
Monday, April 28, 2014

Gloves are Back + Sign-Ups

Jamaa News________________

Hello Jammers!
The Rare item Monday in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is the original glove.....
Looks: *****
Price: *
Jamaasian: *****
Wow, it seems like this has happened before, oh ya Fox Hats! -.- Oh well I guess now everyone can have a glove! They are pretty expensive: 3,000 gems!
Yesterday another new item was being sold in Sunken Treasures, it is a Sunken Liza Tiki Statue....
I absolutely love this item and I hope they make more for all the Alphas. 
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Phantom Armor....
Have you rescued Greely from the phantoms but still want more adventure? We’ve added a hard mode to THE SEARCH FOR GREELY! We’ve added the exclusive and elusive Phantom Armor pieces as the reward for completing this adventure in hard mode. The Phantom Armor cannot be bought in any Jamaa store and there is a total of five separate pieces; armor, tail armor, helmet, gauntlets, and amulet. Can you win them all? ~AJHQ

Mystery of the Week________________

The Mystery of the Week is about the Toy Boat Pond, which you can win as a prize through the Kani Cove Journey Book. Also, in Kani Cove is a phantom sunken ship that looks like the one in the Toy Boat Pond. Could the Toy Boat Pond be telling us a story based on a battle that raged in Jamaa's History? Maybe the Blue Heron is the Paw Print Ship. So it shows us that the Blue Heron and the Sunken Phantom Ship battled in the sea and when you click the pond the phantom ship sinks. So it probably is the one at the bottom of Kani Cove. It all connects (\^o^/) 
Picture by papyjam
Mystery Idea by Tess H.
Told by Scooter

Sky News________________

Well, the long anticipated event has come! Jammer and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups..... 
 Comment Call: Comment above if you want to be Jammer or Pet of the Month.
If you have already been a Jammer or Pet please don't sign up for the one you have already been. 
So lets say if you have been Jammer of the Month, you can't sign up for Jammer of the month, but you can still sign up for Pet of the Month. Thanks!
The deadline to sign-up is midnight tonight!

Clearance Tab updated with tons of stuff!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I knew it! I traded 2 gloves for a fox hat before they were out :3
    Kept the rest :D

    1. The Daily New Bulletin

      Ever Wanted a Beta Glove?
      Your dream is only 3000
      gems away! Now sold in the
      jam mart store, it's rare too!
      Buy it now, before midnight!
      This is the first new bulletin,
      more will come very day!

  2. Hmm.. I'd like to be jammer of the month.
    User: AJpaleg
    Status: Member
    Reason: I really enjoy viewing the AJ sky blog, commenting, entering contests, etc, so I thought entering to be jammer of the month would be fun ^-* I would enter pet of the month but I can't get on my computer to dress a special pet creatively... So anyway good luck to everyone, it's too bad there can only be one winner!

  3. i would like to be the jammer of the month because i have never been it and i have never scammed and i think it will be fun and im tig47498

    1. To enter, you also need to say your status, which is if you're member or nonmember ;3

  4. Hi scooter I would like to be Jammer of the Month :D
    User: enternal12321
    Status: Non member
    Reason: I check this blog everyday and i REALLY love it. I havent really been on AJ for awhile due to personal reasons. Reading your blog makes me feel better and happy :). Being Jammer of the Month would be an absolute honor for me. Oh and BTW its ok if u dont pick me :).
    Also I would like to enter my pet for the Pet of the Mont! (LOL Sorry if im bothering you)
    User: enternal12321
    (BAH Whatever Im just repeating it XD)
    Status: non member
    Reason: My pet JOEY is REALLY special to me. My BFF gave it to me as I couldn't play JUMP (ya she knows my password). It means ALOT to me and I ALWAYS( Well most of the time XD) have the joey follow me around everywhere :D.

  5. I would also.
    User: Papyjam
    Status: nonmember
    Reason: I love this blog, and I'll dress up today for it! Thank you Scooter for posting my den on your blog!! I am really thankful for your being my buddy! When are you going to get on AJ today?

