
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Become an AJSB Author

Hey Jammers!
The BIG Announcement is today (read the title), but first the new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store, and it is a heart pillow....
It looks a lot like the star pillow!
There is a new video in the Sarepia Theater and another in Brady's Theater...
Watch these pawesome videos today!
The Creature Feature is on the Daily Explorer...
To tell you the truth, I have no idea what that is. I haven't watched the video yet, but try it for yourself, it looks interesting ^.^

Epic Sky Den

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is from zoehipster!
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame!

Sky News

The Big Announcement is that I am going to hire 2 New Authors!
I have been thinking a lot, and the blog has really taken over all of my free time.
So, like many popular blogs, I am going to hire authors.
These authors will do one post a week for the blog.
Read the information below, to see how you can become an Animal Jam Sky Blog Author! 

Ability to write one Daily Post per week
Post on time (Anywhere from 2 A.M. AJ TIME to 6 A.M. AJ TIME)
Parent Permission
Correct Grammar and Spelling
Blogger Abilities (It would be great if you already have/had a blog!)
Know how to upload and take photos.

To Sign-Up email Scooter at with this information in the email:
Your username on Animal Jam
Your email
Have a Blog?
An Example Daily Post! 
(Include the day's new item, new video, Daily Explorer post, either a Mystery, Item Spotlight, Discover Day, or Glitch Corner, and any Sky News.
 Just make it look like how you would post if you were an author.)

The Deadline to enter is: August 1, 2014 @ 1:00 P.M. AJ TIME

The New Blu Issue is here...
Click above to read the issue!

7199jf won yesterday's Discover Day, Congrats!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Hmm I think commenting is more fun! Also I can't do it in the time slots! :( oh well I love blu issues!!!!

    1. Scooter. I know the feeling! *;*
      I hope an honest person comes down the line!
      I can't take the job, sorry.


    2. Scooter? Some fellow sky jammers and I were discussing Mister Chunky Buddies blog. Please talk to him cause' he never posts anymore. I think you are buddies ^.^


  2. Scooter I would sign up but I don't post a at that time:(

  3. Can some on check out my new blog? *puppy dog eyes*

  4. Wow... the posting requirements are so early...

    You post around 10 minutes before the Daily Explorer posts, truthfully! Maybe you should wait some time for the Daily Explorer to post, Scoot.

  5. ATTENTION-----------------
    I have changes the times a little so check again ;)


    1. Scooter, I can't Email. So can I just tell you threw AJ? Thanks.


  6. I really want to do it but I can never sign up for these because my Mom thinks I'm too young for everything even helping out on a blog. What gives?

  7. I would LOVE to help! Problem is, I have no email, it's very close to IMPOSSIBLE to get me up in the morning that early and my parents would freak out if they found out I ever READ any blogs. By the way, does anyone else read this on an I-pad?
    - rainbowdash95271

    1. Ikr same and yes I do read it on an iPod and iPad sometimes.

  8. I would like to help, it may be hard for me though. I'm very busy. Hopefully I can sign up! But, I really don't like the idea of YOU getting authors! You're the best blogger ever, even if two times a week you're not posting I'd be upset. But, okay, it's your choice.
    -girlslovekittens :3

  9. A chance to become an author on this epic blog that I check every single day? Oh, I'm in!

    I'll enter when I have time :)

  10. scooter plz read this me cassendra and papyjam have decided that misterchunkyuddy should get authors for the animal jam cheats and codes
    And misterchunkybuddy should step down we know u are buddies with him (we saw it on ur last sky mail) so we want u to help us convince him to step down if u don't want to we understand cause it might ruin ur friendship but we thought with u it m ight be a little easier so if u are with us jam a gram all of us or reply to this comment i will say the same thing tomorrow if we don't get heard back just so u know so i am not trying to spam the chat if i do say it once a day so ya u know reply back to one of us


    1. Ya scooter mister chunky buddy doesn't post a lot like he used to me, coolpapa, and papy think that he should hire some new authors because theres no point of having a blog if you dont post... so ya if you could agree to this it would make us happy

      - violet

    2. 1. You can't just kick someone off their own blog.
      2. If you want to be authors, be one on this blog!
      3. Sometimes, you have to choose and set your priorities. This week, Snowyclaw, herself, sent me an email asking me if I wanted to be an author on her blog. Sadly, I declined because I said I was devoted to this blog. ;)


  11. I'm really good at spelling (or so my mum says) and I'm Currently Writing Two Comics by hand and i will send them out before/after next year... But i highly doubt any of my parents would let me do this kind of blog stuff, no matter how many times i unstack the dishwasher and take the washing down from the line... WITHOUT THEM SAYING I HAVE TOO!!! I would LOVE to do this stuff, but i highly doubt it... sorry scooter! -Applestorm

  12. Hi scooter.

    Not to be mean, but when there are authors on the blog it tends to feel like you cannot have the same bond again with the main author. It happened to snowyclaw's blog and I rarely go on there anymore. I don't know if I am the only one that feels this way. Authors can be good to as long as they have a bit of personality.

  13. Hello Scooter!

    I rarely comment cause it doesn't work on my iPad. But I would like to inform you that I signed up and just sent the e-mail. Good Luck to everyone!

  14. Can I be apart of the epic animal plz?!


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