
Thursday, April 24, 2014

King Triton's Trident

Jamaa News________________

Welcome All Jammers!
The New Item in the Sunken Treasures Shop is a Trident...
This is a great powerful item, and I really like the rope added around the Trident.
Original Color: Gold
The New item reminds me of The Little Mermaid....

King Triton's Trident looks almost exactly like the first one above!
The Sarepia Theater released a new video....
Watch this video and make sure that you don't get your shoes sandy! ^.^

Sky News________________

Big News! The Trading Center has been Restored!
Click the image above or go to the Trading Center Tab to start Trading!
I have deleted all of the comments so everyone can start trading again. Some of them were old comments. Enjoy!
In other Blog News, yesterday most of you said that Monkeys were your least favorite animal in Jamaa....
So, coming soon Monkeys are going to be added to the All about Animals Page. I will try to change your mind on these fun animals.
Jammer Art posted an Jammer Art that is now on the Sky Art Mini Blog!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: If you could visit any land in Jamaa in real life, which land would it be and why?


  1. I would visit Crystal Sands because it seems sort of like a paradise world


    1. OH NO! What will blu say?

    2. Oh and i would choose sarpia forest because its my favorite land!
      But the temple would be really cool!

  2. i would visit crystal sands becuase i love beaches and sun and swimming in the sea!

    also i LOVE monkeys!!!


  3. I would vistit lost temple of zios. It is very ancient and full of mysteries and possibly various treasures.

  4. I would visit the temple of Zios to uncover hidden treasures and try to... Oh my gosh, I have a theory...

    You know the key graham always has on his tail? I think it unlocks the locked cage on the floor of the temple of Zios, since Graham's land is practically the temple.

    So that's why I would visit the temple! :3

    1. I mean the floor of the chamber of knowledge o3o

  5. For hackers ot jamaa township in aldan sothey can take off ur clothes.
    Same place SO J CAN BEAT THEM UP

  6. I would visit ALL THE LANDS!!!!

  7. Hey scooter would you like a headdress or Tail armor?

    1. I would LOVE to have a headdress, but I can't seem to find them very often. I used to have one a long time ago, but I traded it.


  8. Kimbara Outback because it is my fav land


  9. Appondale cuz I love Savannahs!

  10. jamaa township just cause and all animals rule!

    1. Scooter, My comments will have the picture on it from now on OK?
      So remember I have this picture now.

  11. I think that I'd visit the Temple of Zios or the Forest that i can't spell the name of,,, anyway! Because in the forest, you could see the phantom up close that lives next to Mira's Fire, and of course, you could see a mirage of Mira in the fire!

    In Zios, you could sleep and see the translucent phantoms, and that'd be amazing. I'd also like to visit the chamber of knowledge, because. wow. It's so peaceful in the last room, and?? you could stargaze?? And, you might be able to slip into the adventure base camp, as well. ewe There are a lot more things I'd add, but, well. This comment is getting rather long.. ;w;


  12. I would probably visit Jamaa township or lost temple of Zios. If I went to Jamaa, I'd end up staring at the Mira statue. :)

  13. Hmm... This is a hard decision so I'm going to do three different places on Animal Jam, all with reasons...
    1. Sarepia Forest. It would be awesome to go here because you can actually see Mira when she comes out of the fire. Maybe she will look like a ghost? There are quite a few hiding places there and mysteries too so it would be good fun going there.
    2. The Lost Temple Of Zios. This place isn't usually very busy but it should be. Seeing the phantoms in the pit for real would be amazing! Wait...If you're sleeping you can t see them! Or you could fake sleep...hmm... Oops going off topic! You might even be able to get to the base camp too! And reading all those books about Jamaa would be fantastic. The Temple of Trivia and Falling Phantoms would be sooooo much fun to play in real life!
    3. Mount Shiveer. Mount Shiveer is a good place to go to because of the springs. They're like a preheated swmming pool! I have noticed how long the slide is so that would be AWESOME to slide down! I would enjoy climbing the mountain and reaching the top. I wonder what the view would be like. Also, I would love to use that Hot Cocoa Machine! But be careful on that ice...

    These are the three places I would go to in real life. Of course I would like to be able to go to all places. I would like to go to Mount Shiveer the most then Sarepia Forest the second most and The Lost Temple Of Zios the least.
    Sorry I can't go to the party on Saturday. I can't be awake at 2:00AM so can you please do the next party a bit earlier? Maybe in the morning like the birds only party? Thanks for reading.
    -Fox279- This comment is sooooo long! XD

  14. dat trident doe O.o

    My blog:

  15. Spam alert! O.o your cousin didn't write the post o3o

  16. Ketchup bottle! Net and goggle!
    Toll booth! Rotten tooth!
    Freeway plan! Toast and jam!
    Mermaid Man! Garbage can!
    Citrus Fruit! Combat boot!
    Give a hoot! Gorilla suit!
    All we are trying to say is give Jellyfish Fields a chance!

    WHOSE WITH ME!? Lol that's stuck in my head... Cool updated trading center tab, anyone reading this comment who wants to make a deal with me please go to the trading center tab /)^-^(\

  17. Sarepia is my fave ~Doogal

  18. i want the temple because of.... DA KEY.... Paige16663 De end.

  19. I would go to the lost temple of zios
    Cause it's spooky, dark
    And mysterious.
    And since. I live on the other side of the world from
    Sky blog time I just figured out the time diff (16 hours btw)
    So I can go to the party!

  20. What template are you using? How did you MAKE the blog and I know you made it on blogger...

    1. There is a LOT in making a blog, I couldn't even list all the things. O.o The template I am using is Simple.


    2. Oh, and can you check out my blog? i just started it today and i want your opinion. link:

    3. Do you think I could change anything, or make it better?

    4. Suggestions:
      -Music is Great
      -Try adding Polls and stuff on the sides
      -Try changing the background
      -Most importantly spread the word about your blog


    5. Thanks so much! I really appreciate the tips. Again, thanks, and if there is any way, can you post something about my blog?

      - Flora

  21. I think i would want to visit Sarepia Forest in real life. ^.^

  22. Check out

  23. I would visit Sarepia Forest as I simply LOVE bushy forests with tall trees. It would be fun to slide down on the long wavy slide down and between the tall hollow trees too, and to watch Mira rise from the fire. Also, the fire where Mira rises from can be used to have a nice camp out too :)

  24. I would go to Mt.Shiveer because I love cold places. And I love the music!


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