  6. Hi I'm creepersofthenethter, and I'd love to be jammer of the month :) I'm currently a member. And well, I just don't know why... I don't really like to brag! So ugh it's so well I think I'm generous and I do seriously enjoy giving people items and not just saying dat, well hmm I also stop scammers, and I honestly enjoy helping new players, you don't need to believe any of dis if you don't want to, but it's da truth

  7. Username: CopyKittyCat
    Status: member
    Why I want to be the jammer of the month: i never been any-sort of jammer of the month or any sort of good advent. And, I wanna feel like what it is to be in one <3

    1. Pet of. The month now:

      Username: CopyKittyCat
      Do we say the pet we are entering?: if we are i pick, Hyper. My per joey.
      Status: member
      Why?: I would love my pet being featured in a blog. It would feel like my pet is epicccc!

    2. lol same but i havent been on aj for a long time :p and also congrats

  8. YAY!!!!
    YOu used my mystery!!!

    1. Congrats for getting your mystery featured!

    2. jammer of the month:
      Reason: I LOVE this blog
      it's inspired me to make my own.
      Well umm..... I hate scammers and will do any
      thing to stop them.
      I NEVER scam. NEVER EVER!
      I Love animal jam, I am on it 2 hours every day!
      Ok I suppose it's not very heathy but I love it
      to much to give up!
      I think that May be enough reasons...

    3. Pet of the month:
      Pets name: blueberry
      Pet: kangaroo
      Status: member
      Reason: She is so cute!
      She has these little jumping shoes
      and she can jump really high.
      She can also do backflips! :D
      Her favourite good is her namesake
      and she likes this blog almost as much as I do.(almost)
      She would really like it if she got to be featured on
      this blog!

  9. hey i hope one of you jammers get to win for jammer of the month or pet of the month

    1. Congrats for winning the last jammer of the month :D

    2. Ya congrats! That is a big honor to have! LUCKY! XD

  10. Hi! This is Hawk13 I didn't quit after all! Yeah, I decided against it. So, anyways... I HATE THAT THEY BROGUHT THE GLOVES BACK OMG I HAVE TWO AND ITS SO UNFAIR I MIGHT CALL AJ!!!!! After that note,

    I nominate my friend littlebunny21885 to be jammer of the month. She is kind and sweet and is the best friend I could ever have! She is having a very hard time at home right now but always manages to be in good spirits! She always helps other jammers and if they got scammed she tries to help them!!! She is a member but by the end of the week she will be nonmember. Thanks!

    1. Good luck to your friend! I traded my black and cream glove for a fox hat. At the time it was an overtrade, but now I'm happy :3

  11. Username: Mldriver
    Status: Member

    Hi! I always check this blog everyday before school. It's great! You inform me and give me things to think about. I also want to be member of the month because it's my birthday soon, and I thought it would be cool as like a gift.


  12. user missdarlingjammer
    status member.
    reason i love this blog and the formats as its simple to read and not confusing for and i have never even looked at other blogs and i just really really want to.

    thanks missdarlingjammer

  13. user missdarlingjammer

    pet i want to enter quickcat

    reason becuse shes cute and looks like a princess maybe you scooter can make a prince so you have a pirnce and a princess i dont know just an idear!

  14. I want to be both Jammer and Pet of the Month My username is coolpapa70232 my pet name is SuperBird I am a member and I would like to be jammer and pet of the month because not for the prizes but because i love this blog and i would love to be featured on the blog so please Scooter let me be pet or jammer of the month it would make me so happy


  15. Why does aj keep bringing out rares? i am thinking about quitting... if black beards come out i am quiting..


    1. So it will be fair to beta jammers to new jammers :3

  16. hhh i typed out a big thing and my interenet pooped,,,,
    I like that gloves are back, but what about the people that traded well for them?.. I'm sorry for you guys.

    User: Burrtail
    Status: Member
    Reason: There are plenty! First, having my name up on the side of the blog would help me meet new friends! I'm sure that they'd attempt to contact me, and it'd be great to meet new people! And, I dunno if this counts for much, but i'd really be honored. ;w;
    (oop. gotta run, or i'd type more. Thank you for reading!)


