
Friday, February 7, 2014

New Items + Actors

Sorry for the late-ish post! We had some weather issues. Anyway the new item in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is a Heart Scarf....
This item looks like the Snowflake Scarfs except with hearts. I guess it is an okay item in my opinion.
Original Color: Pink
Also, they have returned the selling of Heart Blankets
Great returning Friendship Festival Clothing item!
Original Color: Pink
Sunken Treasures has released Pink Treasures...
 I like the black whale! Hey! They should come out with new animal...Whales!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Sunken Ship den...
Seahorses are so tiny ^-^

Comment Call: Comment the location of the image above for a chance to win a prize!

Actors/Actresses for "Sky Scenes":
Elephant - Xavier883
Bunny - avabug01
Wolf - Ambert 
Thanks to all who entered! 
Now just for the actors, please select date and time you would be available for recording:
#1 - 2/8/14 @ 6:00 [AJ Time]
#2 - 2/9/14 @ 6:30 [AJ Time]
#3 - 2/10/14 @ 5:00 [AJ Time]
#4 - 2/13/14 @ 5:00 [AJ Time]
Comment Below the times you are available if you are an actor!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I'll try and be on at some of those times ^-^ --Ambert--

    1. No you have to comment the times that you can record, and then we will choose one specific time.


    2. SQUEEEEEEE SO EXCITED! i might have problems.. but i will try and figure out what time i can make

  2. The pic is from the Blue Heron, right??


  3. its from mt shiver right? near the sign? believe me this took me forever to find... hopefully im right. btw scooter, how do you get the prize? thx

    - Megaplushpack

    1. The winner has to get the answer correct, and they have to be chosen through a random number generator.


    2. So do u jam a gram the prize?
      And thx for the explanation!

    3. Ok I'm sooo sorry for commenting too much. It's only my first real time posting. I really love this blog. It's the first blog I've seen that updates every day! Terrific job Scooter!


    4. I will Jam-A-Gram the prize if you win.


  4. ok the picture is from mount shiver near the sign.


    1. ok the truth is that Megaplushpack got it first. I guess im too late but if I may I would still like to participate


  5. aww I didn't get the part whatever. Congrats to who did! I think that is by Mt. Shiveer. Not sure. That pink treasure sure is cute! Too bad it is non member

  6. Commwnt call: the backround at the farm den :3 pinky522

  7. Comment Call for Feb 7th:
    Mt Shiveer ^.^

    Use: Zwigy

  8. Comment Call: Mt Shiveer, the area near the sign that points to the Sarepia Forest in the background.

    - 3711

  9. Comment Call: Mt. Shiveer, if you go to where the sign is that points to Sarepia Forest, the picture shows the tip of the sign and the few evergreen trees you can see.

  10. omg this comment u must read if u love the alphas of jamaa! saw a youtube video and greely DIED! he was in the volcano! greely is gone! its so sad now there is only 3 alphas. do u think there will be a new alphas sences greely is -sniff- gone? if u dont believe me play greelys inforno at the end is shows it all


    1. I sincerley doubt is is actually dead..... I personally think he manged to freeze him self and didnt die. And what do you mean by three alphas? Every animal has a alpha.

    2. Lol means the main alphas

  11. Scooter, thanks for crushing my dreams


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