
Thursday, May 1, 2014

No Update Yet?

Hey Jammers! Today is the Big Update day!
However there is one problem.... AJHQ hasn't updated anything!
There isn't even a new item/birthstone for May!
I assume that they will post the new Jamaa Journal sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow?
Until then....
So for now, I have nothing for you sadly :(
However, I will post all the exclusive news tomorrow!
So check back here tomorrow to see all the information!
Congrats on the New Pet and Jammer of the Month!
Have fun and be back later!


  1. Replies
    1. Daily News Bulletin

      Well! I must say, AJ is having some strange changes! <_>
      Is AJHQ sick? Maybe someone else is taking charge of it
      for a while!?! Jammers are outraged! Spirits are changing
      all over Jamaa! I meet a Scammer every day! Hundreds
      threaten to LEAVE AJ! What is wrong? AJHQ, a jammer
      in earnest is calling you! Can you help AJ in this evil stage?
      Come back! Help the innocent jammers! Please! Come.....


    2. Prettytaco? I took a buddy off me list! You can now send me a buddy request!

  2. look at the aj calender there will be a update on friday or satterday!!!! not today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. here is usually a update every other thurs.!!!!

  3. No! I wanted to be jammer of the month! :'( Ok well I'm officially quitting aj. That's it. This month was my BIRTHDAY MONTH! And i get nothing. Well, no more. I'm not getting an AJ membership. I literally told my CLASS about the jammer of the month. And now, what am I going to say to them. -aazukaa

    1. I'm going to CRY myself to sleep today. O and scooter, have you even EVER HAD A NONMEMBER JAMMER OF THE MONTH?!?!?! Theres a suggestion 4 u!

    2. Don't be too worked out just because you didn't get Jammer of the Month, nobody always gets the item that they want when they want it. You just have to wait for your chance :) In fact, I didn't have time to sign up for the Jammer of the Month :D

    3. Take things easy, try again next month :)

    4. Sorri for u no get jammer of month.
      But don't quit aj just cause u didn't get it
      I didn't I I won't!

    5. Yeah, you don't have to get so frustrated. There are many signups and many didn't get it either.

    6. ya but it was my bday month and my parents said they wouldn't EVER get me a aj membership. So i end up ALWAYS with nothing.

    7. I think you should get it for your bday or christmas or hanukaah and raise the money yourself like raking leaves or stuff. That's what I had to do.

    8. I am earning pocket money myself too by washing the dishes, but I didn't get an AJ membership with it.

    9. And, Flora, just because you don't get Jammer of the Month or a membership doesn't mean you end up with nothing. I don't always end up with something for my birthday either :) Take it easy.

    10. Flora here's something to think about. For the early years of my life my mother missed most of my birthdays because of a really big important mandatory must come meeting. Last year she didn't acknowledge it at all. So . . . no complaining please.

    11. Seriously Flora.... No offense but you are acting immature. I signed up for jammer of the month and i didnt get picked. It doesnt matter if it was your birthday or not. BTW, i am a nm too so dont worry :). No need to rage on Scooter's page :3


    12. Flora, just because you didn't get jammer of the month does not mean you have to quit aj. I know you must be frustrated after telling your classmates, but whining about it on one of scooter's posts will not make you jammer of the month. (No offense intended :P)

    13. Sorry if you were trying hard to become Jammer of the Month, I didn't mean to make anyone unhappy...

    14. AGH I like when the update comes so early, I don't think they've ever done this for a while except for the times where they moved the update to every other Tuesday for about two weeks, which was strange.

      - Infinity

      P.S. Flora, you're being really dramatic, not to be rude but you told your WHOLE class that you'd be Jammer of the Month? Well I'm sorry but you should've been way more sure that you would be before you told all those people.

    15. Flora, I know for a FACT that jammer of the month is based on how much you participate in blog events. No offence, but I haven't seen you comment before.

      PS: Calm down, okay?

    16. Yea dude,calm down.

      On april ,my bday month,i entered dat contest,but i dont tell is mah bday XD ,i dont get it and i don't get sad or mad owe

      I dont participe too much :3 Im lazy to comment,all day i visit to see what's new >.<

      -Melimeow .3.

    17. Okay, back from school and continuing comment from 8:15 AM. My birthday is in April too. My Father doesn't even remember my age and only two friends remembered my birthday (three said Happy B-day but only because I reminded the third). My parents would never get me a membership in the history of ever. So seriously? If you want a membership tell a friend or earn the money yourself. From your picture it looks like your pretty set so NO COMPLAINING. Do I have to repeat myself? My mom was gone for my early years, my dad doesn't even remember my age, only three friends say Happy Birthday third cause I reminded them, and I've never been a member in my entire life.

    18. I looked at your entry and your acting the oposite of how you described yourself

    19. I'm sorry you didn't get picked jammer of the month DX I didn't sigh up this month. I just thought i would like to in December instead.

