
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cupid Heart Rugs

Welcome Jammers! Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog! I love the support! 
The Jam Mart Clothing store is selling the Heart Antennaes from last year...

Great original Friendship Festival item.
Original Color: Purple
The Jam Mart Clothing Store is also selling all new Cupid Wings...

Does anyone else think they look like balloons?
Original Color: Pink
Sunken Treasures is selling returning Heart Rugs...

They look so soft, but not after they are underwater.
Original Color: Pink
The Aquarium has a new video...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Friendship Festival...
I like the Koala's outfit!

Glitches have been popping up everywhere in Jamaa since the update! To start all the rare plaques are itsy-bitsy numbers. It just looks like AJHQ can fix that soon and easy! Now the second glitch is with the free chat. Now, you can't type any symbols or anything after an a ! point. 
It is very annoying to lots of jammers, so lets hope they will fix it soon.

All Actors please COMMENT the times you are available to record!
 #1 - 2/8/14 @ 6:00 [AJ Time]
#2 - 2/9/14 @ 6:30 [AJ Time]
#3 - 2/10/14 @ 5:00 [AJ Time]
#4 - 2/13/14 @ 5:00 [AJ Time]

Just in case an Actor cannot be in the show, I have decided for dreamcloud13 and flippy3141 to be the "backup" actors. So dreamcloud13 and flippy3141 please also comment the times you are available!

Goldcobra won yesterday's Discover Day!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. First comment! Lol i love the new itwms! Im gonna go around being cupid! Im pinky522

  2. Today and tommorow I think I will be available let me just double check

  3. Scooter, you should have a valentines best dressed XD

  4. scooter u houkd really post on the blog that greely died its all over youtube. HE WAS IN THE VALCANO!
    and have u noticed the new chat on animal jam u cant do the following i noticed when i was doing a music video for let it go from frozen. i tryed to say let it go! but it went all red i have free chat so i dont know why this is happening and its not just me some of my favorite animal jam youtubers have it and there cant do !! or ?? or ?! well i will tell u what ajhq u could use all of thoose to say how mad i am! i will explain more later but i have a party and my house and it is starting soon!


    1. oops nvm my clock is off my 3 hours and 2 minutes my alarm clock says its 11:52 buts its only 8:50 so ya that was a bummer


  5. I have confirmed that I am avalible today film. And the 10 and the 13 will work out... only one I cant do is the one tomorow. If possible send a letter when it is time to film. And do I need to dress in any special?

  6. I'll try to be on at most of those times ^=^ Where would I go though? --Ambert--

  7. Scooter, what time zone are you in, because I am in mountain time

    1. Here at the Animal Jam Sky Blog we all follow the Animal Jam Time (Clock at the top right column of blog. Look at the clock and base it off your time zone :)


  8. I normally can around 4-8 PM AJ Time (1 Hour before than where I live), but Today I cant cause I have a Party today-s Afternoon. Maybe Tommorow

  9. I actually like the items today, they are cheerful! I know a lot of members have been upset with the chat changes but I am not because I am a non member. Both of my fox hats have that weird rare glitch! Strange isn't it? I also like that koala's outfit! It is cute!

  10. I can do all but mostly 1 and 2! XD


  11. Scooter? About how long have you had this blog? And do you have co-authors?


    1. Hi! I have owned this blog since March 18th, 2013. I do not currently have co-authors, but I might in the future ^-^





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