
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Biking with Monkeys

Jamaa News________________

Welcome all jammers!
Have you every wanted to ride in your wild side? Try getting a new Dirt Bike in the Jam Mart Furniture Store....
Looks like you could go pretty fast with this new item!
Original Color: Red
The Aquarium has released a new video....
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Sea Turtles....
There are currently seven species of sea turtles swimming in our tropical oceans. They’ve been around since the time of the dinosaurs, only 110 million years. The turtle’s shell is called a carapace and has become streamlined for swimming. Swimming fast and their shell are their primary lines of defense because they can’t pull their legs and head into their shell. Green sea turtles can stay under water for as long as five hours on a single breath! They can slow their heartbeats to save oxygen. They’re so slow in fact that it may be as long as nine minutes between heartbeats. Find out more about green sea turtles and download this page to color from Animal Jam Academy!
In other news it was brought to my attention that nonmembers can't get free chat....
However, if you are a nonmember who already has it, you are fine! But if you are new then no free (safe) chat for you.

This Week________________

This Week 2 years ago in Jamaa's History.....
Miss Cleverclaw's Dresser won the Den item Contest!
Also this week in history 2 years ago....
Underwater Best Dressed was the newest game!
The Spooky Party was released!

Sky News________________

Yesterday was the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Earth Day Party.....
It was a lot of fun. As I said, there was a BIG surprise. 
The surprise was that I will now be having 2 Blu Comics a week
One every Sunday and another on every Wednesday
Speaking of Blu the Monkey....
Click above to see the newest issue!
Speaking of Monkeys....
 Monkeys have been added to the All About Animals Page!
Be sure to check back tomorrow for the Jammer of the Month and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Talk about the post above :)


  1. Replies
    1. Man i almost got first DX
      I was at the party!

    2. K don't worry unless I randomly wake up early tomorrow (it's actually pretty common I wake up before I need to) I will prob not be first :3

    3. Me to! I got up at five in the morning and scooter hadn't posted yet!

    4. Congrats!
      I'm a little unhappy about the chat for nonmembers, though.

  2. I see my self at the screenshot! x3
    Im the Snow Leopard with the rare headdress, blue tail armor, a silver diamond shop leg spike and a firefly necklace. ^.^
    The party was awesome. :3

  3. Scooter? I never really read the Blu comics, but i decided to check that out today and it seems pretty interesting. :)
    I have been wanting to do a AJ plushie comic blog for a long time now, mind if i do it? I mean, would that be copying?

    1. I'm not scooter but my opinion is it wouldn't be copying, many blogs make plushie series and a lot of them didn't get the idea from scooter. There's a ton of plushie comic series from sunny the raccoon to strawberry the horse, as long as you don't use a blue summer carnival monkey plushie named Blu as your main character and make really similar adventures, I'd say it would be ok to make a plushie comic series.
      But I'm not scooter, so what do I know? ^_^

    2. Scooter said that it wouldn't be copying it only would if you use the same people. ~3berrygirl~

    3. Ya, it is not copying. Lots of Animal Jam bloggers have Plushie Comic Series. I wasn't the first blogger to have one. Like AJpaleggs said, just try not to copy names and story lines.


  4. Miss Cleverclaw is Duchess Cleverclaw's sister, who was at one point extremely famous.
    Miss Cleverclaw's username is sleepysasha, and Duchess Cleverclaw's is Amelia0308.
    I couldn't make it to the party because my computer is broken and the library where I use a public computer was closed during your party. But my computer will probably be fixed by the Wednesday of this week.
    The bicycle is cool, at least there's one nonmember bicycle. I can't believe AJ won't even let us chat freely now...

    - You can't make symbols such as: -$&@"[ ] { } #%^*+=_|~<>€£¥
    - Can't type two sentences like: My dog eats cheese. Do you eat cheese?
    - Nonmembers can't view the chat history, so if they're on brb and someone says something important, they can't view that.
    - Nonmembers can't use the new feature that allows you to say something you said before, for example if you say "Party my den," you can click the button and it repeats it without you having to type it.
    - Nonmembers can't have FREE CHAT which allows them to SPEAK MORE WORDZZZZZZ
    So that's what I have to say about today's post. -Casually walks away with waffles-

    1. Ikr! I'm grateful I already have safe chat 'cause I'm a non member. AJ is very money hungrey these days

    2. The chat history thing REALLY bugs me! I find it really annoying seeing that I have fast paced role playing friends so there's a lot of drama. I usually need to go for a few minutes to deal with my wild sisters so the chat history would be helpful.

