
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tiki Table

Hey Jammers! No Update today!
The New Item that is now being sold in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Tiki Umbrella Table...
It comes in 3 glorious styles. Did you know that when you click Umbrella Tables, they close? Another random fact is that if you look closely, the legs of the table are Tiki Faces. 
 A new video in the Sarepia Theater has been released...
Woah! Now this video looks pawesome!
Did you know that the platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs?
Did you also know that the platypus is poisonous because of the poison in it's webbed claws?
The Daily Explorer posted some Jammer Art about den items....
These pawesome pictures have been added to the Sky Art Mini Blog!
Speaking of AJHQ, here is a little tip....
Thanks for the great advice!

Sky News

The end of the month is near! It could only mean one thing....
Comment Call! Go ahead, you could win!

Reminder: Deadline to sign up for an Animal Jam Sky Blog Author is August 1st!
Click here to see how to sign up!
Also, I realize many of you are upset with me hiring authors because I might not be around as much. However, it is only 2 days a week, and I will still be updating the blog. I had two decisions: To Quit the Blog Completely or to Hire Authors, and I chose Hire Authors.
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Scooter, I can't tell u how glad I am that u DIDN'T pick close the blog completely!!!!!!!!!

    JAmmer of da month
    User: wessie4chu
    Status: member
    Reason: most of all I love this blog! I'll name the reasons if I have to!
    Great posts
    Awesome things on different days!
    Blu issues!
    Sky mail sky scenes journey of the wolfs
    Scooter I can't tell u how much I love this blog! Littarally I can't get the right words! I just love this blog so much! I feel I'm not expressing how much I love this blog. I LIVE THIS BLOG SO ABSOLUTLY POSITIVLY AWESOMLY TOTALLY INFINITY BEYOND MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Those tiki tables are kinda like the umbrella ones! ^.^

    1. Has anyone seen the epic new beta chest at the beta party????????!? IT IS EPICLY COOL!


    2. SCAN ALERT!
      Find out how YOU can help!

      Person scammed: Bootsieboo7
      Scammer: Ultimatewarrior123
      Item scammed: Rare skinny Lamp.
      How YOU can help-
      1. Send encouraging jamagrams to bootsieboo7.
      2. Send helpful jamagrams to Ultimatewarrior123
      hoping he will repent. Thanks, and by the way,
      Bootsieboo7 already got 2 rare skinny lamps
      from her buddies. Thanks,


    3. I will send her a JAG!!!

    4. Username: 3berrygirl
      Reason to me JOTM: I'm moving to north Dakota on the 6'th of August
      so i probaly will never get to be jammer of the month again. I would really appreciate it, and i love this blog!

    5. +Longlife that's a good reason and I really mean it.

    6. Wow! No one ever said that to me before!

    7. @longlife
      I hope UR one of the ones to get it!
      Sorry everyone else!

    8. Btw I'm sorry your leaving! I'll miss u! O3O

  2. Jammer of the month
    User: CMO1st
    Status: Member
    Reason: i check this blog everyday an i think i is AWESOME. i would love to be the jammer of the month :D

  3. User: Tacocat101
    Status: Member
    Animal Name: Baron Thejammer
    I have never been Jammer of the month.

  4. Um... Scooter... Not to brag, but there's another egg-laying mammal called the "echidna" or "spiny ant-eater."

    I'd like to ask...
    Where did you get that picture of AJHQ? Thanks!

  5. Username: violet86271
    Status: nonmember
    Reason: I read this blog every single day I love all of the stuff you do for this just to make it greater everyday I think it's becoming a bigger and bigger blog everyday I also love how you do blu 2 times a week instead of one... My birthday is also in august so it would make me super happy if I was jammer of the month!

    1. I haven't been jammer of the month...
      I'm gonna sign my pet up too!
      Username: violet86271
      Status: nonmmeber
      Pet: earthowl
      Reason: Ever since EARTHOWL got to the final round of the pet fashion show she been wanting to be pet of e moth so much now and I'd really like her to she's a great pet to be with :)

    2. Scooter if u closed down the blog completely I would of cryed my heart out also I'm glad u chooses 2 hire authors I wish I could be the author but when u postis sometimes the time I wake up:(

  6. Cottoncandygal11257July 31, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    Hey scooter! Great post today! Those tables look cool! :3 also, for the Jammer/Pet of the month, am I allowed to do both?
    If yes, here you go!

    User- Cottoncandygal11257
    Status- Member
    Reason- You Know Scooter, you've been a great role model for me in AJ. You're pretty nice and love to have fun. I remember finding your blog and loving every single part, like Blu the Monky comics! It would be Pawsome to be a Jammer of the month by you! :3

    My pet will be on the next comment as a reply. :33


    1. Cottoncandygal11257July 31, 2014 at 7:38 AM


      User- It's a above, Cottoncandygal11257.
      Status- Again, Member.
      Pet- Fluttergal the Bat.
      Reason- Fluttergal is the type of bat who loves to go with me everywhere. And, Like me, is a great fan of a sky blog. She said she could do somersaults if she was nominated as POTM! (Pet of the month, IDK if that's a thing. :3)

      And, No [for both] I have NOT received Jammer OR pet of the month.