  17. Username:QwERtyZY


    My story starts on when i started AJ.I wondered how they get the items.I was like OMG sooooo COOOOL!!Until i never knew memberships we're in this game.
    So i knew that members always win :(
    So i went to this blog and think of a way that non members also can win :D
    I'm not being greedy or mean.I felt like non members was treated like garbage :(
    Plz let me be the jammer of the month i want to join this first time :)
    This will be my first time joining the jammer of the month :3

    1. Oh wait!!
      Good Luck if you become the jammer of the month and your pet becomes the pet of da month :3
      Have a good time jammers...PEACE!!

    2. LOL sorreh if i wasted the page scooter X3

    3. :( u r not suppose to spam up the system nyan cat saided so >:O

    4. Uh okay?????????????????????Sorry?????????


    5. Looked liken fun :P

  18. NOOO WHY AJ! 3rd time: 1-Fox Hats, April 2013. 2-Scary Bats, October 2013, 3-NM Gloves, April 2014
    Looks like the last monday of april is re-release day

    1. Btw, Im Xavier883

    2. It's fair to new jammers cuz they want cool items too.So give them a chance :3

    3. Oh and btw, here are my signups
      User: Xavier883
      You know Im a Member c;
      Reason: Well, 1st of all I LOVE the AJSB, It is noticeable that scooter putted lots of effrot (<----Did I type that right?) in this blog, and it's amazing. On AJ and in real life I am very support full. I sometimes send unwanted items to random jammers when I have full inventory. And I sometimes buy colored items to NM's when they want me to, or just when I wanna be nice. I am very cautious and Yell "SCAMMER!" when I see a Scammer, and I enter things such as scam offers at dens, and I warn other ppl about the scam, and (most of the time) keep them safe from the scam. I am not perfect, and I sometimes go in what I call "UGH" mode (Bad Name, I know) That's basically when I go like "UGH WHAT DYA WANT NOW?!?" that's basically when ppl ask me too much stuff and\or obvious stuff, when I try to save a jammer from a scammmer but the scammer wins, and when I get bullied.

      now for the Pet of the Month

      User: Same as a Above
      Status: Same as Above
      Pet Name: Uberspider!
      Type: Tarantula
      Reason: Well, we (Uber and me) want him (Uber) to be the POTM (Pet of the Month) because we love this blog and pretty much the same as the JOTM reason. Uber is really cute. I adopted him for 3 diamonds on the diamond shop on Halloween (Yet other of the Questions they frequently ask me) and has been following Awesome Canyonrhino since. I allowed him to sign up because he's an obedient spider, he helps me on my chores and follows me on my adventures, and always follows Awesome's orders.

      (P.S. I have never been the JOTM nor the POTM)

  19. Yeah! I always get the craziest trades! One time someone traded me their raspberry bow for a patched rug from outback imports! And a freedom mask for my candy cane rug! And a rare raspberry bow for my nm brown pirate swords! Thank you jammers!

  20. I can just think of all the raging Youtube videos being posted and created right now . . . OK seriously people CALM DOWN! A big complaint is that AJ is becoming more and more about rares and betas. With more rares and betas coming back to store the value of the item is going down so seriously people chill. Points on the NM item AJHQ (but the color changing is a whole 'nother story) I'm really mixed on my feelings for the item, I'm kinda glad though. People have been overrating this item and demanding for more than they're worth so this makes me happy in some ways. Sorry if people don't like my opinions.

    ~zoehipster ^-^

  21. Hey Scooter! I'd like to send you a plushie, but im Non-member. It is a blue tiger with sunglasses and I'd like you to use it in Blu's comics. Whenever your on, just give me a howl and I'll give him to you! Thanks bro.

    Pet of the month:
    I'd like to nominate my pet, Blueroo. He is a red, blue and white joey who loves to catch butterflies. He is very funny and clumsy. He loves to read your blog with me, as well as watch a few episodes of " My little Pony" together.:) He would ABSOLUTELY love to be pet of the month because, well, he's never been featured on anything. Thank you, and peace out for now!


