
Friday, June 20, 2014

Greely's Claws

Hi Jammers!
The set of the Jamaasian Alpha Tiki Statues are complete!
The Jam Mart Furniture Store has released the Greely Tiki Statue....
He looks.... uh... like the rest of the Tiki Statues. Silly. Cool. Aggravated.
Anyway, in much bigger news, a new item is in the Diamond Shop....
A Wolf Claw, full of wolves to make everyone's plushie needs!
The Aquarium has released an underwater video...
I hope the person who asked this has went underwater before O.o
Hyenas are giggling around the Daily Explorer....
Congrats, on the winning News Crew entry! I liked the interesting facts!

Bring on the Spotlight, the Item Spotlight!
This week we are discussing pigtails....
Pigtails are beta items that were released during the Beta Stages for 300 gems.
They are very rare, and lots of jammers want them. Unfortunately, this item was There is also a rare version shown above in a bright magenta color. Did you know that there are 4 unreleased colors....
As shown above, these 4 unreleased colors were found in the game, Best Dressed. Jammers wonder if this beta item will ever come back to stores, and come back with those unreleased colors.
Rare Version: Yes
Status: Members Only
Rarity: ***** (5/5 Stars)
I hope you enjoyed another Item Spotlight!
Comment Call: Do you have pigtails? Do you like them as an item? 

Reminder that the recording for Journey of the Wolves 3 is 6/21/14 @ 7:00 AM AJ TIME!

2 Comment Calls today!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Should add or replace a segment? If so, with what?


  1. Replies
    1. A segment is like Discover Day, This Week, Item Spotlight, etc.


  2. Hey I just thought of something maybe aj is gonna make claw machines full of plushies like the wolfs and then maybe the next would be seals and the last would end off as a full plushie machine I think if I have enough diamonds I'm gonna buy it:)

    1. I have never had pigtails since I was like 5 So.... You know.
      I might be 3 minutes late on the acting thing ok? But not THAT late just so you know!

    2. Oh, and I love them! I wear pigtails in best dressed only though :C

    3. WHOA That claw looks AWESOME!
      Too bad though :c
      My membership expires soon and on Tuesday I will only have 2 diamonds :c

  3. whats a segment and my sister has pigtails :O

  4. oh and i suggested the claw in the diamond shop :D

    1. I replace This Week with... uhhh Something else!

  5. Really I suggested the new app that's being made right now the one so u can play aj on app :):):):)

  6. Hi! I would like you to replace This Week, I don't know with what though :)

  7. Umm...there is already a way to play animal jam on phones or tablets did you know? Download on play,app,or android store the app Puffin Free.The Free Version.It is exactly how games are on your computer if you go on its google!!! It is amazing!!! But there is one problem!!! You are not allowed to play animal jam all day because of small flash player time.It works for 11-12 hours on a certain time of day everyday.In my country,Greece,that is from 7am to 7pm.That means that you can play these 11 or 12 hours with flash player and then you cant,but you can purchace full flash player with 0,89 EUROS.I do not know how many dollars is that.You can ask your parents though.This way NO gliches happen to your animal jam when you are playing from phone or tablet,it is WAY faster than your computer but when flash player is eliminated you get logged out.So i use to play animal jam from my phone even if i am in my house in front of my computer.You can NOT play cat paws island from phones or tablets unless a glich happens to your own phone.Also animal jam on phones and tablets has a small chance (1%) for your phone to work with free internet everywhere!!!Only for animal jam....It is a glich from aj that is transfered to your mobile device O.O anyways ^.^ i hope i helped people without a computer or with broken computer or if they are bored to play somewhere else away from their computer easilly!!! -Valia2305-

    1. I hope they make an app that you can play animal jam on the Ipad!

  8. I know I use puffin free on my ipad but aj is coming out with an app so u can play aj on the app they made btw and I suggested it to them so ya

    1. I use that too.
      - hiphopbunny12345

  9. cool!!! Oh and i have rare PINK pigtails..scooter u said there is only 1 rare...the purple like ones!!! But you maybe just ingored the pink XD i went to check cat paws island...well...umm...i cant is kinda...not good...The peole there act like zombies that want to protect the game.There are some...kinda you must not talk on CAPS lock because it causes lag!!!You mustnt move as much as you want or anywhere you want because it causes lag.You must not write too much because it causes LAG!!! Well lag has invaded Cat paws island!!! Animal jam may transfered the eagle adventure's lag to cat paws island because eagle adventure works perfectly!!! XD !!! Also in CPI you have your own room (den) but you cant decorate it unless you pay.There are many poses for each animal but to get some more poses you have to pay.To get some animals you have to pay.NO adventures NO free dens NO items and accesories and the worst!!! Almost everybody there says really REALLY bad words :( and some poses are a bit...innapropreate for little kids....Well CPI is just a chatting game.I agree.There dont have to be adventures as it is a chatting game.But you have to pay to have your own private room?Pay for your own poses?Well being a member in animal jam is way better than paying in CPI for some little poses and a small room.AJ is free to talk with your friends in your den.All the poses are free!!! So i prefer AJ!!! This may changed your mind,that AJ is better than CPI if you dont know which one to choose.And when you play CPI time passes 3 TIMES faster on my oppinion from my oppinion of playing AJ time passes.Well i confused you and i think this is the biggest post i have ever poster or that was ever posted on sky blog...Sometimes i have too much to say...Actually i always have too much to say...sorry for filling the chat,i am a little sad too because i will never get that spike!!! If anyone has a spike and wants 2 party hats (pink and purple) a BETA den soccer goal and choose one of these items ,Rare Pink Pigtails, Phantom Mask, ,Rare Black Mummy Mask, ,A yeti mask of your oppinion, ,A Tree That Is Beta, ,Purple Worn (Not Rare), OR ,Tiny Tree,...And if you think it is unfair i can add you the wolf claw!!! That is all i have.Please someone respond to my message. XD -Valia2305-

    1. I like Cats paw island! I never met anyone who acted like a Zombie though.....
      Please check out please! I posted the conclusion of the other post!

  10. I find it weird that people would wear those weird pigtails just because they're rare. Like, people would wear ANYTHING if it's rare.

  11. I have 7 pigtails /).^ They look nice on foxes in my opinion. As for rarity, they're actually not worth too much right now.

    1. Oh and that was me, TackyTaco.

  12. i have the blue/green unreleased pigtials!!!!! i like that but i think they only look good on rabbits. i like all segmants.

  13. I agree, They look ADORABLE on bunnies!

  14. I can go to the wolf thing! I am on holiday so that's why I can't comment much but I will defiantly be coming to the wolves movie!

  15. Scooter I'm sorry but right now I just realized that our titles for greely thing were almost the same I just realized that I didn't even know I almost copied I'm really sorry if it seemed like i did cuz put greely claw and u out greely's claws

  16. I actually got the red pigtails from the eagle adventure...


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