  5. Party was paw some!
    Aren't bikes out already?

    1. Nope the new bikes are upgraded versions with better features than the nm bikes (real nice AJHQ :l).

    2. I just noticed I'm in the picture!
      I'm the orange and black eagle :P

  6. When my computer is fixed, I'm probably making an AJ blog (I've made like 100 but I quit all of them). Any ideas for AJ blog titles?

    1. Hmm.. how about Animal Jam Pudding? :3

    2. Try doing something short and funny. Make sure you look it up on the internet to see if it is taken though! Good luck!


    3. Animal jam no name! :3

  7. I was unable to be at the party... It was above midnight at my place and I was asleep when the party was on. How was the party? :D

    Wheee! There are going to be TWO Blu Comics in a week? I love the stories and I'm definitely going to look at the monkeys on the animals page! ^.^

  8. Scooter, how do you find out Animal Jam's history? Like how do you find the " Two years ago on this day the cleverclaw's dresser was made." Please tell me I would LOVE to add that to my blog :)

    1. Well, visit the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Jamaa Journal Archive! It is located on the right column of the blog. It is the globe. Just click it to find all of Jamaa's past! If you can't find it here is the link:


  9. Gah. -face palm- I forgot that the party was on. Oh well. I'll try next time.

  10. Gald to hear the party was pawsome. ^-^ Not really a fan of the new item, it's just a member version of the NM bike so really not impressed (sorry AJHQ but a new NM item wouldn't hurt these days) The 2 years ago thing is cool, nice to know that our opinions mattered back then. Nice facts on the turutles too. On a sorta random note anybody kinda wishing for more herbal den items? Stuff like hanging herbs (which would be dried leaves tied together with rope hanging from the ceiling), pestle and mortar, jars of herbs (clay jars, at least three, with dark green specks or leaves around it with a jar open so that it shows the herbs inside it), glass bottles of different colours and sizes, pouches of seeds (which would be in a crate with the pouches and have a variety of seeds scattered around), or a singular small brown pouch (with a string around the edges [like the kinda that would close when you pull the two sides where the string sticks out] and have seeds spilling out of it). Just some ideas of mine, many Jammers like to pretend these kinda of things in their dens so for these things to become real would be pretty pawsome. (now we just wait for AJHQ to makes this real and only make t member to spit everybody XD)


    1. Yeah, especially for clan medicine cats/people who love to cook/people who love to garden.

  11. The all about animals is totally copied from cloud claws ):(

    1. No it is not, lots of blogs have All About Animal pages. Our Animal Pages show different information. Cloudclaws is my friend as a Blogger and in Jamaa.

  12. If you look around the middle of the picture, I am the tiger with the red fox hat facing away from the screen! I am right under the middle eagles right wing! Thanks! The party was fun!

  13. I like the roman twist AJ has! For example-
    Hermes; messenger of the gods: winged shoes.
    Zeus; King of the Gods: lighting bolt neck lace.
    Poseidon; Water God: Poseidon statue
    Venus; The female water god: Venus statue
    I think Zios is a twist of Zeus himself!
    As you look through Jamaa, you realize that all the Old things such as
    the lost temple of zios look quite roman. The diamond shop also looks
    very roman with it's huge pillars, mosaic floor, etc. etc.! This is the roman
    twist on jamaa! I do think it is all based on roman mythology!

    1. Hey! Don't you forget the Greeks too! Zeus, Hermes, and Poseidon are the Greek gods! Also Venus is the Roman Aphrodite who is the Greek goddess of love.

      ~ zoehipster

    2. Sorry, the Romans in the later Roman era took a liking to greek, learned the language, and mixed religions. Strange though, they were crazy!

    3. Not a problem, just wanted you to get the facts right ^-^


  14. Hey Scooter!!
    AJHQ sent every jammer a jam-a-gram but when they opened it,it will load forever!!O,O
    I cleared my cache,used my storage accounts,used the new flash player,every is asking what is in the mail!!O,O
    I'm asking everyone for a wood from but they won't tell me what they want from the trade list,i already put my good stuff but nothing :( When they don't want anything off my trade list they would say "I don't want ANYTHING off your trade list" or they just walk away or pretend they didn't see nothing.Some persons are VERY VERY Picky :(

  15. Hey Scooter! I had sooo much fun at The Earth Day party yesterday! We did so much awesome stuff! Next time, I recommend choosing a larger party room! lol


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