
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Zios v.s. Viracocha

Jamaa News________________

Hello Jammers! I hope everyone is having a grrreat day!
The New Item in the Epic Wonders Shop is a Zios Rug....
I love it! It is really big when you place it in your den.
Did you know that Zios is based off of the Incan god, Viracocha?

Yes, they are both known as being "Sky father"s. They both disappeared after making their lands (Jamaa). They are also both known to have a golden mask, and a wife figure (Mira).
Sometimes these little myths can be interesting and fun!
Some of yesterday's new items sneaked past me! The Emerald Birthstone is now in Epic Wonders..... 
Also, the sort of creepy Sunken Graham Tiki Statue is selling in Sunken Treasures.
The Daily Explorer posted an article about.....
I have been to Wisconsin Dells before ^o^
Did you notice that the Actions Tab has changed a little?
The Sit options are now wider, to make your Animal Jam Experience Better!

Glitch Corner________________

The Glitch Corner this week is about Labels in Dens.....
That mysterious "Visit Den" label! Thanks for sending it in aazukaa.
Another sighting was in another jammer's den.....
Now they want me to change my eyes! Thanks for sending it in meowcats1228.

Sky News________________

Clearance Items are updated on the Clearance Tab
New Poll on the Right Column
New Background on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Do you think that Zios has special powers? What are those super powers?


  1. 1ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Meowcats1228 (You're welcome for sending that in)

    1. 2nd! Ha ha ha, kind of! I have the change eyes glitch every day! Zios is, in fact, a mix if Viracocha, and Zeus? Zeus was a greek god, but the romans than started mixed their own religions and soon started worshiping Zeus also. I used the wrong account again!

    2. Scooter! I can't wait to see the video! B)

    3. You keep going on your sisters account? I don't know much about greek Gods because i only know 1 God so maybe lighting sun i don't know.
      P.S. i'm on a different computer so it doesn't have my account on it so no avatar ok?

    4. Scooter!!!! I made a new animal jam blog! Go to!
      Please visit!

  2. 2nd! Another great post, Scooter!

  3. Hi Scooter! The "Change Eyes" glitch happened to me many times before. It disappears when you click on your animal's picture again. BTW, may I know how to send a glitch in?

    1. You take a screenshot of it and send it to ;)

    2. AJpaleggs is correct ^-^


    3. Scooter, how do you take screenshots?

    4. Is it possible to send a video glitch? If so, may I know how? Because, I have a couple glitches, but they are on my Youtube videos.

    5. @longlife

      On a PC, you hit the prtscrn button on your keyboard. Then go on a program like paint and click paste.

    6. Thanks! But just call me 3berrygirl

  4. 4th!
    Luv the zios rug!!!
    And not the creepy graham not so much.....
    Those glitches happen to me including change colour one^*^
    In my opinion zios wins!

  5. Also like the new blog colours!!

  6. 6, I think Zios has the powers of the sun.

  7. I had a weird dream last night that I made an AJ video and it got 700 views o3o

    1. LOL! I had a dream about Aslan because i was listening to the Chronicles of Narnia that night XD

  8. I Like how Jamaa includes so much history in it! Ha, and some people only think the game is about rares :P

    Silence: I LOVE THE ZIOS RUG!

  9. The coming soon advertisement looks like a video! :3

  10. I never knew all that about Zios. That is indeed interesting!

  11. How do you do the picture graphics like the one on the top of the page? How do you make your own? I really want to know so I can make my own.. :)

    1. I get the pictures graphics on various Animal Jam related websites. I make the wallpaper using the Paint program.


    2. Ok thanks, but how do you like put the animals on there? Without having the background still around them.?

  12. That is interesting! :)

    There is a "contest" going on! Visit to view it! (My blog)

    I will also be starting a giveaway! (Mystery so far ;)

    Also, (hopefully) I will be having a pool party today! I will comment later when I am on. :)


  13. :O My glitch was posted!!!!! THANKS SCOOTER!!! :D YOU DA BEST!


  14. Interesting about Zios, I always saw it as Mayan or Aztec. That or I'm just really bad at these kinds of things, I better just stick to Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology and art . .. Anywho, congrats to all those Jammers who commented before me! 21th XD

    ~zoehipster ^-^


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