    20. ATTENTION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Flora, I am sorry you are not Jammer of the Month, but TONS of jammers want to be Jammer of the Month. Jammers are chosen by their involvement with the Blog (Commenting, entering videos, entering contests, donating, sending art, etc.) It was very hard to choose just one jammer. Notice that nonmember HAVE been Jammer of the Month before. If you can't remember SparkleFootball was. I am not trying to sound mean or bias, but I just want you to know it is not easy choosing. I hope you still enjoy Animal Jam, the Animal Jam Sky Blog, and me!


    21. who is it? scooter im confused.

    22. Flora, please do not say that. Scooter works hard picking the JOTM, and TONS of Jammers "sign" up. Yes, there HAVE been NM JOTM. I was a NM when I "signed" up for JOTM, and a few days later I got membership, AFTER I was picked. Please don't say things that can hurt people's feelings. (Don't threaten to do something JUST so you might get what you want.)

      Be kind to others!
      ~Rainbowcat1 (Not signed in)

    23. First two sentences and I thought hat the person typing it was a that stereotypical rich kid that always got what they wanted . . . nice Flora

  4. Yay AJpaleggs!
    And copycatkitty!
    Boo no update :'(


      For more visit

    2. Is there anything cool 4 nonmembers?

  5. Oh my gosh, thanks so much scooter and Wild Flower! :O

    1. Can you give some tips on how to be the Jammer of the Month? Like what did you do?

    2. Hmm, I started commenting and entering a lot more contests, I followed The AJ Sky Blog, and I tried harder to help other jammers..

    3. May I know how to follow AJ Sky Blog? I've been meaning to follow it, but I couldn't find the button...

    4. You go to the left sidebar where it says Sky Fans and then click join, but you have to have a blogger account (which you do) ;)

    5. Your amazing! You deserve Jammer of da Month. C.O.N.G.R.A.T.S.!

  6. Wow no new update. And scooter, you should have a nonmember jammer of the month, because, what if they can't pay for a membership? Hmm? It's sad.

    1. I was a NM when I "signed" up for JOTM, and a few days later I got membership, AFTER I was picked.
      Also, SparkleFootball was a NM JOTM. :)

      ~Rainbowcat1 ( Not signed in.)

  7. Congrats, paleggs

    1. Thanks awesome sauce, I sure it's just a coincidence that all jammers of the month were member. Hmm, wasn't sparklefootball nonmember? Well, I'm sure you'll become jammer of the month for an upcoming month :)

    2. AwesomeSauce? Didn't you quit?

  8. Yes! Great job AJpaleggs! Oh, I also signed up for jammer of the month!
    I have figured out the mystery of the boat pond! The paw print ship is nothing less
    than the raccoon shaman's good ship Raton-Laveur! This is French for raccoon!
    When you click on THAT ship, it sinks also! So both ships are at the bottom of the sea!
    And the ship we find our den items in is Raton-Laveur! The phantom ship did nothing less than sink into the deepest part of the sea.... This was transformed into a den shop for all jammers, hidden at the bottom of Deep Blue! With this mystery revealed, I am happy to say that I figured it out on my
    own boat pond! ( The one on this blog!) That was a good mystery, and I hope you will post it as the answer!

    1. Lol AJpaleggs! I always thought your avatar was a chameleon!

      P.S. i'm going to change my avatar

  9. ** Sorry scooter, Plz dont remove my answer. Did i win jammer of the month?** ò.ó lol nice face :D

  10. Who won jammer of the month and pet of the month? I'm interested???

    1. The Jammer of the Month is AJpaleggs and the Pet of the Month is YOU! ^o^
      Congrats (look on the left column of the blog that is where you are featured.)


    2. Thanks you ^o^
      My pet if so famous XD
      Never knew my pet would get her chance in the spotlight ^o^
      When is the next party gonna be. I wanna make sure I get there on time. I wanna know now for I could set an alarm

  11. Congrats everyjammer!

    Maybe I should do JOTM on my blog.
    The AJ Star blog. :)

    Not signed in. XD this is the THIRD time I typed this.

  12. Hey scooter, from now on, my PET and I will be commenting. XD I know my ninja hummingbird on AJ is named something else, but outside of AJ, I always like to call her (that's right.. She's a girl) Silence. :D

    Silence: hope everybody enjoys me!

  13. u got it all wrong they update aj AFTER thursday like at night when no ones up exept ppl who stay up late

    1. No, Scooter didn't. I get up way early and it is updated. AJHQ was just late

  14. I LOVE ANIMAL JAM! Ok who dosent Lol well i thing this sky blog owner shoud talk about the new thing at the heat wave party! Its this big floaty its light purple and dark purple i think well xd have a nice day JAMMERS bye! Oh and p.s JUSS WHAT there is this blog called animal jam progress its new and i righted about it on snowy claws blog to you guys should check it out well bye!


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