
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Smiley Sir Gilbert

Jamaa News________________

Welcome every Jammer!
The New Item in the Sunken Treasures Shop is a Sunken Sir Gilbert Tiki Statue...
Well, AJHQ spelled his name right, unlike yesterday's "Costmo."
Again, I love these items, his head looks big, but look at that smile it looks exactly like this face:
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Ask Tierney....
Dr. Tierney Thys tells us all about the colorful lionfish in this week’s Creature Feature! When lionfish are young, they have tentacles above their eyes and under their mouths called wigglers. The lionfish uses these wigglers to attract their prey: it wiggles them to get its prey’s attention, and when its prey swims too close, the lionfish will catch it with a super fast strike! As they grow and become better hunters, the wigglers slowly disappear. Lionfish also have an amazing survival skill: they are able to slow down their metabolism when prey is less plentiful. They can slow it so much that they can live without food for more than three months!

Epic Sky Den________________

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is from Xavier883, for their idea of a Winter Wonderland!
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Dens Hall of Fame.

Sky News________________

A New Blu Issue has been released.....
Click above to see this new issue.
Remember every Sunday and Wednesday are Blu the Monkey issues!
New Art posted on the Jammer Art Mini Blog
Get all your Clearance items before they are gone!
wessie4chu won yesterday's Discover Day!
Update Day is tomorrow, so be sure to check back here to see exclusive news!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What do you think will be in tomorrow's update?


  1. First! Gah, I'm sick :( Today I'm taking the day off.... Anyways nice den Xavier!

  2. Hmm... Maybe tomorrow AJHQ will spill the news on wether we're getting new pets or animals, then on the update after that the new pets/animals will come out!

    1. Maybe one day I'll ask Tierney something and I'll get a video plaque :3
      I wonder what video plaques are worth...? Probably something cool cause it's so hard to get one.

    2. Maybe a hint on what the animals or pets might be! (Remember it took like 3 updates to get eagles)


  3. Yay I won descovery day
    Omg can't wait for update!!!!!
    Ooh and snow blu issue!
    And smily tiki!

  4. darn u scooter u gave us yet another cliff hanger now i want to know what the button does xd


  5. Ohhhh... update...... so exited! I think that in the update there will be a new party or shop because all the stuff that has been around forever is on clearance. Possibly another hint on what the animals are, and maybe a new adventure. Oh! and may is usually the time when the summer carnival comes out! -sneezes- -face palm- oh yea and im sick. :(

    1. Ooh it might be the eagle adventure in that secret island thingie i have been waiting a long time for that one

  6. I know one thing that isn't actually going to be in it but I don't like, I am losing my membership tomorrow!!!! :*( :sad:

  7. Really I have no idea what the update might be. But maybe some summer items?

  8. you were rong it did not update on may first

  9. lol! I love smiley tiki! guys my user on animal jam is budgies4! plz send me a smoothie machine if u want to! if u do, thx :D

  10. my account is chilly34, my sisters is wolfy3534, and my other one is kittenlover3427 the pass to kittenlover3427 is greendex

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