    1. P.s. I'm non-member!:3


  22. User Christmas0910
    Status member
    I don't really know why maybe because I love this blog so much I check it every day every morning or maybe because it just kind of sounds fun! But for some reason I want to be jammer of the month.

  23. The Daily New Bulletin

    Ever Wanted a Beta Glove?
    Your dream is only 3000
    gems away! Now sold in the
    jam mart store, it's rare too!
    Buy it now, before midnight!
    This is the first new bulletin,
    more will come very day!

  24. Hey Scooter! My username is SmartyPawz, I am a member. I think I should be jamer of the month because I try my best to help non-members and stop bullying, scamming, and hacking. I post on The Rise Against Hackers (RATH) and have started a kindness and friendship movement on my blog, the animal jam logic center. Thank you for considering me as Jammer of the Month!
    ~Smarty C:

  25. For pet of the month
    Orangesauraus is the pets name
    Reason orange is a fantastic pet duck, he cruises along with my snow leopard and he is absolutely Quakers
    Blueberryb member

  26. For Jammer of da Month,
    Name: Owlzzz
    Status: member
    Reason: I help nonmembers in any way I can. I will trade them colored items or show them were to get a pet. I also try my best to stop bullying, even if I get caught in the middle of it.
    For Pet of da month,
    Name: Flutterowl -owl
    Status: Member
    Reason: I had always wanted a pet owl. It was a dream. Then finally, AJ came out with pet owls. My head exploded. Right now she flaps around with my Arctic Wolf.

  27. hey im sanaban im new to the blog but i really like it so im going to keep coming on here im mad about the gloves becouse i just got a pick beta one like 4 days ago and the mystery is a good idea for a story awesome
    - please check out my blog i havent posted on it very much im new at blogging to but plz check it out thx

  28. also can anyone buy me a glove a black one im nm so i really want a black one to go with my grey slingshot if you can plz tell me

  29. User: Kitkat8529
    Reason: I know I don't comment much on the blog, but I am a kind and considerate jammer who would never scam. Every so often I try to teach a mean jammer one lesson-scamming hurts. Don't do it. I am there for all jammers, except for ones that don't deserve it. That is why I would like to be jammer of the month.

  30. Hey this is Hawk13 again and I want to sign up my Arctic Wolf Pup for Pet of the Month. I forgot her name... silly me!!! but still. I love my arctic wolf pup!!! I usually have her always follow me around! She is the best AJ pet ever!!!! I am a member. Thanks!!!


  31. Hi Scooter! My username is singelena and I'm currently a non member. I have a blog also called the Animal Jam Active Blog; it was inspired by yours. I'm an active jammer that loves to have fun and for everything to be fair and safe. I go against scammers, hackers, and rude jammers. I just want myself and everyone else to have a good, fun, and safe time on Animal Jam. I should be Jammer of the Month because I care about everyone and encourage all jammers to stay safe and not to scam. I am very kind to all jammers and show new jammers around Jamaa.


  32. Scooter, I want to be jammer of the month this month.
    Username: Kitty95484 (no caps)
    Reason: I have been reading your blog for a very long time, and I think your awesome!
    Status: Member
    Thanks for reading this and I hope you have an amazing month!

  33. Plz lemme be jammer of da month. Username: U SHUD NO HOO I AM!!! (paige16663) Reason i hate innoapropriate stuff and scamming. (omg i spelled dat wrong) Status Member. U ALSO R AWESOME SAUCE.

  34. I would like to be jammer of the month because I am kind and I don't scam and also because I'm not really popular I want tobe known my user is marypoppinsrox

    1. sorry my status is member I got it a couple of days ago

  35. Yo, scoots! I'm going to try signin' up for Jammer of the Month!
    Username is quicksilver132, you know me!

    Anyways, for those who don't know, I also run a blog, highly inspired by my friend, Scooter, and Snowyclaw.
    It'd be pawesome if you could take a look!

