
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Glass Shelves

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers!
The New item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is Glass Shelves....
They have some sleek colors today, nice item for the small things in your den!
Original Color: Brown
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Ants.....
Dr. Brady Barr finds a trail of leafcutter ants in this week’s Creature Feature. Because they carry cut leaves above their heads like little umbrellas, leafcutter ants are also known as parasol ants. And did you know that a leafcutter ant can carry almost ten times its own weight? That would be like the average eight-year-old carrying a cow! Leafcutter ants carry the leaf pieces they cut back to their underground nests. The leaves are chewed into a pulp, and afterwards a special fungus grows on them. The leafcutter ants use this fungus, not the leaves, as a crop for their colony to eat! You can also think of these ants as little farmers with five different jobs: foragers, gardeners, choppers, tiny ants that distribute leaf bits to the fungus, and even smaller ants called minimae that tend to the fungus.

Epic Sky Den________________

The Epic Sky Den of the week is bunnyllover, for your idea of an Arctic Temple!
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame.

Sky News________________

girlslovekittens won yesterday's Discover Day!
Saturday @ 6:00 P.M. AJ TIME is the Earth Day Party!
Coming Soon... Trading Center Restart
Next week be sure to sign up for the Jammer and Pet of the Month!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What is your least favorite animal and why?


  1. My least favorite animal is the monkey because it just doesn't look cute or cool.


    1. This is on animal jam for me

    2. My least favorite animal on Animal Jam is the elephant.
      Their big and lots of clothes on them look weird on them for instance,
      The turkey hat (or chicken hat) They wear on their NOSE.
      They are pretty funny thought :D

    3. My least favorite animal in real life is.... hmm idk i love animals but i would have to say chimpanzee. I don't like how their endangered but their kinda weird looking like baboons. I was at a zoo once in Alabama and their was this big chimpanzee and it threw dirt at me and my family XD It was sorta scary because it tried to climb the fence. But now i think its funny :D

    4. On aj I don't like koalas because...
      Well they feel useless to me.

  2. My least favorite animal is the Babun. Babuns are very aggressive and i hade a bad experience with them (they were trying to kill me when I was litter (3 years old)). But thankfully they were in a cage in the zoo.

    1. I Agree. Also their Bottom isn't, well, SO cute >,<

    2. HAHAHAHAHAHA! THE KOALA'S LOOK REALLY FUNNY WITH ALOT OF CLOTHES ITS SO FUNNY! OK basically put on an epic dragon mask on a koala and see what i mean they look like their wearing a big sweater with an epic dragon hat ITS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. If the party's on Saturday, I might be able to come, but I'm not that great at converting AJ time o.o
    My least favorite animal... Idk lol once when I was like 2 or 3 my mom brought me around to houses for Halloween and there was a dog that tried to kill me in one house but when it jumped at me it hit the glass door and fell over... But most dogs are nice :D
    ~AJpaleggs who still can't get on her computer~

    1. Im not sure if i can come..
      P.S I cant reply to comments on my blog, can someone please help?? I have tried some codes already but they aren't working. :(

    2. Well basically you look at the Animal Jam Time on the top right column of the Blog. Now look at your time. So if the party is 6:00 P.M. AJ TIME then your time will be _________. Hope this helps XD


    3. Oh wow I can't make it to the party...
      Too late in the day D:

  4. On Animal Jam, my least favourite animal is the wolf, because it looks strange and skinny and pants when it stands. It doesn't look good in most of the clothes and accessories too. In real, I love all animals :)

    1. Now you mention it.. the wolf DOES look FAR too skinny in the legs.
      But in reality, i absolutely LOVE wolves!! They are awesome! :)

    2. But i have to disagree with the clothing part, no offense.

    3. me to i LOVE wolves in real life but they do look funny with those big paws and those skinny legs.

  5. Rino is my least favorite; They wear their hats on their horn! Bad bad bad! They are big bullky and sorry rinos, weird. Bad. I do love penguins though!

    1. The fact of the Horn and Size you MUST see it as a privilege, since the horn makes great protection and so does the size. I bet a lion pride would attack an elephant or giraffe rather than a rhino. And you gotta admit baby Rhinos are cute...

    2. Lol everyone who read your comment probably went on google images to find baby rhino pics x3
      ~The overly random AJpaleggs~

  6. I would like to be jammer of the month because... I really adore your blog the parties and the special little things as well! Jammer of the month just sounds like it would be a fun thing to be. (my friends sitting next to me are listing off good things about me.. Again) so far they've said:she makes good cake... We get discounts on plushies from her store
    and once my bff (who ikir) got hacked and I hunted down all her stuff that was taken and actually did find the hacker.