      ~Cotton, again.

  7. Username: bunnyllover
    Status member
    Reason: I love your blog very much. It's cool and creative! Now august is the last month of summer and I want to enjoy as much as I can. So if I were jammer of the month I could enjoy summer even more as it ends!
    And I have never been jammmer of the month

  8. Scooter, Could I apply with my other email that isnt linked to my main blog, because the other one has my first, last name AND age in it.... And I dont want to give it out...

  9. username: elizaboo1104 status: member Reason: I love this blog! It is like my #1 blog! Also the blu issues THE BEST! And Shake It Up Saturday is fun! and i have never been JOTM

  10. Hi scooter! I would LOVE to be jammer of the month!
    Username: pinky522
    Status: member
    Reason: it would be an honor to be it and i would freak out XD

  11. Finally it's august and I have a chance to be jammer of the month yay!!! NO WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT SUMMER IS ABOUT TO END!!!! Sad.... So I am Valia2305 again...XD...I would like to be jammer of the month because this is the only month i will be online because I am not going to start high school and i will log in only at the weekend(and sometimes only at rare item Monday)and I always wanted to be jammer of the month!!! (Btw I have never been jammer or pet of the month)...talking about that....I wish I could be jammer of the month or I will be jaer of the month in a year that I think I will have stopped aj and started Minecraft...At Christmas I am very busy and I won't log in every day unless I log in at 4:00 am...AM.... And when I log in it means i have only an hour,especially at the weekends because I'll be at the mountain with my dad.In the only house up there XD but the Internet cafe if very far from our house and guess what!I cant log in on Easter either because I am going to Italy..........well on every holiday season I am busy.Only summer is my favorite season and i can play aj every day!!! If I am not JOTM at least please I wanted to be POTM with my pet fox,you will understand.Please I always wanted to be JOTM!!! Thank you

  12. Oops I mean that I am now going to high school I MESSED IT UP AHH!!! -Valia2305

  13. Did I say jaer of the month?!? I meant jammer of the month...Again -Valia2305 XD

  14. I want to be Jammer of the month.

    User missdarlingjammer
    Status meber
    Reason becaus ei love this blog.
    I have never been Jammer of the month!

  15. WOW!!! i never knew platypuses are poisonous!

  16. Hey scooter I did something weird and incredible...I got a glitch on the eagle adventure...I went to play eagle adventure with my friends and I decided to be a tiger.Well I was a tiger.I clicked on the portal as usual and I freezed the timer XD My friends just played as I was frozen :D and we did the green shards my way.When the gift appears we dont open it and we all say GreenShardsSpikedCollarBigHopeNumberLong5925016493 and then we opened it and got a long green spiked collar!!! Well u must come to me because ik these codes
    Well Hehehe and u have to freeze the timer with a tiger and stay still.You have to trust these ppl not to open the gift before the code...and when you freeze the timer you must not move.When i am online you can ask me anything I love helping ppl getting long spiked collars LOL!!! Scooter if u want when u see me online I'll tell u the code XD Because codes change everyday...XD -Valia2305 if I was jammer of the month I would be happy and I said 2 words wrong on my last text. I said a NOT when I was talking about high school but I wanted to say that I am now going to high school and I also said jaer of the month..........................-Valia2305

  17. Hey scooter I am going to have to retune this whole thing because it deleted itself :O

  18. Ok so hi scoot!!
    User: Hawk13
    Status: Member
    I have not been JOTM since I have been hawk13
    Reason: I love this blog!!
    You are a great aj friend and my buddy
    I always help other jammers and never scam
    I don't do scam related things
    I give people good items for fun
    I participate in almost everything on this blog
    AUGUST IS MY BDAY MONTH!!! August 13th I will be 12.
    I can be a really good role model
    If I win I will throw a party
    I help even nms
    I comment as much as possible
    There is so much other stuff but I don't have time to write!!
    Okok, here's one more reason... I always help jammers and in real life i help people and especially animals!!!
    Thanks so much for ur time scooter

    1. Ok here are a few more reasons
      I love this blog
      I love to read Blu comics
      I read posts everyday
      I have Blu's twin in my den
      It would mean a lot to be JOTM on my Bday :DD
      You are my Aj role model
      I would love to be featured on this blog
      It would just be an honor.
      And now I have to again, bye!!!

  19. Pet of the Month
    User: goldcobra
    Status: Member
    Pet: Microninja

    Good luck to all! I love viewing this blog every day!
    Although I like the AJ Spirit because snowy told everybody about the alphas, I like this blog for having a ton of awesome tips, tricks, nice format, and daily posting! I think it's pawsome!

    1. Oh, almost forgot, and I haven't been Jammer of the Month.

    2. **I mean Pet of the Month.