  36. I would like my black hummingbird that looks like a ninja to be a pet. (Sorry can't go on to see his name right now, I'm doing something :P)

    I would wish for him to be pet of the month because he is awesome! XD
    And he was my first hummingbird that I got! ^-^

  37. User: hiphopbunny12345
    Status: Member
    Reason: I am Pretty new to Animal Jam. But, I think I have made a difference in a few People's AJ Lives (XD sorry i didn't know what to put there :PPPPPPPP.) Also, I have checked this Blog Everyday since I heard about it. Also, I love AJ, I love all Jammers. (Scammers DON'T count) And I really LOVE this blog. :))))))))
    P.S. Also I'm Going for Jammer of the Month btw :P

    1. Hiphopbunny12345 here again. Also, I would like to enter a Pet of mine into the Pet of the Month

      I would like to enter Daintyhamster because......
      I made it after my pet CeCe. She was my pet Guinea Pig. And when she was ONLY 1 and 1/2 years old she got sick. And, sadly she is no longer here :(

    2. Oh, also for Jammer of the Month I would like (if i win) it to be my Artic Wolf.

    3. Oh I am SO SO sorry that you Guinea Pig has gone! That is always a sad moment to go through. I'm sorry.

  38. Hi Scooter! My username for Animal Jam is aazukaa. I am a happy non-member and I appreciate that I'm NM. I would NEVER complain about being nonmember. I absolutely love Animal Jam! I want to be Jammer of the Month of May, first of all because my b-day is in May! It's May 6! I will be turning 11! I would LOVE to be Jammer of the Month because being that means SO much to me. I really would want to be JOTM (Jammer of the Month). That would be the BEST bday gift EVER. Being JOTM beats having an AJ membership. That is how much that means to me. I just want to say Good Luck to EVERYONE that enters! I would also want to be Jammer of the Month because I will be shown on the sidebar which will help me make buddies. I really like being friends with Jammers because they add fun to AJ. I don't know what I would do without this blog. Checking this blog every day has turned into my daily schedule. Scooter, you are doing a TERRIFIC job keeping this blog interesting and fun to read :) Honestly, Scooter, you are the BEST blogger I know and you always will be no matter what. Every day I am excited for something, reading this blog. Thank you Scooter for making this blog because it really adds something fun to AJ. You are the best. Forever. Good Luck to everyone and too bad that there can only be one winner. Again, Good Luck to everyone and I hope the right person will win. I mean like, NOT a scammer. BTW, I'm not a scammer and being Jammer of the Month would be the BEST present I would have EVER gotten. Thank you to all jammers who make my AJ experience a whole lot better :) I really appreciate it. :)

    - aazukaa

  39. User: Fighter1230
    Status: Member
    Reason:I want to be jammer of the month because, I have been on Animal Jam for 2 years now and I started a NO SCAMMING CLUB where we have meetings on aj about once every month and we play games of how to AVOID people scamming. Also I want to do something for the AJ community! Ever since I joined AJ I thought "Wow Animal jam is such a great community and i think i can make it BETTER!"
    Thank you for reading this! :)

  40. My name is q1zx. I would like to be Jammer of the month because I feel I am one of the most hardworking non members. I post everyday before seven am eastern u.s. time on the I check ur blog everyday, in case i've missed anything. I love Blu the monkey! I think that is a creative idea, and many blogs are starting there own. Anyway, I have many things, never scammed, and have all the clothing items available currently in Jamaa that are non member. I really want to be ur friend, I would enjoy that. I am also very observant, why do u think the Jamaa journal didn't post? Weird. Did you know that non members NEVER could collect gifts before two weeks ago, and now they can't chat on adventures. (Annoying.) I didn't know you didn't know that we couldn't collect gifts. Currently, in my Jam a gram inbox I have cave crystals, a bunny fence, a glove, and more. It is very annoying. Anyway, I think I should be Jammers of the month because I have worked hard in trading, and reporting. I probably won't get this but, if you could be my friend, (I'm q1zx) I would like that a lot.
    Username: q1zx
    Status: non member
    Reason is above.
    P. S. I saw an easter egg and won a prize, and we need to wrk ut a time.
    Could you jam a gram me and I will reply, or if I can't, do it on the Ask Scooter page.
    I can trade you. And maybe I could friend u then. Also, about the Jamaa Journal, and who they haven't posted. What do you think and why? Thank you! Jam on! Check the blog plz! Sorry, just like saying that. Lol. Also, I have taught about ten Jammers how to fly to another jammer, change animals, etc.

