
Monday, November 3, 2014

Switching Animals

Hello fellow jammers!
I am starting a movement that needs your help! Our goal is to make a member land animal into a nonmember land animal. 
Please read the email I have sent to Animal Jam Headquarters below:

"Hello AJHQ!

This email is a suggestion made from a long time account on Animal Jam. My name is Scooter (chocolate4050).  I have been playing Animal Jam for as long as I can remember. I used to own a blog all about this pawesome land, called the Animal Jam Sky Blog. Anyway, that is beside my main point. 

On November 8, 2012, a new Jamaa Journal was released announcing that Sea Turtles are for everyone.

 This was an exciting time for all jammers, and I personally want to thank you for that! From this issue, there have been 8-9 new member animals released. I believe that it is time for another new nonmember land animal. Now please note that I am not asking for a totally new nonmember animal, but a member animal already released, that can become nonmember. It could be the oldest or least common member animal that could change into a nonmember animal.

I know that many argue that Animal Jam is becoming a bigger place, which means AJHQ needs more money to run this great land. However, please consider that you could release this "new" nonmember animal when polar bears are released. I believe that it will make every jammer joyful and pompous just in time for the Jamaalidays celebration! Overall, I think that a member animal should become a nonmember animal. I thank you for your time evaluating and analyzing this email, and please consider the proposition. 

Thank you! 

Now your duty is to send a similar email to AJHQ. I would greatly appreciate if you could join this initiative. Please tell every buddy and jammer that you know to send an email too! We want to make this opportunity possible.

Thank you!


  1. I'm a top commenter? O , O


  2. -.- Think I should stop commenting?


  3. Also a note for anyone else who want to send an email say: Sometimes non-members do not feel included with all the new member items and many non members that can't become members leave

    1. very, very true. ( i'm an nm )

  4. Oh! Idk what they mean by "email"

  5. XD The word pompous reminds me of Harry Potter!

    1. me too, Percy is always described as pompous.

  6. I think that it would be cool, but remember:

    Non-Members only have 2 animal slots, enough room for 2 animals. Even if there are more animals for non-members, they might not be able to buy one if they want to keep their 2 current animals.

    I think that more non-member slots are better, in my opinion. (Just in my opinion)

    1. For any game with memebership and non-membership 2 charecter/avatar slots is traditional.

    2. then I think it's time to change that B Bro.
      you know what, I think im gonna make dat happen...
      first to hack aj....... ( jk jk jk , me no hacker... me no hacker )
      den change de aj password.. ( I don't know how that works, so I've no idea if they have one )
      and finally, become de headmaster and give former controlers viruses...
      ok jk nvm.....
      just some more.... ( im sorry I have to do this, but I have crazy logic and awkward randomness )
      de darlic gonna raid yo mustard-covered banana salad in de sports _ _ _ ( ladies, I think you know what) sack.
      dako dako dako BANANAS...
      ok, sorry for the interruption mares and gentlecolts,
      zks910 - that animal jam playing maniac


  7. yessss someone agrees with me!!! but…. how do i email them?

  8. Scooter I forwarded the email to some of my friends

    1. Snowy I'll talk to crunchy bout posting something bout this on GIN


    1. He isn't back to the blog he is just posting about a few things. He isn't back to posting. ~Snowy

    2. well, even if he doesn't post everyday, he's still posting! : )

  10. Can I just copy-paste your email? I'm feeling lazy...

  11. What's AJHQ's email? -.- Oh nvm


  12. Scooter I totally agree! But I can't send emails so I will go on animaljam and yell: "polar bears for non members!" And hopefully people will do that too and ajhq will notice us!

  13. U R BACK YAYZ (excuse my awful grammer, I never do that unless I'm really happy)
    Have you read my mind Scooter? I was thinking about doing something like that last year... I send an email to them, they never replied back.

    1. Wow, that's wrong! When I sent an email they said something like this:
      Hey Jammer!
      Thank you for your great idea! Did you know you can put your idea is the purple question mark box? It will go straight to our developers!

      Why can't they just tell them? They work with them. I guess that's just their way of saying it won't happen... I believe it can still happen though! If enough people protest and send emails!

  14. I hate that sky blog quit for like 5 or 6 months. THEN he came back. I don't know whether or not he will stay on Aj, but I totally want the blog to stay. He could've just hired some authors to keep the blog running. Like snowyclaw did, instead of just quitting and taking the blog down altogether. I like that he's trying to post every week or every month. Happy Jamming!

  15. cool i dont know if my parents will let me send the email but if they say no then i will start protesting in jamma towship XD

  16. yea they should change a lot of animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My use is Genevieve25222 and i want to get a rare long spike so here are my offers for one,
    glitch ring
    beta blanket
    glitch yeti
    yeti mask
    traffic cone
    giant alligator plushie
    garden plot
    green gecko plushie
    non-member tan floor and
    zios mask plz trade me i really want a spike :I

  17. Hi guys! I need your help! Type in the link below and you will arrive at my blog!

  18. 😄😃😀😊☺️☺️

  19. Awesome Post! I love this blog!

    By the way, I wanted to mention that I have my own blog! Maybe some of you could check it out! It would mean a lot.


  20. i just got my first spiked collar from this website! :D you should go there too, its really cool!

  21. how did you put the music?

    btw nice blog

  22. Hi! i was wondering if you have any contests for joining the blog because i really want to join a blog. my parents don't allow me to make my own so i have to join with someone. plz reply or jam a gram me on animal jam. my username is Bluzebradiv. Thank you!
    - Bluzebradiv

  23. oh and also,if any of u guys are interested in making a blog , i'd love to be in it. :D so if u guys are interested reply or jam a gram me. my username is Bluzebradiv. thanks!
    - Bluzebradiv


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