
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Return of the Scooter?

Hey Jammers!

          Scooter here, back for another update post. ^-^ So much has happened since I left Animal Jam, and so many of you have emailed me and sent me Jam-a-grams updating me about these changes. Wow, toucans, lemurs, sloths, and PIGS FOR NONMEMBERS!!
Yippee, IM A PIGGY!
        If you have been following my predictions for Animal Jam, then you may have seen I was correct! They finally made another nonmember animal, FINALLY! If you want to see more predictions click here or if you want to read more about switching animals to nonmember click here. Anyway, the new dens are also a great edition to Jamaa, including Sir Gilbert's Palace and Peck's Den. 
Lets take a trip down memory lane, shall we?
Check out some of my most popular posts:

       The other day I was at the store and saw an Animal Jam toy! I didn't realize that they made toys now, that is what inspired me to create this post. Plus, shoutout to violet86271 who also influenced me to make another post. So, if you want to buy toys they look like this:

        A great edition to your long Christmas List this year if you want them to play with or just as a cool collectable. One last thing, I didn't want to tell you this, but I was think about coming back. I KNOW I KNOW PLEASE COME BACK. I don't want to get your hopes up because more than likely I will not be returning. The only reason I am thinking about coming back is because:
  1. It is very fun!
  2. I love posting for you guys!
  3. I could possibly make money doing it!
Again, don't get your hopes jammers, I will research more within the next month and decide. However, if I do decide to come back, there might be a slight inconsistency in posting, such as posting later than usual. Also, if I come back it may just be a test run to see if I will stick with it. You may comment what you think because I need your help with making this decision.

*I will announce my decision VERY SOON!*

        Tell your friends about the Animal Jam Sky Blog! That is about all I have for you, as Jamaalidays are coming nearer!

Have fun and happy jamming!


  1. Hey Jamtastic Jammers! If you want me back to come back to the Animal Jam Sky Blog all you have to do is.. spread the news to all of your friends on Animal Jam!

  2. I'm not that sure if you remember me, but since you commented on my blog I assume you might, but I'm Nafaria! I used to read your blog a whole lot when it was more, well... alive, I guess. :p I loved your posts, and I think it would be awesome if you came back! If you do end up returning, try not to put too much pressure on yourself. ;)

    Hope to talk to you soon, Scooter!

    1. Yes, I remember you Nafaria! Thanks for commenting, and tell other jammers to tell me what they think!

  3. Wow, welcome back, Scooter!

    You probably do not know me but I am one the newer AJ bloggers! I have seen many people talking about you and wanting you to start posting again.

    But I totally agree with Nafaria. You don't HAVE to come back but we would all love it if you did. ;)

    1. Nice to meet you Lostfairy! Thank you for your comment on the issue. Remember to spread the word so other people can input too ^o^

    2. Hi, I am also slightly new around here and I didn't comment on your blog but I did read Blu :'). I'm CosmicCheetah -- but you can call me Cosmic. I own a blog called the Animal Jam Comet.

    3. Wow, hi Scooter! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm also a new blogger-well, kinda! My name's swirl shine! ;)
      You had already left this blog when I found it, but I knew that it must be awesome if so many others liked it! And I was right! Your blog is so expertly organized, and your posts are entertaining as well! :D

      I'd personally like it if you came back, however, if you just really don't feel up to it, you don't have to. Maybe you could post when you felt like it? That's usually what I do, and it helps to not stress you out or anything like that.

      I'm glad to see you're still alright in the world! :DD

      -swirlshine (who can't use her blogger account because she's at school)

    4. And sorry, that auto correct separated my username into 2 parts! It's actually just swirlshine! XD!

      -swirlshine (school computer)

    5. Nice to meet all of you! Remember tell your buddies!

  4. O my gosh
    I used to read your blog in 2013 and was really sad when you quit. I always got so excited for Blu the monkey :')

    I'd personally love if you came back, but of course it's your own opinion and you don't have to return if you don't want to.


  5. YES!!! You did make a post saying hello scooter:) Thanks you for doing that. I really miss your posts if you do come back I bet you I will be reading this blog daily. Nice new template by the way! Or maybe if you don't come back for good you could make a post once a week or a few times a month, even if they are short we will still enjoy them!

  6. Yay! When I read this blog I was a silent reader cuz I didn't have a gmail. I sooo hope you return!!!

  7. Yay! I came wayyy too late to catch your last couple of posts! But hi, I'm new here ^.^


  8. You may not remember me but if you do, I haven't seen you in so long and I hope you do choose to come back!

  9. Wow, you're back! Coincidentally, around the same time I made my return to Animal Jam. :')

  10. Ahh that's so exciting! I remember looking at your blog everyday! I loved all your posts and Blu the Monkey! I really hope decide to return! IF you don't I'm okay!

    You probably don;t ever remember me, since I hardly ever commented. I did go to one of your parties in 2014. I was and still am cyacheer. I don't really blog, but I do lots of AJ art! It'd be awesome if you could check it out!


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