    P. S. S. I think my pet should be pet of the month because he has about six other siblings that are different colors. He also is very, very cute. (All hamsters are cute, too.)
    Jam on!

    1. I have some very interesting plashes I want to send, but can't. Maybe we could work out a time. - q1zx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. If you could mention the blog in my first comment in ur post I would be really thankful. But you don't have too.

  42. its cotton and id like to be jammer of month c0tt0n23

  43. I would also like to nominate a good friend of mine that i actually MET on the AJSB (animal jam sky blog)
    Status: nonmember
    Reason : She is a very good friend and she is very nice! She always has a nice den and she NEVER SCAMS! She is a awesome jammer and a GREAT friend! I hope she wins JAMMER OF THE MONTH! Good luck Cotton! :)

    1. i would like to nominate fighter1230 for the exact same reason!


    2. Aww! Thanks Cotton! :)

  44. Hi! I'm uiouio100, I'm a nonmember. I have been on AJ for quite a while and my birthday is in may. (So is Katniss'!) I have a lot of items and am friendly. I like the cool stuff on AJ.I'd like to be jammer of the month. I don't scam, and if you need more info, just ask! Also, I like nonmember power, but am respectful to members.

  45. Hey Scooter! I'm signing up for Pet of the Month and Jammer of the Month. I'm a member, my user is blurmercer03, and the reason is that I want to be heard and not just blend in with everyone else. Also, my birthday is May 5, so I kinda wanted a "birthday gift" on aj. The pet I want to do is Firefox. Thanks!

  46. Replies
    1. (0o0) This is Bill. Copy and paste him all over any blogs so he can
      \ II / take over the internet and stop cyberbullying. Please do so.
      / \

    2. I just found it on a website and copied it and then pasted it.

  47. Hey Scooter!! I want to be Jammer of the Month.
    Username: warriorcatclaw2046
    Status: Member
    Reason: I LOVE the sky blog and read blu the monkey every day and i told someone they were absolutly beautiful when they said they were ugly and said they should never say that they are ugly. P.S It also my B-Day month :D

  48. Hi Scooter! My username for Animal Jam is aazukaa. I am a happy non-member and I appreciate that I'm NM. I would NEVER complain about being nonmember. I absolutely love Animal Jam! I want to be Jammer of the Month of May, first of all because my b-day is in May! It's May 6! I will be turning 11! I would LOVE to be Jammer of the Month because being that means SO much to me. I really would want to be JOTM (Jammer of the Month). That would be the BEST bday gift EVER. Being JOTM beats having an AJ membership. That is how much that means to me. I just want to say Good Luck to EVERYONE that enters! I would also want to be Jammer of the Month because I will be shown on the sidebar which will help me make buddies. I really like being friends with Jammers because they add fun to AJ. I want to stand out, I don't want to blend in. I want to be noticed, like you Scooter. I want people to say, " Hey look! aazukaa is on! OMG!" I want people to notice me. I don't know what I would do without this blog. Checking this blog every day has turned into my daily schedule. Scooter, you are doing a TERRIFIC job keeping this blog interesting and fun to read :) Honestly, Scooter, you are the BEST blogger I know and you always will be no matter what. Every day I am excited for something, reading this blog. Thank you Scooter for making this blog because it really adds something fun to AJ. You are the best. Forever. Good Luck to everyone and too bad that there can only be one winner. Again, Good Luck to everyone and I hope the right person will win. I mean like, NOT a scammer. BTW, I'm not a scammer and being Jammer of the Month would be the BEST present I would have EVER gotten because it's my b-day month. Thank you to all jammers who make my AJ experience a whole lot better :) I really appreciate it. :) I also want to show that being Nonmember is just fine, you don't need to complain that you are nonmember. I just want to show how awesome AJ can be and how fun it is. Thank you Scooter for reading this.



Rules for Commenting on the Animal Jam Sky Blog:
1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
3.) No Advertising Your Websites Please
The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.