
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Shutter Shades

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers!
The New Item in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is Shutter Shades...
I really like these, almost better than my famous sunglasses.
The Aquarium has a new video for you....
The Daily Explorer posted an article about
Interesting article! I usually use Double Samurai Swords, and they work great!

This Week________________

This week in Jamaa's History....
2012- The Jamaa Derby was introduced
2012- Ocean Cruise Ship was the newest party
2013- 2nd Annual Summer Carnival was up and running
2013- The Jam Session Party was the newest party
2013- Den Item Inventory updated to 200 items per den

Sky News________________

The Skymail #16 is below....
Thanks for sending in those donations!
The newest Blu issue is below....
Click above to read this adventure to find Blu's Dad!
Videos Tab updated
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What new things would you like to see at this year's Summer Carnival?


  1. 1st!

    1. I'd like to see some crazy hats (like an ice cream one!) and the old items. Also, I find that the golden glove works best for adventures.

    2. Yeah... Golden gloves, swords (dual samurai works best), bow and arrows (golden works best), and spirit armor (gloves work best) are good for adventures.

    3. I didn't know samurai swords worked. I guess it's about time I tried...

    4. scooter! please answer me, this is papyjam your buddy, and Jake Flaherty is using plagiarism by taking your pictures off your blog and using them on his blog the Animal Jam sunshine blog. please tell him to stop. I wish there were nonmember magic armor things. What do they do Scooter?

    5. So do golden swords and other swords! Maybe eagle and arctic wolf and snow leopard and cheetah and lion plushies in Blu version!
      ~3berrygirl~ P.S. please visit please!

    6. Answer to papyjam: Can you give me a URL to his website? The "Magic Accessories" AJHQ is talking about is just clothing items. Sometimes like if you destroy phantom webbing in adventures, hat your wearing can give you more points.


  2. WOW i was so close!

  3. Screa! Was so close to first!!
    Anyway I was first in blu.
    Shutter shades cool!!!
    And the sky mail!!!

  4. In the summer carnival, I'd like to see new summer carnival plushies! ^-^ The Summer Carnival plushies are so cute :D

    1. By the way, today I get my computer back (I had to use another computer at certain times)! So I can go on AJ again at basically any time after 7:30 am EST and before 10:00 pm EST :D

  5. And finally...................
    I'm making a blog when I get my computer back later today! :D An AJ blog! I used to have AJ blossom, but I kinda faded away from it... :3

  6. Awesome! Yo, Scoots, it's pawesome the way you keep track of Jamaa's history!

    Anyways guys, if you're reading this, I work on a blog too, inspired by SnowyClaw and my friend, Scooter. I'd be very greatful if you took the time to check out my blog. It'd be pawesome! If it's not too much, leave a comment! Thanks, guys!

  7. 10th! Yay! Nice posts Scooter, interesting on the Jamaa Derby. I'm personally switched to the Splash and Dash. Really liking the shutter shades!

    ~zoehipster ^-^

    P.S. Did you get the e-mail I sent on the Spiral Lamp?

    1. Yes, I did. I didn't say anything about it because they are gone from stores now. Thanks!!


  8. I finally made a blog, AJ creativity!
    Please stop by ^-^


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