    1. The Jammer of the Month sign-ups are NOT today, it says next week. :) Sorry!


  7. Hmm.. let me think.
    On AJ, i think it's monkeys because every accessory looks weird on them so i cant dress them up nicely. :(
    But in real life, i love all animals!

    1. Lol if you want to see something look epicly strange without being on a monkey copy and paste this link:
      Then scroll down till you find the picture of a koala looking hilarious x3

  8. On aj i think its pandas just because they look all fat and ugly.Sorry pandas!
    In real life i HATE snakes.
    Live.laugh,and love huskies

  9. Oh, dear. I forgot to comment yesterday. Thank you for featuring my hypothesis! uwu and, anyway! I think that my least favorite animal in AJ is... hmm. I kink of don't like the monkeys, to be honest. They're just. I dunno, the way they move is a bit off, and they're awkwardly built, if that makes sense. But, it's a hard pick, because they all have their upsides and downsides! In real life, I'm not sure that I have an absolute least favorite.


  10. My LEAST fav Animal is definetl the Panda! They are Fat, and they look like an overweighted baby Eww.
    Now my Favorite animal is the Rhino! I like well, EVERYTHING about them. The Horn reminds e of courage and power, and their angry personallity is somehow a benefit to be alwa ys cautious. Baby Rhinos look Adorable and the fact that they are endangered makes me want to protect the even more!

    1. Btw, I only dislike Pandas on AJ. Another Animal I dislike is the Monkey, their eyes r Weird and they are, well, akward (Did I spell that Right?). They move weird and accesories dont look so well on them. And their Crazy Attitude is just, well, annoying since they could steal ur pocket without even knowing it.

    2. Mwhahaha it's awkward not akward
      Ehehehe that's alright :)

  11. My least favorite animal on AJ is de panda. In real life I love them, but they don't look right in AJ.

  12. And how do I sign up for pet and jammer of de month?

    1. When scooter picks jammer of the month scooter will post it, currently you can't enter ahead of time.
      Just comment on the blog asking "Can you check out my pet (your pets name) and see if it's pet of the month worthy? Thanks, my username is (your username).

  13. i dont like seals. their arms droop down in the ocean

  14. On AJ I have two: Deer and Cheetahs. The cheetahs look derpy and then the deer legs are too tall. I like them in rl but they need too upgrade some animals. Love you, -Ambert

    1. Cheetahs on AJ are too skinny and stretchy, NO OFFENSE AJ CHEETAH LOVERS! In real life cheetahs are cool... I agree deer look kinda squished on AJ and in real life they have a more long stomach...
      If yah know what I mean :P

  15. My least favorite animal is the elephant all the items are oddly shaped or small its makes it hard to make good outfits

  16. my least favorit animal is a panda because it looks like there wereing under were the other animals i love

  17. Is it me or did i just get 13 buddy requests for being featured on the website yesterday? awkward :P
    and my least favourite animal is the monkey. there just so........... strange.

  18. oh and my user is aaoazja2001 btw people

    1. arg i meant two days ago not yesterday. lol oops

  19. I wish AJ had snails and the snail eyes would be on stilt things... all the hats would go on their eyes
    ~The overly random AJpaleggs~

  20. Scooter someone follows your blog and posted that a party was on the flint server in the conservaton museam etc.. He copied your invatation!

    1. I think various blogs have posted about my party, since it is for a good cause ^-^


  21. Arrrrrrg...... WHY SO CHORT POST

    1. Short?
      This is actually a very long post.. no offense.

  22. ok scooter,Im really sorry but i have been using some of your photos for my blog.
    I would like to know how to take a screenshot plz tell me!

    1. That is okay, just please stop using those images, and if you absolutely have to then remember to put my name below the image. Anyway, here is a link to how to take a Screenshot by AJHQ:

      That should tell you everything you need to know!

  23. Heh, um so if you guys could stop by my blog for a visit, that'd be great ;)

    My blog -

  24. My brain is totally cranking stuff up.(or whatever its called)
    BTW before saying why, my least favorite animal on animal jam would be monkey, they sure look creepy, and in real life the it would be a... idk..
    So, heres my new animal theory-
    1. Read the Jamma Journal CAREFULLY!
    three DIFFERENT paw prints. my next clue proves to whom they belong to.
    2.In your last post see the poll CAREFULLY!
    The three animals_-The lynx, jagur and hyena.

    Hyena, Lynx and Jaguars are coming to jamaa!


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