
Friday, December 6, 2013

Trains and Treehouses

Welcome all jammers! The Diamond Shop has released it's at once Monthly Membership Gift from last December, it is a Gingerbread Treehouse....
This item is available in the regular clothing and den Diamond Shop, not the Jamaaliday Diamond Shop. 
Spoiler Alert! The 6th Jamaaliday Gift is the Gift Express...
Looks like a big version of the regular train sets.
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Deer...
Deer are so much fun! If you don't have one get one! And if you are nonmember just go to the blogs Add this to your Christmas List page to ask for a membership!

Discover Day

Comment Call: Comment the location of the place above!

Sky News

Clearance Tab updated
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I love the new gift today. So kewl. Also, the curtain's in Outback Imports.

  2. The curtains in Kimbara OutbACK or coral cannons the one with the bees

  3. is it at the play as your pet party? ~surf4life123

  4. when i went to the forest there was 1,0000s of deers there! and the discovery day thing is the top of the bolloon of the seceret pet shop at the "play as your pet party"


  5. Its i seceret balloon shop in play as your pet party i swer i did not copy

  6. its in coral canyons because the rock behind it

  7. Pet Parade! :D The balloon at the pet parade ^u^

  8. I think it is at the the play as your pet party with the big balloon that makes the secret shop float.


  9. The corner of the ballon that is covered with a blanket in the play as your pet party.
    It's the balloon that keeps the shop in the sky afloat. The shop that only flying pets can get to.

    I know lots of other people already commented but I thought I would try just incase everyone else was wrong. XD
    ~ m0nkeygirl6

  10. Its the play as your pet party thing. The special shop for flying pets.


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