      Wow sorry for tons of forgetfullness >.<

  20. can be jammer of the year? im leafstripes- and i have to
    reasons i was never in a thing like this and my b day is in august

  21. Username:paige16663
    Have i ever been POTM b4?: No.
    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!! I really don't care if i don't win or not c:


  22. user:tig47498
    reson: i would like to be jammer of the month because i have never been it and it sounds like fun and i dont care who you pick but it sounds fun :D

  23. username: cooltiger0807
    status: Member
    Pet QuickMonkey
    I haven't been in pet of the month

  24. tacocat -,- its you the bully to naffy -,- im watching you always watching

    1. The drama is over, naf and I made up, btw u sound like a stalker O3O

  25. User: xxfluffykitty9xx (A.K.A used to be Pengy01)
    Status: Non member ( used to be member )
    Reason: Well, on my Pengy01 account ( and it's still me ) I am very good finder at glitches. Sometimes I don't get the picture

  26. Username: Mldriver
    Status: Member
    Animal Name: Laughing GoofyGhost
    No I have never been animal of the month.

  27. Hiphopbunny12345
    My Artic Wolf
    I have been on this blog for a long time and even if I don't comment or put my name on comments I alway check this blog. It's one of my favorite blogs on all of AJ. I would never scam cheat or steal. And one last reason.....

    IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    No I have not been Jammer or Pet Of The Month before.

  28. Hi Scooter! I would like to be jammer of the month!
    Username: rainbowdash95271
    Status: member
    Reason: This is ones of the best blogs around, and Scooter is an amazing jammer. I have been here since the earliest issues of Blu, and it has given me hope and inspiration. I usually post on an i pad, so I can't usually comment, but still.
    Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this.
    And no, I have never been jammer of the month.

  29. Hey Scooter!

    User: arcticpenguin585
    Status: member
    Reason: I love playing Animal Jam! The AJSB means a lot to me, and I would like to be apart of it more!
    Animal if I won: Arctic Wolf

    Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone!!!

    1. Oh and I have never been JOTM


    2. WHAT?! So many typos! In my original comment I just realized -.-

      My user isn't arcticpenguin585 it is arcticpenguin5858 so plz ignore that

  30. Pet of the Month entry:
    Username: Girlslovekittens
    Pet name: Oceandog (My puppy!)
    Reason?: Well, I'd like to pet of the month because it seems pawsome and no, I've never been pet of the month! It would be amazing if my puppy (Oceandog) could be Pet of the Month!
    -Girlslovekittens :3

  31. POTM entry

    Username: Kitkat8529
    Reason: I have never been JOTM/POTM before, I LOVE this blog, I hate scamming, I despise bullying, I always try to do the right thing and Bluesky is a bit of an attention seeker and she wants to be noticed! ^_^

  32. Username: christmas0910
    Status: member
    I love AJSB and I am so glad you did not close the blog thank you scooter for this blog I understand how much work it takes! 😊

  33. Platipus aint the only one, Echidna does too. (Lay Eggs)

  34. User: Jammer125602
    Status: Nonmember
    Reason: I faithfully read your blog every day and I follow it. I think it's awesome how much hard and quality work you put into your blog because I only update my blogs when I feel like it instead of every day. If I don't win I think that paige16663 should since she is such a good sport about the JOTM thing. No I have not been the Jammer of the Month,

  35. OMG! CLOSE THE BLOG?!?!?! (phew so glad u didnt!)
    username: rueave
    status: member
    reason: I. L.O.V.E. this blog! (and it would be nice if jammers knew about my blog...)
    P.S. animal: Hyena

  36. Well today all my art stored on deviant art disappeared because it was glitching :(. So today was a bad day..
    Anyway I am opening requests on my new account called Rockyblue so if u want a request jamagram me with a rare (no storebought items) because I don't work for free! Your request will be finish in about a week out two from your request since I am going back to school next week! Support is always welcome and im sorry if u consider this comment as spam
    Good work on the blog scooter!

  37. Username: dreamgirl365
    Status: member
    Pets Name: Quickbunny
    Reason: well for one when I heard you say you might cancel the blog my heart stopped, proof that I genuinely love your blog! Also if someone offered me to be a pet/jammer of the month on a different website I would decline because my loyalty is here at your blog. I just love your blog so much and would love to see my pet's picture on the blog I love so much!
    BTW I have never been jammer/pet of the month!


  39. Hi scooter!!!!! Name epicjoy reason: I brothers say u can't and I say I can! Animal: any. Status: member. Thank you!!!!

  40. Username:coolpapa70232


    Pet name: Superowl

    Reason: My owner and I love this blog this is the first thing we check everyday it would mean so much to me if I could be Pet of the Month. This blog means so much to me i wish I could win so much

    My owner has one Jammer of the Month for July 2014

    Sincerely,Superowl (coolpapa70232)

  41. I've never entered before, but I'll try now :)

    Username: Shiverbreeze
    Status: Member
    I've never been Jammer of the Month, or the owner of a Pet of the Month before, so I figured that I should try :)

  42. Hehe it's probably too late, But it would be nice if my Black and red spider MetalSpider was pet of the month! But these things hardly happen... So I'm going to Congratulate whoever wins pet/animal of the month! -Applestorm

  43. Username:Snowflakedarinwolf
    I've never been jammer of the month before and if I sign in late its ok ^-^


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2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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