Den of the Week for having good design quality and for being overall epic den.

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is from mumpiejoe...

Jammer Villages

Congratulations for this grrrreat idea! Check out the full den because there are funs of little village rooms. Your winning idea has went into the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame.

Do you want to be an Epic Sky Den next week? Comment your username below!

Sky News

The Slogan Contest is over, and a winner has been selected, but first lets take a look at all of the great ideas. To see who submitted the slogans below check out the comments on the Contests Page. Here are the slogan entries in no specific order:

"The Top Jamming News"
"Where Your Imagination Soars Free"
"Daily Posts, Blogs, and More! Sure to Make Your Day"
"Imagination is SKYrocketed on this Blog"
"The Sky's the Limit"
"Where You Can Fly Freely"
"Jamaa's Daily News Source"
"In this Blog, the Sky's the Limit"
"Where the Facts are SOARIN' High"
"Your Place to Play Wild"
"Where You Are Free To Be You"
"A Place Where You Can Be with Fellow Animal Jammers"
"A Place Where You'll Never Be Bored"
"A Place to JAM ON"
"Located in the Heart of Jamaa a Great Place to Make Time Fly By and to Read More"
"The One Stop, News Block For All Things Animal Jam"
"Magma Bank Sill Joy" (Long Store XD)
"The #1 Source of Animal Jam News"
"Where Ideas Take Flight"
"Sky High in Jamaa"
"It's Time to Look Up"

That is all of them! There is a lot of great ones, but there will only be one winner, whose slogan will be used permanently on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. The Winner of the Slogan Contest is...

"The #1 Source of Animal Jam News"

Congratulations, q1zx! I will send you a prize, and your slogan will be used on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. I enjoyed this idea because it was short and to the point. The main reason the Animal Jam Sky Blog exists is to report Animal Jam news, and have fun in the process. I hope that one day the Animal Jam Sky Blog will be everyone's #1 Source to finding Animal Jam News. I loved all of your ideas and it was hard to choose just one!

Comment Call: Do you like the new slogan? Which one was your favorite?

Tomorrow, Jammer of the Month and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Thanks Scooter!I've been meaning to ask you this, do you wanna be the village deputy?

    1. Sure, I am usually VERY busy, but I will try to stop by your den sometime this week! :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. That's such a cool den! I want to go roleplay at it XD

    3. Indeed! The raspberry colors really attract me! I would live there! xD

  2. Congrats q1zx! I think I like the "Imagination is SKYrocketed onto the blog!" The best!!

    1. That one was punny! It was difficult deciding the winner!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Yeah, I'm sure it was!

    3. Lol, yeah, thank you so much! xD That would good.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I meant to say: Also to the people joining my village because of this post, the rules and info of the village are all on my jammer wall.

    2. 0,0 Sounds cool. I will check when I have the time. Mumpiejoe? Is that your username?

    3. Look at the top of the epic den picture :P

  4. My favorite slogan was probably "Where Your Imagination Soars Free" but I liked some of the others too. Q1zx's slogan works for the blog though. :)

    1. I liked that one too, it was so hard deciding -.-

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Thanks! Yeah, I liked "Jamaa's daily news source".

    3. Yeah, they were!

  5. My favorite slogan was probably "Where Your Imagination Soars Free" Q1zx's was good too, you made a good choice Scooter! :)
    Congrats Q1zx! :D

    1. Thank you!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Thank you. Everyone's was amazing, but magma bank sill joy... Whoever made that is a genius. :D

  6. Can you check out my den? It's a phantom study! :)
    Idk which slogan I like best! They are all really neat.

    1. I will definitely check out your den!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Lol, you're probably going to win because no one else is entering. Hmm... I'll enter next week. :P

    3. Awesome! Good luck!

  7. I think my favorite slogan was "Where Your Imagination Soars Free" because it's just so inspiring. I feel like it's encouraging creative comments, and even makes me feel like working on my own blog.

    I also like the slogan that you chose, "The #1 Source of Animal Jam News" because it's precise and to the point. It accurately describes the Animal Jam Sky Blog, and I believe that it's the best fit for this blog.

    "Where Your Imagination Soars Free" seems like a great motto for a blog based on creative projects, such as AJ fanfictions or AJ fan-art =)


    1. Thanks, I agree ^-^

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Must of been hard to choose!

    3. Oh yeah, it must've. I actually got the idea from Scooter's example, and I said not to use it later because it was too similar, but for some reason it won. xD "Where your imagination soars free." Did I miss that one, that one is pawsome! Like, it really shows a lot of this blog, and then it has "soars", a sky pun! It has everything!

    4. Thanks! I made that one :P

  8. Replies
    1. They are all lovely! Lots of puns. I think it's kind of funny how everyone had the same idea, "The sky's the limit." I would've put that down if I didn't look at all of them first.

  9. Those are all great slogans!!
    I'm not quite sure which one's my favorite, they're all cool!

  10. Congrazzles qlzx! (Congrazlles is how I say congratulations.) Scooter, wanna meet up on AJ sometime?


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