
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

1,000 Buddy Slots

Hiya Jammers, I have a great post for you!
Today is Wednesday, March 29th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is the Panda Claw...

Purchase this in the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds.

The New Video of the Day is "Do vampire bats really drink blood?"...

Watch this video now in the Brady Theater.

Sadly, my membership is ending in just 10 days...

I am not sure currently if I will be able to get another; however, aspects such as Blu the Monkey will still continue even as a nonmember. The only feature that will change is no more Sky Mail videos.

Rumor Reader

Today, we have a surprise rumor reader...

This image has been shared all over social media saying that members will soon receive 1,000 Buddy Slots! First it was 1,000 Den Inventory Slots, then it was 1,000 Clothing Inventory Slots, then more slots for music, and now even more buddies! I am guessing this will be in the update tomorrow.

Want to be my buddy? I accept ALL buddy requests! Buddy me at chocolate4050.

Item Spotlight

Each week, we analyze a new item and learn about its past in the segment called "Item Spotlight".

The Item Spotlight of the Week shines on Masterpiece Tokens...

Masterpiece Tokens are a nonmember item that has never been released to stores, instead this item is obtained using a code that comes with a drawing book sold in real-life stores:

You can purchase this on Amazon right now, but they are running out of stock. Anyway, this spinning and floating coin has a special power! If you click on the item, it will ask you if you want to redeem this token to create a masterpiece, similar to the Painter's Easel item. From there, you can draw a new masterpiece with the drawing skills you have learned from the book!

This is a rare item, like the Horse Coin, because there are only a select few, making the item very popular.

Rarity: ***** (5/5 Stars)
Status: Nonmember, Land
Rare Tag: No
Popularity: ***** (5/5 Stars)

What item do you want to be in the item spotlight next week? Comment Below!

Sky News

Today are Jammer and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups...
Comment Call: Follow the instructions above, and if you have already been a Jammer/Pet of the Month, you can suggest a buddy! The winners will be announced on April 1st, 2017.

Tomorrow the NEW Jamaa Journal will be released, which means that I will post about the Sneak Peak in the morning, and in the afternoon (sometime around 2:00 PM EST) I will post about all the news and secrets the update holds. Remember to check back twice tomorrow!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Aw no!!!! It's your choice to get a membership, but you should! I'm glad you will continue Blu though! I nominate Lostfairy to be jammer of the month!!

    1. Aw, thank you, Fox! That means a lot! :D

    2. Yeah, I agree... Scooter, if you can't get a membership, your daily posts just have the new item, and you can screenshot it at least. I think it will be fine. :D

    3. You're welcome, @lostfairy!

  2. I nominate Graciepopstar91 for Jammer Of The Month !

  3. I nominate Sarahkey8 for Jammer Of The Month!

  4. I nominate uh, three people actually O.O

    And myself Graciepopstar91 :)

    And I nominate my pet seal, Daintysnake, for pet of the month :)

    Remember, God made YOU!

  5. Wait I've never been a jammer or pet of the month o.O okay never mind deleting that comment XD

    Remember, God made YOU!

  6. Wait should I delete the comment?

    I'm sorry, my brain hasn't been functioning good lately XDDD

    1. I think you can nominate other Jammers for Jammer of the Month even if you haven't been Jammer of the Month before. I'm still new to this blog so I nominated Sarahkey8 instead of myself XD

    2. You have two options:
      1.) Sign Yourself Up for Jammer or Pet of the Month
      2.) Nominate Someone Else for Jammer or Pet of the Month

      If you have already been a Jammer of the Month, you can sign up to be Pet of the Month or you can nominate another jammer. If you do not want to be Jammer or Pet of the Month you can still nominate another jammer. Hope this helps!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  7. And I nominate Daintysnake for Pet Of The Month XD

  8. My user is elizaboo1104 and my animal is twinkle prettypaw.
    I don't comment much, but I used to comment before you left, under the name "Elizaboo1104" and read this blog since 2013/14

    1. Yes, I remember you Elizaboo1104! Thanks for reading to the Animal jam Sky Blog after all this time :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Ha, Jam isn't capitalized. xD That's really cool that Scooter remembers you!

  9. I'm 3berrygirl (as you already know XD) and I would like to be Jammer of the month! No worries of no, i have been one before :)

  10. I nominate Sarahkey8 and Ja983. :D They are super great buddies, I'm glad I have them!!!

  11. Username: Violet86271
    Animal: Either bunny or giraffe

  12. Enchanted Icy Spirit, username is q1zx. :) Arctic wolf. Or Scooter Sunny Rabbit, my bunny. :D

  13. Hey, Scooter, by the way, I just tagged you to do a tag. :D You can check it out here:

    And if you don't know what a tag is, I can help explain. :D

    1. Thanks for the tag, but sadly I cannot do it. Awhile back a jammer asked me to do something similar to a tag, and I declined because if I do it for one jammer, I would have to do it for every jammer. And if I have to do it for every jammer who asks, that would be a LOT of tags. I hope you understand, and thanks anyway!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  14. Dear Scooter,

    I had no idea Lostfairy and Gracie had blogs. I remember a while back you had a blogs page, I found out about AJ River, Whip, Spirit, you had so many... The roar. You helped bring together so many blogs, it was like a community... And that page is missing. What happened to it? :P It was very helpful!

    1. I might bring back that page one day. I am still editing it and trying to find the best blogs to make your experience better! Also, another reason why I haven't brought it back is because EVERYONE wants their blog on the list, and some start a blog and quit after a couple posts. It is difficult to update that page. However, I may bring it back sometime soon, I am still deciding ;)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. True! I do remember seeing the blog list contain blogs that were outdated, and I suppose you cannot check every blog every second of your life. But if you can make it happen, that would be great. And I'm sure there's a lot of people who would be willing to help you through commenting. :D

      But that's great! If you can do it, great. If you can't, no harm done! Thanks for thinking about it, anyway!

    3. @q1zx
      Lol! I'm sorry you didn't know I had a blog! XD I guess I don't feel the need to advertise.

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