
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Peck turns Tiki

Hey Jammers!
No new Jamaa Journal today, but there will be one next Thursday!
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Peck Tiki Statue....
Another good addition to the collection. I bet I know what tomorrow's new item will be... (Greely *hint* *wink*)
Jammer Art for the Summer Carnival has been posted....
It is now on the Sky Art Mini Blog!

In Sky News, the Fashion Show is sadly over, but that doesn't mean the excitement is over! 
Sigurd the Deer has been added to the Alphas Page....
Click above to read about the famous Sigurd the Deer Shaman!

 The Clearance Tab has been updated....
Click above to see the new clearance items, including Pet Foxes!!
Shorter post today!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Hey scooter! Im so sad because i got a cream beard, and then i found out that on the eagle adventure, you can get betas, like pigtails and BEARDS!!! now im as non rare as i was before!
    - pinky522

    1. What do u mean as non rare as before

    2. Some people need to get a life and stop caring so much about pixels on a kids game.

    3. Ya......... .3.
      And maybe just enjoy the items instead of caring rarity like I only choose items which looks good on my animals XD

  2. Why r all these stuff going away!! The chair! That was my first den item I bought!


  3. Scooter what is the Comment Call


    1. Sorry, I forgot to make one! I guess Comment Calls will start back up tomorrow!


  4. omg i looked at your blog and its soooo good!!!
    ur blog is like the only one i could find that does daily updates :D
    add me, tiger13567 plzzzzz

    1. What kind of updates cuz my blog has updates evryday

  5. In my opinion, the tiki statues look freaky 0_0. AJ did try something different, by releasing the ocean tiki statues first :). Maybe they should make some of them nonmember?..



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